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Update 31- Kitakami (The Crit Hit Bae!)

Nel Celestine

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Well.......The Kitakami in KanColle was still neat, but her 'Kai' & 'Kai ni" being lazy as can be. Same pose, just different colour [note]. Yeah, you guys win in making Kitakami awesome, and I wish the KanColle developers would go back to fix up her Kai & Kai Ni art. Same with Ooi also. The two laziest remodels, something that got me in trouble on the KanColle forums for saying such when defending Murakumo. But yeah......


What a crazy 'raw' Kitakami. She's quite untamed, yet curious if there's a way to refine her personality, if one choses to do so. I love that outfit, and I love that axe. Speaking of my troubles on my forum, let's spin this back into creative fun that I now wish Kitakami in KanColle had this type of axe in her Kai Ni similar to Murakumo's weaponry use. An artistic opportunity wasted that you guys win by making Kitakami awesome in Victory Belles. A shame such frustrations have to be present on KanColle side, yet now hoping to see some fun with Kitakami with her lovely axe hitting fun.


Anybody curious enough to see how Kitakami would use her axe on her own ship, and even on a dock somewhere? Fan art? Might be waiting a long while for that fan art though. :rolleyes:

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