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There hasn't been any problems? I have not been able to load the page for a few days. Maybe it is something on my end then! I am visiting my parents and on their net, so it may be that the site is somehow blocked back home. <_<


Well, if nothing else then I'm glad that I have access again.

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Well, I can say with confidence that DLC 17 is coming along nicely. I've been beta testing it for the team, and I have to say it looks really awesome, though I haven't been able to really get into it because all the bugs have forced it to crash too much on me.


I'd *love* to show you guys but then I'd never get invited for another beta test again, and Y2 is just too irresistable to risk losing the chance to play that early. :)

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Well, I'm certainly not the type to do unsavory things with such information, but I admit it is very hard to not gush out on the forums.


I'm 99% sure the only thing holding me back on that is my respect for the team, and the fear of them closing their hearts to us due to, erm, *acccidental* releases. It's an unspoken honor and responsiblity, etc, etc, etc. And we need to preserve these bones when they're given because waiting without them would be unbearable.


That, and I want them to keep answering my questions! :)

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Yup. At them moment, with the current build, I can't even start a new game without it locking up, on the previous build, It crashed on my first turn. Nobody wants that to happen, especially new steam players.

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That's...odd. By now I've gone so far as to take two students all the way into Aruit to test REs, since I've already found [redacted] that I'm going to find (though the last time I said that I [redacted] all at once, so take it with a grain of salt) and so I decided to look for new REs. I admittedly am somewhat lacking on the positive identification of new REs front, but still....


Spoiler: My current char has been casting Luck Luck Luck Luck Luck religiously since the start of Gelamenus, and over four ingame months later I'm still getting an RE every day. And, of course, [redacted]. Though that perhaps was to be expected.

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*Checks to confirm the wardrobe actually supports 100 items*


Comfortably? Well, huh. That's...one hell of a wardrobe, actually. Pray tell, Legate, how do our PCs stuff potentially 100+ items into a single wardrobe anyhow? It's not Gates-enchanted, is it? Because I'm totally stealing that thing if it is.

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At any rate, if it IS gate magic - and I am not saying that it is mind you - but if it is, then clearly it was like that before I got it. Obviously

The school is old, the dorms are very old aswell... We can only guess how old that wardrobe might be....


Maybe it was crafted by Vernin 5th years during the era when gates was "legal" and the Legate ordered them to create these wardrobes to end all the complaints and issues about schooluniforms going missing, so the wardrobes were enchanted with a bag of holding similar enchantment and a special ward that only allowed the legal room occupant to open and utilise the wardrobe without breaking all the enchantments and the wardrobe alltogether.. Which I'm sure was made very sturdy.


There you have it. That's why noone ever messes with your wardrobe, because they know how hard or pointless it is, least among first years. Maybe if you were a super skilled 5th year skilled in enchantments and I guess the Gates and whatever else might have been enchanted on it... Then maybe you could stretch the magic just like you did with that map in the Legates adventure.

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