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Viewing the lores


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Is there a way to view all the lores in the game?  Quotes about history, people, etc.?  I would love to run a pen and paper game set in Academagia, but would like to have a bit of the lore at my fingertips to give to the students (Players).  I saw the World of Academagia post, and it has a lot of good information, but less actual quotes and descriptions than you find in the game itself.

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You can look at the lore with the mod tools if you can get the mod tools and the mod base before the last one. The last mod base sadly don't work with the mod tools we got and so we have to wait for Y2 mod tool release to use it.

Natural you only get the Lores that was added till DLC 15 with the DLC 15 AMM but that is the best outside of ingame hunting for the Lores you can do for now.

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34 minutes ago, Rhialto said:

Which system are you using for the game?

Although one need to adjust the difficulties I think using something like Skill + Attribute + 1d10 as replacement for the usual roll from Academagia should work with the character system of Academagia. (If you using a computer dice system you can even use the actual "dice" system Academagia is using)


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I think the differences between D20 Magic and Academagia Magic is to big.

If someone want to play just a magic academy setting similar to Academagia I think Ars Magica is the better system although you need to kick out the world setting of Ars Magica for that.

(I.e. usually in a ArM5 setting you can't teach multiple Apprentice at once in magic and according to the Apprentice book a apprentice just get thought 1 season per year. But if you allow to teach multiple student at once then there is no problem with the apprentice learning 3 seasons per year and so be finished in ~5 years instead of 15 years.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not too familiar with Genesys (though I am at least somewhat familiar with it's effective predecessor, FFG's Star Wars TRPG), though from what I've heard it's (relatively) modular magic system would be a good fit for Academagia. If I had to run a tabletop game in Academagia I'd probably choose 13th Age, but that would take some serious wrenching to get it's magic classes/spell lists to fit the whole "student learning Phemes/spells" setting. Icons are a fun mechanic, though.

As for getting ingame quotes, I'd recommend also checking out stuff like skill descriptions, spell descriptions, etc. For instance, Plot's skill description is this:


"The path of sin moves thusly: Observation, Desire, Covet, Plot, Action. At any point along this line, one thing may be removed and the sin will not occur. I tell you now that the easiest thing to remove is the Plot, for once it is set into motion through Action, there is no turning back." - Calicat Du'lac, 684. The Skill of Plot is the skill of getting what one wants, plain and simple. People make plans to do things that are 'above the board' or 'fair game'; people plot to do things that shouldn't be done.


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