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A few in game questions


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"Corner Sight isn't actively discouraged, but it's rare - even at the Academy.  Bluntly, the fact that it has a verbal component in Bassan (and only in Bassan, mind you) makes it very specialized even by the standards of what you might call cross-disciplinary magic.

As mages grow more powerful, the scope of the spatial awareness conferred by the spell grows as well; you can theoretically extend your pseudo-senses around you a full 360 degrees simultaneously with a reasonable degree of fidelity and range.  (I.e., if somebody's approaching from thirty feet behind you, you would certainly know relative positions, you might recognize a face, but you might not necessarily perceive color.)  But even for people very familiar with the spell there's a risk of sensory overload.

Not in a painful sense (usually), but just that it's hard to track literally everything happening around you at any given time."

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Could you combine Corner Sight with another spell, say, to extend the range, or let you see through walls? Seems like it would be a great deal more complicated, but as Corner Sight is something even a first year could do, surely it should be possible. Though how difficult would it be due  to the poor understanding of the nature of cross pillar magic?

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Didn't miss it, but the answer came later. :)

"It ultimately depends on the caster's Palette (and the assistance of the Familiar).  It's certainly possible to have multiple magical effects crowding for your attention at any time; they generally do not merge, cancel or interact with each other unless they are designed to do so.

Or unless you're really overcrowd your Palette."

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"The official metamagical explanation you'd find in a Theory of Magic class is that, via the Bond, the Familiar is an extension of the wizard's Palette. This enables them to visualize (rather than draw) Phemes and cast spells, albeit in a limited way.

But this asserts that all magical agency comes from the wizards while familiars are technically just supernatural side-effects, so it's possible the question doesn't get the attention it deserves."

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1. That spell that Orso used to give the PC his magic abilities. Is the team willing to tell us anything about it? How long does it last? What happens if Orso was to use it on a wizard roughly considered his equal?

2. Have there been cases of Masterers molding a mind to think it was someone else? Perhaps in a foolish effort to replace a loved spouse or such from a similar looking person? How badly did these cases end? :)

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"1.  [Redacted] :)

2.  Yeah, unfortunately, there have been a number of documented instances of that - some of them genuinely ghoulish.

One of the more famous (and perhaps consensual) cases had to do with an eighth-century general named Sixtus Albrassus, who had a bodyguard who would stand in as him in cases where it was to his advantage to be in two places.  In fairness, there's a fair amount of scholarly debate about whether Albrassus took control of his agent from afar or whether the agent was periodically mastered into believing he was the general - but the camp documents from the period strongly suggest that it was the latter.

Part of why this case is reasonably well known is that it ended dramatically.  The real Albrassus was poisoned by an enemy spy before the Battle of Montganier, but the bodyguard (acting as the general) went on to lead the wildly outnumbered defending army to victory after a seventeen-day siege.

When the fighting was done, the bodyguard was released from the Mastery spell, and then promptly banished from Yssiac and the Compagnie de Meril as a pretender to a rank and station that wasn't his own.  There are a number of ballads devoted to his adventures as "the Faceless Man" over the next fifteen years or so.

Usually the endings are much darker than that, though."

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34 minutes ago, Legate of Mineta said:


1 & 2) Mmm...you'd have to ask her. :)

3) "It's not uncommon.  Some of the students asked early on in Y1 and word got around the school pretty quickly, so she doesn't get questioned from day to day.  But when she's in town - particularly if visiting a barber - it probably comes up once or twice a month."

So what is the gossip about her hair that did spread around? (If you don't give us her answer then we just have to go with what the word of mouth is as our chars for sure have heard it!!!)

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What you would have heard is:

"Well, what she says is that it's her natural color, inherited from her mother's side of the family, and she just keeps it very clean - though maybe less obsessively than our Mistress Kiffer.

There's then a certain amount of unsubstantiated gossip about whether her mother is a faerie noble, or a shapeshifting swan, or a moon spirit, or just from somewhere very far to the north; Neta doesn't comment on any of this, though, so any truths contained in the rumors are purely accidental.  There's also a certain amount of questioning about whether the hair might have unusual magical or astrological properties.  There are also debates about whether Neta is bragging about her hair, and is therefore stuck up, or is embarrassed by the attention.

It should be said that Olivia Solari periodically gets very annoyed with Neta, and she's not above spreading idle speculation about the family having been touched by Gates magic at some point - or just generally indulging in morally degenerate behavior as part of running a tavern."

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Because we're talking about gossip of irreputable magic, and since the story is out of my hands at the moment, I was wondering what the immediate aftermath of Mr. Pebbles' trimuphant return to the PC would be? I mean, we already know how the faculty would react more or less, but I can't see the Regents being able to control the student gossip! Especially those of eye witnesses. Can the team elaborate what the PC had to put up with for the next few weeks?

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"Well, fortunately for the PC, pretty much anything having to do with Mr. Pebbles is too surreal for the rest of the student body to be intimidated by.

