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August 2017 Eclipse.


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So, has anyone anything to say about the eclipse? It's been a long time since I've seen one. I think it was around 1993 or so. This one was kind of a letdown. I don't live in the total zone, but I live in the 90-95% zone. It got dark enough that it felt kind of like I was wearing sunglasses, but that's about it. It of course was too bright to direct look, and I value my eyes too much to look at one, So failing all else, I took a picture at the maximum. If I didn't tell you that there was a 93% blockage of the sun, you wouldn't know it.

The pinhole DIY camera I made to view it didn't do anything and so using my camera's eyes was the best alternative. haha!

Anyway, it's not worth uploading the picture imo. But overall, does anyone else have any experiences to share?


Oh, and Legate, Are there any things to note about Cyve's solar eclipses being any different than in real life? Any magical phenomena and that kind of thing?

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I rolled my eyes when I saw that the local newspaper devoted a giant section of the "within this country" page to something that only happened across the Atlantic ocean.

EDIT: Just for reference, there is an Eclipse background option (I assume it's necessary to remind people of that since it's not one of the attribute point ones <_<), but it has basically no fluff description at all. So a bit of lore on that subject would be appreciated.

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Yeah, I know that there's a background for it, which is why I thought of it. A little bit of lore would be useful.

50 minutes ago, Metis said:

I rolled my eyes when I saw that the local newspaper devoted a giant section of the "within this country" page to something that only happened across the Atlantic ocean.

Bwahaha! Gotta love the USA and it's overimportance on the Anglosphere of the Internet.

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The 100% version of the eclipse was unspeakably beautiful. I really don't think there's any comparison at all between the admittedly impressive shadow over the sun you can see with glasses and the unobstructed view at totality. The cold, white ring of fire and petal-like aura were awesome in the traditional sense of the word, they inspired awe.

You come away a little shaken I think. I know I'm waxing rhapsodic but it really was one of the most amazing things I've ever experienced.

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Last time I saw a solar eclipse it didn't have more impact than a small, if unusually dense cloud. And IIRC I was somewhere in the 90+% range. Really underwhelming for the literal years of hype it got (can recall a comic book referencing it years before it happened).

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I think it's kind of interesting how it gets framed, in terms of the percentage. I ended up travelling a couple of hours to get to 100%. Previously I had been convinced that 92% would be "good enough". But the percentage really only describes the degree of occlusion and not the quality of the experience. From what I can tell, a 99% eclipse is really only about 10% as good. All of the really good stuff happens when the sun is totally obscured.

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Yeah, it seems that you need to be completely in its inner shadow. Always hope for next time, I suppose. I didn't see it nearly that dark. This video made me think someone summoned Shenron to make a wish, lol


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