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Is it possible to play Academagia with dev-only content?


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Back again for my bi-yearly posts here when the urge to replay this gem hits me :) 

This time with the following question - 

Is it in some way possible to play Academagia only with content the developers wrote and not with fan-written stuff? I know they were included here and there in DLC's and in the last DLC's rather massively. It's great that this game motivates writers to participate, but if I want the original 'dev-vision/consistency' as it were, is it possible somehow? Or has the fan-made stuff gotten into canon/game mechanics/bug-fixes so much that it would be impossible to untangle?

Maybe it is possible to only install certain DLC's or to manually remove adventures? Or, yes I guess, the easiest way would be to just skip adventures not made by devs, but is there a list of fan-made content in that case? 

This question is not to step on anyone's toes here, I've played with all of the content for several years now, I do like much of it, but personally I'd like a little less content and a more uniform writing and vision in the adventures. If this is possible to do via modding, I'd try my hand with it myself, but I don't know if it's all a big entangled whole by now, nor do I know what content was made by who. 

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I think the closest you're going to get to that is playing the 1.0.0 version of the game, before any DLC was added, but I would not recommend trying that. The fan-added DLC, both in terms of the game's canon and in terms of programming, is so thoroughly blended together with the game's official stuff that the only way you'd be able to definitively tell one from the other is finding the original fan adventure posted in the Writer's Corner. In addition, even just the Team-added adventures aren't all consistent in terms of writing and vision. Things definitely changed over the years, which you can see if you compare some of the student adventures with the DLC 17-added Team adventures.

As for just skipping the relevant adventures, that wouldn't really work unless you also avoided the fan-added skills, random events, and even students by this point.

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I doubt you still can get the real 1.0.0. Version anywhere and even if this is possible you will miss out on a lot of bugfixes. 

To get a 1.0.0 Version of just the content you could try to Publish the AMO as official content with the mod tools and use the result instead of the official content.

Just keep in mind that no one can guarantee you that this will even work. (There will be lot of strangeness if it works because Adventures where only 1 step per adventure call despite written as if many step happen at the same day or the complete location bonus was working different then it works now)

If you don't have the AMO or the Modtools check out if one of the downloads at this thread still works:


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Thanks for the replies Metis and Schwarzbart, I guess it was as I expected, close to not doable, but I was tempted to ask :) 

If I wanted to try with the modding (which I don't think I will, because of all the reasons cited), there is not, as such, a list of all fanmade content available? But could I compile such a list comprehensibly by rummaging around the Writers Corner, or would that just catch some of it? At this point I guess I ask more out of theoretical curiosity. 

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2 hours ago, Rhialto said:

Would you mind citing an example? I am curious.

Compare Zoe Melis' student adventure with, say, the Task Force adventure (don't recall the ingame name, the one where you try to stop Gwendy, Girars and Kurt from murdering each other while they try to drag a herd of deer back to the Imperial Reserve).

1 hour ago, Darkhawk said:

Thanks for the replies Metis and Schwarzbart, I guess it was as I expected, close to not doable, but I was tempted to ask :) 

If I wanted to try with the modding (which I don't think I will, because of all the reasons cited), there is not, as such, a list of all fanmade content available? But could I compile such a list comprehensibly by rummaging around the Writers Corner, or would that just catch some of it? At this point I guess I ask more out of theoretical curiosity. 

Maybe the Team has such a list on hand, but if they don't than I don't think anyone does. As for combing through the Writer's Corner you would be able to get most of it, but you'd definitely not be able to get all of it. The reason I say that is because my first...three? My first batch of adventures that were later added to the game in DLC 16 (Where Death Reigns, Mausoleum of Broken Ivory, and A Day in Incantation IIRC) are no longer on the Writer's Corner because I hadn't figured out how to post them properly yet, and so those are now gone. Not that you couldn't deduce which adventures those are, but in addition to that I actually never got the chance to post An Outing... on the Writer's Corner, due to deadline issues, although it was added into the game in DLC 16. So you'd have to use other topics to figure out that that particular adventure is mine.

I've no idea if the same happened to anyone else, but at least as far as my stuff is concerned you wouldn't be able to rely on just the Writer's Corner to find everything.

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I'm sure there also changes and content that was added just because of some "Player" suggestion in the Suggestions & Improvement thread so you have to look there also.

Beside I'm also not sure if all my bigger suggestions are in the writer corner, I think one or 2 where delivered in a more direct way.

If I remember right some of the integrated player created adventures are supposed to have a continue in the 1.0 release version of Year 2, but we have to see if the team actual manage this. (Especial the player Created Familiar and Students will sure need content added in a 1.0 Version)


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