Imagine you were an eleven year old in the real world and you had, like, a Jack Russell terrier that was regularly dressed in a tuxedo jacket and had its fur dyed purple, and it followed you everywhere and liked to mark territory at really inauspicious times.  Then imagine that you were in school one day, and suddenly a small spaceship of extraterrestrial origin crashed down in the school's front lawn, released your dog, and promptly disintegrated.  The dog then promptly ran into the principal's office and relieved itself beside one of the legs of the office desk.

The first assumption would not be that the dog had been on a bizarre intergalactic adventure and had returned with proof of non-human technologies.  The first assumption would be that you were a lunatic and this was all, in some messed-up way, you and your crazy dog being you and your crazy dog.

Shorter version: people pretty much think this is all a prank.  Maybe it was your doing, maybe it was Rui's, maybe it was whoever was responsible for creating Mr. Pebbles in the first place, but it's all Glamour and nonsense or something.  The professors certainly aren't going to risk panic by going into too much public detail about Gates magic.

Shorter shorter version: you basically get teased mercilessly if you're embarrassed about it or you get embraced as a comedic genius if you take credit for it.  :)"

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7 hours ago, Legate of Mineta said:

It should be said that Olivia Solari periodically gets very annoyed with Neta, and she's not above spreading idle speculation about the family having been touched by Gates magic at some point - or just generally indulging in morally degenerate behavior as part of running a tavern."

@Legate of Mineta: Is Neta's family tavern-keepers?

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Could creating a new species as Girars doing with your help in his adventure also consider a year 5 project for Morvidus? 

Do I remember it correct that for most Y2 start requirements , be it how your parents react to your skills or what class / college you can continue in next year if you didn't take it a class in y1, a skill level of 5 is the just bare passing grade? 

Will Y2 have special class beside the special tutorship from a Professor for overachiever, like they going into a Y3 class instead of a Y2 one? 

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Not going to lie, I really loved that analogy! I nearly lost control of myself laughing! I felt that there might have been one or two students to at least try to investigate the incident. I honestly would expect at least Rikildis to report on it, even if her article would likely be filled with errors and opinion due to being more interested in scandal tabloidism than doing much investigation. Though I suppose that would be quite in line with the embarrassment as was described.

[Potential Spoilers for Y2]

Though I must confess, after the events of Mr. Pebbles' Y2 adventure which I outlined, a pattern starts to emerge and I can't help but wonder if the students and also the professors might start noticing that. After all, no matter how surreal Mr. Pebbles is, eventually people are going to realize that he really has been going on these crazy journeys. Certainly the PC would be wise to not take too much credit!

I don't think I ever gave more than broad strokes of where I wanted to go with Mr. Pebbles, but I did tell of his backstory in private. If The PC was to consult Badcrumble over what Astrological forces were at work in causing these "episodes" or epic returns, (which I am going to say have happened even before Y1, even if not on the same scale.) What would she say?

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54 minutes ago, freespace2dotcom said:

Not going to lie, I really loved that analogy! I nearly lost control of myself laughing! I felt that there might have been one or two students to at least try to investigate the incident. I honestly would expect at least Rikildis to report on it, even if her article would likely be filled with errors and opinion due to being more interested in scandal tabloidism than doing much investigation. Though I suppose that would be quite in line with the embarrassment as was described.

[Potential Spoilers for Y2]

Though I must confess, after the events of Mr. Pebbles' Y2 adventure which I outlined, a pattern starts to emerge and I can't help but wonder if the students and also the professors might start noticing that. After all, no matter how surreal Mr. Pebbles is, eventually people are going to realize that he really has been going on these crazy journeys. Certainly the PC would be wise to not take too much credit!

I don't think I ever gave more than broad strokes of where I wanted to go with Mr. Pebbles, but I did tell of his backstory in private. If The PC was to consult Badcrumble over what Astrological forces were at work in causing these "episodes" or epic returns, (which I am going to say have happened even before Y1, even if not on the same scale.) What would she say?

I would think that Lambert would be interested in investigating Mr. Pebbles, because he is suspicious and likes investigating strange rumours.

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"Oh, yeah, Rikildis would've had a field day - but she would've been more focused on chaos in the classroom, prank war ramifications, and how long the player character would be in detention.  ;)

For Lambert, at least in year one, Mr. Pebbles falls into a blind spot.  Lambert likes subtle mysteries and grand conspiracies, and that's not what Mr. Pebbles looks like at a glance.  At some point, when he's older, he might start taking Mr. P. very seriously indeed.

Professor Badcrumble is... keeping quiet too.  Suffice it to say that she's done astrological studies of all the familiars - as well as all the students.  It's not meant to be comprehensive or privacy-violating, but if there's a strong likelihood of disaster the school would like to be prepared.

So... it's possible steps are being taken behind the scenes.  But the player character isn't in on them."

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Can Astrology used to give other Astrology user wrong info about one target? I.e. to prevent that the target in question will/has learn(ed) Mastery.

Can Gate magic be used to trick Astrology in some way that the study of Gate magic of the target isn't easy revealed?

(I kind of expect that Astrology also have ways to counter other Astrology magic in some way. But for Gate magic I have my difficulties how this could be done to protect students to easy reveal the secrets)


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