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A few in game questions


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While we know of plenty of places on school grounds that are barred to students for various and sometimes inconsistent reasons, I was wondering if there were places the faculty are restrained from visiting.

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4 minutes ago, Schwarzbart said:

@RhialtoWould she bother with a coffee shop when she can turn apple into gold and this apparently quite lasting? (the apple you get from her during the adventure is worth 400)

I would think that Professor Aventyrare and others would be quite keen to restrict her efforts in that regard. Am I right, @Legate of Mineta? Besides, Pelia runs a coffee shop even when unsupervised, making me think that she genuinely enjoys brewing and selling coffee.

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23 minutes ago, Rhialto said:

I would think that Professor Aventyrare and others would be quite keen to restrict her efforts in that regard. Am I right, @Legate of Mineta? Besides, Pelia runs a coffee shop even when unsupervised, making me think that she genuinely enjoys brewing and selling coffee.

Your wrong she did work in a Clockmaker shop the coffee shop was down the street! Also she even said "Do I look like I’m going to make you coffee" !

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Team's perspective:

"For the record: yes, Aventyrare would probably discourage the golden apple trade.  That said, it's an alchemical transformation, not wand-and-Pheme Revision; alchemical effects can often be reversed or corrupted, but if left alone (and uncut) one of these apples is likely to stay gold for years (or longer).  As long as Pelia disclosed that they were alchemical creations when she sold them, there wouldn't be anything illegal about the trade - and that was something she was always up-front about. 

As for her skills with coffee: no, Pelia was emphatically not serving coffee at the time the player met her.  That said, if somebody wanted to say that the shop had been a clearing house for imported coffee and tea at some point in the past six or seven years and Pelia had learned a thing or two... well, there's physical evidence of a sort to back it up.  I mean, the sign is there.

That said, it's worth stressing that when the Clockmaker Adventure wrapped up Pelia wasn't exactly in need of a new job.  Nobody was threatening to take the clockmaker's shop away from her, she could earn a simple living (or better) with her magical/alchemical skills - and with clocks! - and on top of all that Professor Aventyrare would almost certainly find ways to help her out if she needed the help.  If she's selling coffee on the streets for a reason, more power to her, but I don't think it's a step we would've predicted in Y1."

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1) How old is the Crystal Bridge in the Godina Park? I suspect it must be after the last ban or one could learn Gate and Mastery from it as well.

2) Will Y2 change how CoS / CoF work?

3) Do we see our CoS & CoF in Y2 and if so as mouse over info with the rolls or "just" in the character sheets?

4) Will some CoS / CoF values we have in Y1 will change during the import to Y2?

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1) "The bridge was assembled literally overnight in 1042, and even today the experts at Vernin aren't really sure how Kimani Nosakaj made it happen.  Each of the 289 component crystals appears to be uniquely and independently enchanted, and in aggregate their magic is famously "like a symphony."

There's a decent chance that Gates and Mastery expressions have been suppressed by later enchantments, and it's worth noting that to this day the professors at the Academy don't consider the bridge entirely safe for students; there's a reason the risk for detenion if being caught playing there is so high."

2) Yes- it's got a soft cap.

3) You can view it in the tooltip now.

4) No, but see #2.

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1. Exactly how does Schohanwicht deal with folks who manage to find the place in manners outside of their control? I mean, sure, it's pretty obvious what would happen if said person was the type to spoil their little secret, but how much leeway do they give someone before they resort to extreme measures? Especially since most would be mages of some sort. I only ask if I need to worry if I accidentally unlock a location there in future years. I assume my game won't end of course  but it would be nice to know how tolerant they would actually be in lore of me not being a student there but still roaming around the library, waving at passers-by while looking at forbidden biographies...

2. Assuming that you become a student at Schohanwicht, how friendly are the instructors? I know from the induction interview that they're not exactly there to be friends. Given the serious nature of studying the art, I thought that perhaps they were always cold and down to business. I was wondering if you could shed some light on the instructors who teach players in Y1 and if they allow themselves to let at least a little personality through in their teaching methods, while wearing those enigmatic hoods.

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For Free:

"1.  The Schohanwicht school has very complicated magical defenses.  It might even be fair to say that the founders and masters of the school tried to reverse-engineer the nature of the Venalicium - the discretion it exercises in choosing its guests - and though they didn't really succeed at that, they've done well enough for their own purposes.

Basically, powerful hostile wizards can break through with enough time and effort, though one can generally anticipate their coming.  Accidental wanderers who just show up on the grounds, though, are generally there because they have an affinity for the place; there are astrological benchmarks that suggest that they aren't threats and could ultimately be of use.

In lore, then, if you show up without being a registered student, you're likely to be watched.  You're likely to get some polite (but stern) warnings not to cause trouble.  But mostly people are going to be quietly studying you and trying to figure out what you signify.

2.  The faculty is sworn to what's known as the Concordia Personarum.  There's more to it than any entry-level student would know, but the main thing to take away is that they don't share anything about their lives outside the school (if they even have them) to the students.  They're allowed to lie about their names or divulge no names at all; they're encouraged to hide or disguise their faces (though it isn't mandatory); they're not supposed to talk about their worldly estates or titles in any way.  And they're really, really not supposed to fraternize with the students.

That said, they're not all interchangeable in affect; some are funnier than others, and others would probably like to dissect you.  There's even one you have the vague sense you know, though you couldn't say from where.

But none are chummy, and none really stick around after lectures to talk to the class."


For Schwarzbart:

"Actually, Morvidus historically has some issues with attracting Fey powers and attention.  Some would say that that's ultimately the same as Gates, assuming the oldest powers of the Courts may not originally be from this plane and don't necessarily spend all their time on it, but it's not really a settled question."

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