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@Legate of Mineta: An idea that I had. The PC (student in Schohanwicht) could, in Mineta, meet a person his/her own age of appropriate sex/gender (allowing for gay or straight relationships in later years) who reveals a disquieting philosophy based upon Chinese Legalism. The PC can then find out that this person is a student at the Schohanwicht school who recognized the PC from classes but attends classes under glamours to disguise the body/face/voice. This can lead the PC and the Student to discuss how they feel as gates users in a state where they could be killed for it. Much opportunity for disquiet over legalist approaches to human nature, slavery, etc. The student could reveal at the end of Y2 that he/she is from another world. Possibilities for 3 and beyond depending upon redacted lore from the Schohanwicht school:

A. Student is lying, trying to build up authority/manipulate the PC.

B. Student is telling Truth (and was exiled from home universe?)

C. Student is not telling truth but was tricked by cabal of glamour mages (really comes from Empire of Man)

C. Student is not telling truth but was tricked by cabal of glamour mages (really comes from outside Empire of Man)

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3 hours ago, Legate of Mineta said:


If it's only content, yes. If there is a CP, though...that would be the problem.


Great suggestions! :)

Yes my thought was that engine changes are updated direct to the game and the content via free DLC with a clear description. Especial if you add content that isn't needed for other DLC and don't have content fixes it would be great if the DLC added works like a mod so that you might have something like this:

DLC 1 fixes & new content

DLC 2 also contains DLC 1

DLC 3  Free Player suggested content 

DLC 4 also contains DLC 1 & 2 

(maybe someone come up with something even better because this is still not optimal)

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@Legate of Mineta: If I like Catherine Chard's character (am playing first game in which I will try for her adventure), I may be interested in writing a scene in which she and the PC discuss what to do for their summer vacations, similar to those that I wrote for Uliva and Zoe. Would this be acceptable?

Also, I hope that there will be a memory system to ensure that characters will not be able to do during the school year what they did during the summer vacation.

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I think stumbling on old info of element magic could be a interesting adventure with interesting follow up research.

Something like elemental darkness could cover dampening and erasing other energies, something that is also possible with Negation magic, but also could cover leeching Health and Stamina. Researching it could improve Negation magic slightly but also add leeching Spells to the Negation Magic spells of the player / student.

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@Legate of Mineta: I feel uncomfortable with writing a scene for Catherine Chard because she is so class-conscious and I am not knowing enough about the class hierarchy in Mineta (plus the Pauper's Bane - would not want them to discuss). But I would gladly write a scene for the PC and Beatrix von Wetgen if you want, in which the PC may choose to agree to help Beatrix with writing and publishing the report about the Imperial Reserve's animals.

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On 11/27/2018 at 3:54 PM, Rhialto said:

@Legate of Mineta: I feel uncomfortable with writing a scene for Catherine Chard because she is so class-conscious and I am not knowing enough about the class hierarchy in Mineta (plus the Pauper's Bane - would not want them to discuss). But I would gladly write a scene for the PC and Beatrix von Wetgen if you want, in which the PC may choose to agree to help Beatrix with writing and publishing the report about the Imperial Reserve's animals.


When I did her adventure with her she decided she didn't want/need it in the end. Least not for now. Probably best that way.

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10 hours ago, Albert said:


When I did her adventure with her she decided she didn't want/need it in the end. Least not for now. Probably best that way.

Yes, and that was a genuinely interesting end. Still, I don't feel comfortable writing about two 13 year olds talking about Pauper's Bane. Such a violent title for an artifact, and any softening of the violence that I might do might contradict the plans of BCS.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Legate of Mineta: A proposal, inspired by my latest playthrough, in which my male character got 11 relationship with Miya and Catherine Chard. There in Y2 should be some type of "switch affection" ability so that characters can switch affection between eligible NPCs. Perhaps with the caveat that if they are not skilled enough at, say, flirtation, they lose relationship with one, or both, NPCs. 14 year olds can be so rapid in changing their minds about whom they are attracted to. 

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@Legate of Mineta: I am thinking of writing, as a possible conclusion to my Beatrix von Wetgen adventure, that Beatrix rightly suspects the PC of using Mastery Magic but does not want to investigate because the PC used such magic to save her from a criminal who was using mastery magic against her (who would always be confronted as the climax of the adventure). Is this, in theory, permitted?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Because I suspect we get one more update for year 1 at some point could you the please add the ingame name of the DLC / CP of it to the update message at steam? It also would be great if you could mention in the update message that the player should activate the official content at game start but only one of them. (Someone was asking at steam recently again how to handle it)

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45 minutes ago, Metis said:

Seems like it's one of (many) items that requires an inventory slot which doesn't actually exist. That could be fixed by changing it's type to Scroll/Document, but I can't say for sure whether there'll be another content patch at this point. And whether it'll be included, if there is.

@Metis was speaking about the item "Imperial Decree #37-01 Unlawful Taking of a Life". So the item "Imperial Decree #37-01 Unlawful Taking of a Life" needs some adjustment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Legate of Mineta: Would it be possible in Y2 or future years to have a function that would convert a PC's character sheet into a text document that could be stored upon a player's PC and shared upon fora? I ask because I really want to be able to write down the statistics of my best character so far, but this would be tedious in terms of copying from a series of screen shots.

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