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Update 107: The Most Dangerous Captain


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Perhaps that title is a bit too on the nose? Gave the plot away a bit.Though I didn't expect Kumano to invent paintballs this early. 

5. I can play them off each other later on, but for now equal armament, playing off Scharnhorst's pride.Let's see how dangerous this game can be. SERE didn't quite teach me how to Escape and Evade on a warship, but unprepared I am not. 

Disappointed going for one of the guns isn't an option though. They did tell us where they are. 

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Hi ho!

I'd go for Option 11: "Mind if I test a gun before the hunt?" *reaches for a gun under the table*

But since we're following the rules here, I'll go for option 5, since it's the only one that gives a proper explanation of the conversation's title.


Also, in before...

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5 minutes ago, Legate of Mineta said:


Also, there may be more than meets the eye...muahahaha. :)

Yes, but Scharnhorst underestimates me. There's more than meets the eye here too. Fellow captains! No quarter! 

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I vote 1.

While I would never complain about the inclusion of a knife, I'm not all that sure about what they were expecting it to be used for, given the location is a warship.

I mean, I don't think stabbing any of them would be a good idea...(?)

Actually, can Belles even be harmed by conventional means anyway? If so, do they have some kind of healing(repair?) factor of sorts?
Has this already been answered anywhere?

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Option 5 is flawed.  You’re game.  They aren’t afraid to arm you, there’s just no reason to hand a deer a rifle.  I much prefer option 4, which is the best of the manipulative options.  Many of these options are relying on begging without incentive.  4 makes the game more interesting, and provides a reward for the winner.

Although I am very partial to option seven.  My only Hangul with it is that I do not believe they would put all of their ammunition in one place.

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3 minutes ago, Ninjapacman said:

Option 5 is flawed.  You’re game.  They aren’t afraid to arm you, there’s just no reason to hand a deer a rifle.  I much prefer option 4, which is the best of the manipulative options.  Many of these options are relying on begging without incentive.  4 makes the game more interesting, and provides a reward for the winner.

Although I am very partial to option seven.  My only Hangul with it is that I do not believe they would put all of their ammunition in one place.

See, Option 4 seems like the most "begging" option of them all to me. You don't think you can win the game, so you've resorted to bribery. On the topic of Option 5, on the other hand, I agree with you. That would tend to lead to a firefight, which might leave you trapped in one place long enough to get tagged. 

I'll actually vote option 8. It's got a good amount of sass, and it's just cocky enough to imply that I can both win and enjoy playing. This may have the added side effect of making the belles more angry and thus making our game more challenging, or at the very least, enthusiastic. 

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I am compelled by my NopeNopeNope response being triggered to come out of lurking mode. Excellent work. I've been wanting to get back here.

There are so many hilarious answers in the list that I would love to choose, but my personal foibles prevent me from picking them. I absolutely dislike being manipulated into something like this, especially where it is most likely I will lose. I will freely admit that I am a sore loser. Also, as their commanding officer, I believe that this entire event is probably violating numerous regulations, so there's that.

So, to avoid the match entirely, my choice is 10, as that, in addition to fixing the watch, lets Scharnhorst know I am not to be trifled with either.

Backup answer would either be 4 or 6.

Can someone direct me to the update where her watch was broken?

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I pick the muti stage plan that is 12 step 1 graciously accept the terms of the game. 2 say that you will the start 3 hours now and step outside. 3 get a wireless and call Camicia Nera, Rawalpindi and Saguenay to run interference (that's what you get for not saying that i can't call for reinforcement). 4 go to the med bay put a quarantine sign on the door and go to sleep (yes i'm cheating)

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5 minutes ago, lazarusdw said:

I pick the muti stage plan that is 12 step 1 graciously accept the terms of the game. 2 say that you will the start 3 hours now and step outside. 3 get a wireless and call Camicia Nera, Rawalpindi and Saguenay to run interference (that's what you get for not saying that i can't call for reinforcement). 4 go to the med bay put a quarantine sign on the door and go to sleep (yes i'm cheating)

3 problems with that plan: 1) the 3 hours could be spent actually preparing. Get to a different ship. Set traps. Find a better weapon.  In addition to further post against those rooting for option 5, The knife may not be able to hurt the belles, but I don't believe a paintball gun would change their hunt either, and a knife is useful in other ways. 2) One of them may very well be guarding that comm room that your precious wireless is in. Also, good luck convincing any belles to go up against Scharn and Nubian in a hunting game, who would be in the area and could arrive in less than 3 hours. Naval travel takes time, and there's a war on. No doubt the ugly sister has already made provisions and alerted all operating forces nearby not to interfere, if they don't already have some task to occupy them. And isn't calling in reinforcements dishonorable and cheating? 3) Do you think Scharn, or either of the other belles, for that matter, care about human disease? They are spirits of steel and magic, I do not think we are contagious to them. On that line, do you think a quarantine sign would stop Scharn from barging in and shooting everyone in the room on principle?

