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KS Update 58 - Sandwh...Henley!

Panay's Ghost

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I called it. She was a gimmick, and nothing but. I'm a little disappointed really. So much you could have done with the namesake. I'm especially fond of the sailors of USS Constellation and their victories, as they were the first American built warships to defeat major vessels of a foreign power.




The word 'sandwich' appears in this interview an unreasonable amount of times. 25 to be exact. I love sandwiches. I practically live on them. They're about 60% of my diet. This is too much sandwich for even me.


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Sandwiches are good. Okay, it was a bit overplayed, but still amusing in its own right. Also, her taking over the sign-off was pretty funny. Design-wise, I like that sabre. Can't figure out what that can is on her hip though.

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Lets be honest here we all know Henley was going to be meme around sandwiches like KC Yuudachi with poi. She is exactly what I expected her to be like, though the thing that amuse me the most is that Mahan is cool with Henley being late due to well food, and her now ongoing nickname of Professor among the American Belles.

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Hi ho!


Well, that was quite the interview. Now i understand why sandwiches are a part of her.


And yes, Ninja, i understand your disappointment. But Belles are like people - sometimes their first impressions are flawed. But give them time (and the chance) and they could...*puts shades on*...turn around.


(I'd insert the "Yeaaaah" img here, but right now i can't XD)

(Also, an art of a Belle putting on sunglasses would be funny to use; do ask Salmon, if you would)





Do note that it was Henley that signed off the interview, not Mahan. I believe that was a first.

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I thought Henley was alright, never knew a quarter of those sandwich combos existed(Tuna Salad on wheat for me)... or even half the bread.


Cares enough about her sisters to know their favorite sandwich, pretty good information for family picnics.

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I called it. She was a gimmick, and nothing but. I'm a little disappointed really. So much you could have done with the namesake. I'm especially fond of the sailors of USS Constellation and their victories, as they were the first American built warships to defeat major vessels of a foreign power.




The word 'sandwich' appears in this interview an unreasonable amount of times. 25 to be exact. I love sandwiches. I practically live on them. They're about 60% of my diet. This is too much sandwich for even me.



So...the sandwich nod was due to the Pearl Harbor incident? I thought it was alright, considering that Kancolle characters also have unusual quirks (i.e. Kongo's obsession with Admiral, Yuudachi's Poi, Akatsuki's lady craze).

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The actual ship and the man she was named after? Pretty interesting!

The Belle herself? Honestly disappointing.


I was hoping she would be more than a sandwich glutton but there wasn't really any "hook" that grabbed me to say that she had something more to her under all the sandwiches. I felt like the gimmick was pounded into my head so much that I was turned off.


I can understand that, like with KanColle, creating a lot of unique characters is super hard. So there will be some characters that are one-note gimmicks or have a flat personality, eg. Kongou or Yuudachi in the KanColle anime (and I like both in the game itself, but just not really in the anime).

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Oh, I don't know, I feel as though there is a lot of them both in there, personally. But I also think it's alright for Belles to be uncomplicated on occasion. It can be a breath of fresh air in the other direction.


Just my opinion, of course. ;)


That's what I kinda think as well. Some Belles could be angsty, complicated, and moody (some of the Russians...and maybe a few of the Japanese Belles remind me of that mindset). On the other hand, some could be...well...kinda quirky and fun (Henley, New Orleans, and Kirov kinda strike that attitude).

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