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A fan artist appears


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We, at the discord, recently came across a fan artist on twitter who has been making fan art of the Belles. (I'll post some of his work here.) Warning, some of his work on twitter is NSFW. If possible we would appreciate a shout out to him in hopes that he will be inspired to continue his work!


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Oh my goodness! That's definitely her!


I'll pass this on to the Team. :)


I will say though that in true fan artist fashion he has made her more *ehem* "impressive" than she is (not complaining)


Now I only wonder what Mahan'll think of this new attention to her

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Now I'm really sad that this wasn't discovered a week earlier, because if Leningrad left this on the table for Mahan to find...

Or even better, Mahan posing for a pinup. Something something "moral of the sailors" something something

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I have already saved all his art for future reference.... And possibly usage in extortion. Who knows. Some of these are pretty compromising. With my incredibly small twitter account that I haven't used in years, I managed to send a tweet to him asking for more art and complimenting him on what he has already done. Hopefully that comes to fruition.

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Now all we need is some art of Mahan and...A3 Belle in the most compromising pose and/or clothes that Kickstarter will allow to be posted in the next interview, to celebrate the first fan art. Well, as compromising as is allowed and within reason, but I assume the former qualifies for the latter. It might cost the Captain's Association it's collective dignity, but you guys know their reactions will be worth it.

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ahh... this is just amazing..... i hope someone will put this up in one of the booru img boards so it gets more attention

a tag was attempted and then deleted. Not sure what rules they use to determine what tags live or die. Maybe amount of content?
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Well that would be rigged; I can't draw for crap!



Though I do agree with finding some way to add some fans to the alpha!



Of course, it's up to Legate...but another fun raffle idea could be a story write-up...or even some ship modeling. I don't know...it's just a way to keep more attention on Victory Belles since this year is almost over...and I think the Alpha is in March :).

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