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All of the options were wonderful, but I must limit myself to one:

Option 2.

For my reasoning:


Given Nubian brought the munchies and Kumano figured out the munitions, they're all in on this, so neither of them will back out from simply a bribe.  Plus, it's a game between the three of them as much as it's them versus me, which is to my advantage in the hunt.  As they've done their homework and this won't hurt me much kill me, I doubt Gneisenau would save me; she'd probably be disappointed that I stooped so low.

The watch is secondary by this point: I've probably found someone in Switzerland to fix the watch and could make it a hostage, but Sharnhorst, Nubian and Kumano have been setting this up for a while.  As Sharnhorst said, this game is due to breaking it in the first place.

I am a busy captain if I have at least these three - four if Ms. Neutral Territory is included - so I do not want to have to do this every time I break something.  This is a one-time deal, ladies.

They are offering me clothes, food and a knife.  Why would I turn down tools for more food?  The most dangerous of game is crafty and clever: I can already see decoy options in the change of clothes.

However, I'm not so confident as to be arrogant, so I will be insufferable if I win.

Not when I win...   :P



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10 hours ago, Ninjapacman said:

Option 5 is flawed.  You’re game.  They aren’t afraid to arm you, there’s just no reason to hand a deer a rifle.  I much prefer option 4, which is the best of the manipulative options.  Many of these options are relying on begging without incentive.  4 makes the game more interesting, and provides a reward for the winner.

Although I am very partial to option seven.  My only Hangul with it is that I do not believe they would put all of their ammunition in one place.

I think that would only matter to the huntress. You're not negotiating with the only actual hunter among them. You're negotiating with Scharnhorst. Who is not a hunter, and frequently allows her pride to get in her own way. Afraid? Even of a human worthy to be her captain, Scharnhorst knows no such fear...

10 hours ago, Fifrein said:

 On the topic of Option 5, on the other hand, I agree with you. That would tend to lead to a firefight, which might leave you trapped in one place long enough to get tagged. 

That depends on them working together. They won't be. Remember they're competing with each other as much as they are trying to catch you. Much like the original short story, the objective was not to kill the most dangerous game as a group, but to prove yourself the superior hunter and track, drive, trap and otherwise hunt down and kill the prey. Two, or four in this case, can play at that game, especially with weapons parity. If paint is all the rules require you're not just limited to Kumano's paint ball markers either. All manner of possible traps a wily captain can rig up after raiding the supply closet. Please see Mantrapping by Ragnar Benson, which technically doesn't exist yet, for more ideas, or if you want to be in universe, consult a copy of the Marine Corps publication NAVMC 2890 Small Wars Manual for more information and ideas. Unfortunately most of the best resources on the subject haven't been written yet as of 1939. Off the top of my head though, I would personally acquire fishing line, some string, adhesive, a couple candles and some hurricane matches, as many small jars of paint as I can get without sacrificing movement speed, another set of clothes in nice dark colors and maybe some other goodies if I can work out a proper margin of safety. But even without rigging up some downloaded shotgun shells, distractions like a rigged up flare gun and so forth, you can always go full Dennis the Menace with some doors. 

If the rules are that getting paint marked is a loss, and the Belles continue to play after being so marked by the Captain, they've just shown their own weakness, even in defeat, you win. Kumano's along because it will be fun. She's playing, testing out her new toy. Nubian's in it for the thrill of the hunt. She can only read stories and hunt Morgana, this is wish fulfillment. If the "prey" gets a mark on her she's failed, even if she can still get you. If Kumano fails, she'll probably want to play again for much lower stakes later, which you can encourage. Scharnhorst is the only one that might continue even after getting a hit on her and she'll be teased mercilessly by the rest of the fleet if she does. You're playing their game. Play to win. 

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