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Update 36 - Leningrad

Nel Celestine

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Am I the only one who's annoyed that her eyebrows transcend her hat? That said, i'm conflicted. I was rather hoping when we heard it was a Borscht Belle that it would be Kirov or Profintern (Definitely wishing for Profintern) but regardless my opinion of Leningrad has improved and I'm glad we got a Russian at all. Although, this was probably the first foreign interview I can recall where the Belle didn't speak her native language. Very interesting.

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Posting in both to continue the draw! Haha! But shenanigans aside, I suppose I can put the technical stuff I didn't put in my post in Nel's thread here. Like new conjecture from subtle hints: "...12 Belles and Morgana for a total of 128 out of 158 for 1939...." So the 158 number also includes Morganas, eh? That's both good because it significantly narrows the number of expected belles per nation (Which was troubling me as I tried to guess which belles would be in game that weren't on the bingo), and a bit sad because it means less belles than expected will be in the game to start. But, it does lower the chances of some belles being in the game that I was kind of hoping weren't. We shall see.

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I was pretty indifferent to Leningrad, but this interview was too funny.

Also, so exciting to see the UI come together!! I love the gun effects and the layout of it all. It's come a long way!

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Now I have dueling banjos stuck in my head... Anyway, pretty excited by the UI stuff posted. Apparently not skimping on the voice acting, that should be a treat. Thank the team for all the hard work for us!

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Is it a good or a bad thing that I think that's probably not the biggest slight this forum has made against a Belle?

I'm frankly more surprised she wasn't miffed at not being on the Bingo board at all for months.


It looks as though a ship's layout in dry dock be of a generic member of the class (Battleship) with slots appropriate to the Belle (Mississippi). I was initially confused how that ship had four appropriate slots.


As far as the guns for the firing phase, I liked the movement from directly ahead to facing the target, it helped me tell who was aiming at who. The muzzle flash was about 1/3 of what they should have been though. :D


Did any of the shots miss? I couldn't tell.

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@Dano - Will let'em know!


@PG - Yep, generic by class of ship. Behind the scenes it's set up so that we could have it by the specific ship, too, but...that's not for '39. ;)


Thus far, it only registers a miss if the whole salvo misses. Otherwise, if even one shell hits, it shows a hit.

Then how am I going to know that my ship's primaries are good, but her secondaries couldn't hit the broad side of a barge?

Please don't tell me that just because a ship has cutting edge goodies mean all of it works...[insert joke about US torpedoes in '39]. :rolleyes:

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