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Patch 10 break the Char Display


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After I updated to Patch 10 the "Ability and Actions", "Skill and Research" and "Magic" Windows are empty except for the Headlines! (This is true for complet new chars and for old chars)

Loading a other Char have broken the Vittality display also (21 Vitality displayed for a 1 ingame day old char!)

Even deleting both Catch folder didnt help. But it brought awearnes to me that loading a game from the Startscreen after removing them result in a very long loading time after the loading apear to be finished but all buttons still clickable.

Even after a complet new install from a Backup with the Release Version after cleaning all the catch Folder , removing the complet Academagia - The Making of Mages directory I still have the same Problem with Patch 10.

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After I updated the game I am seeing some issues as well. The left-infomation bar, with Actions, Skills, Magics, are all bank. Right uptil the point that I finish a day with a given 'tab' selected. Like if I finished a day with Skills active on the left infobar, the game will update which skills I have. The other 'tabs' does not seem to update with it though.

My skills for example do not show any increases despite I trained the day before. If I opened up some new skills they do not get listed either... so I suspect that there is a problem with the pages not updating properly when you click a tab...


But... yeah... :/

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After I updated the game I am seeing some issues as well. The left-infomation bar, with Actions, Skills, Magics, are all blank.

The only time I get something like is when I got out of the game and run a lots of resource heavy program at the back so the game lack the resource to load things up properly and give up with a blank instead.


Maybe turn off all your virus programs and other resource heavy stuff.

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It seems to be an issue there as well. (I even seem to hve 14 Stress in this load o.O I think the poor kid is going down with a nervous breakdown!)


Again, it only seems to update correctly at the end of the day (and only the tab that was selected prior to ending the day)



Nyaa, the only heavy thing I am running in the background is Media Player and Steam, no anti-viral programs to speak of... That said I'll try it once more with those programs down as well, to see if there is a change.

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