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Starting Y2 with no imported Characters from Y1


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I have been thinking - since Y2 will not be sold initially with the character importation feature, will the Y2 character generator be strong and diverse enough to create interesting characters who can have Y2 adventures comparatively easily? and how exactly will Y2 character generation work? Will it be, like the Y1 version, based upon multiple stages? Would the Team be willing to share with us at least one option (whether background or list of questions to be answered) from the Y2 character generator?

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Then the upper end is probably a Aranaz char from Freespace with no missing class and a broad spectrum education in all legal magic. (My chars are unsuitable because of using mods and skipping lot of classes)

Also I think its bad to have to powerful starting character as it would make it a bad choice to play your own chars and the difference between player char and NPC students might be to big right from the start.


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I think even my char is a little overpowered compared to what the team has in mind for a pregenerated character. I don't think I want my main as a template. Wouldn't mind making a new character for that purpose though.

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