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Update 122: Fleet Problem Onepointfive y'all

Käpt'n Korky

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I must say I'm glad Velasco finally got to say a few lines...

I will add... Kaga and Nenohi's lines when being sunk/taking critical damage(being defeated, anyway) don't sound all that convincing... Henley sounds WAY more distressed when talking about soggy sandwiches than those two after what in theory(?) should be a rather painful experience.

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Something I noticed because of Korky pointing it out to me: Is it possible that there is the wrong voice clip playing at roughly 1:27 of the new video when Spee fires? I can't really understand it and it doesn't sound german either. It sounds different than her usual voice and almost sounds like Kirov.

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44 minutes ago, Armnorn said:

Something I noticed because of Korky pointing it out to me: Is it possible that there is the wrong voice clip playing at roughly 1:27 of the new video when Spee fires? I can't really understand it and it doesn't sound german either. It sounds different than her usual voice and almost sounds like Kirov.

I think I understand now. right before Spee fires on Lexington, Kirov misses a shot on Henley. So it actually might be Kirov reacting, while Spee not waiting and returning fire. Very German. We're here to fight, not to chat.

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Flagships are determined by an Order of Precedence. Keeping Lady Lex and Arizona and their respective sides, it will always be them.

Grayed ships indeed have left the battlefield- they have 'shifted' out.

We have the option in test to turn on and off individual Belle VO, so it's doable. There isn't a specific UI option for it in Fleet Selection, but that doesn't mean that there ultimately won't be. :)

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I don't recall anyone specifically asking about this in the voting thread for FP #2, which seemed to be the general thread for FP #1 reactions and questions as well, so I'll ask it here.

Is the post battle log you've mentioned already in the game? If so do you think it would be possible to post the log in whichever thread pops up for the relevant FP after one gets created? Or post it yourself when you create the next voting thread for FP #3?

It would be nice to see the breakdown of what happened in more detail, and might clear up or bring to light some questions people ask.

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Although such a thing would be nice to have implemented into the UI for the beta, that wasn't really the nature of my request.

If you can format that battle log into something that any of us on the forums could read and follow along with, without using too much of your time or resources, I believe you should. Posting the battle log after each of the Fleet Problems could only help those of us who are interested in the specifics of each battle that could be easily missed by just watching them visually.

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I meant to post my excitement earlier but got caught up with other stuff.

Wooo, finally some gameplay! I do like the updated UI a lot, very sleek and fancy.

I like the voicework as well on most of them, but like 2 others had mentioned, I was a bit turned off by how on-the-nose (and stereotypical Southern) Arizona's accent is. Not to say the voice actress did a bad job or anything, but I felt like this voice would be better fit for someone like Mississippi (unless Ari and Missy actually share the same voice actress, then disregard this).

Would the next gameplay video after Fleet Problems #2 be of the other stuff like fleet arrangment, building weapons, some VN play, etc?

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