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Academagia v 3.0.8


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Okay, what changed this time?


It's probably more like 48 hours to be on the safe side. I can manage. Playing the original Majora's Mask right now. Still blows me away that Games Done Quick can demonstrate a 5 hour 100% run when it takes me days to get like a 90% run finished.

Small beans compared to the 151 mons in a single gen 1 cartridge run from a few years back if you ask me.

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Small beans compared to the 151 mons in a single gen 1 cartridge run from a few years back if you ask me.


Oh, do I really want to know how that was accomplished?


Also, my bet is that the thing that was patched this time was one of my recommendations to the team that never made it into any of the beta builds.

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Oh, do I really want to know how that was accomplished?


Also, my bet is that the thing that was patched this time was one of my recommendations to the team that never made it into any of the beta builds.

Of course you do. All those years of having to track down people with another version and fiddling with a trading cable to trade version exclusive pests, or buying/playing through them both yourself or gods knows what else? Look up on my glitchy works, ye terrible game design, and despair. Plus bonus glitch exhibition for dessert :).


That remind me, that I completely forgot to copy/paste a good portion of the suggestions topic, that doomed fan patch topic and the DLC 16 bugs topic. Well, too late to do that now -_-.

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@freespace2dotcom Looks like it's going to be a busy week! :)


Btw, we made the top seller list on Steam - that is unexpected and incredible :o - thank you to all who repurchased, left a good review, assisted, and/or welcomed new players.



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Someone's being just a tad bit cynical. ;)

I am the guy who threw Skyrim out the window in favor of Daggerfall. I might not have any ranks in it but I sure got the Price Point research topic unlocked :P. Was also about to comment on how Academagia's price point compares to the "more like this" section on Steam's store page, but I suspect my lack of using Steam is giving the searching algorithm a hard time because I don't think a game called "Intergalactic Bubbles" is going to have much in common with a magic school simulator :rolleyes:.


In other news, reviews for the Steam version are currently 8 to 2 on positive/negative, and from what I can see the most common gripe agreed on by both sides is the game's steep learning curve and more obtuse mechanics. Can't say that isn't a valid complaint, to be honest. Maybe someone should piece together a quick mechanics FAQ?

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Well Steam reviews will be Steam reviews. Some complaints about bad writing but that could be medium deaf or desire for a linear story. Or they just hate a whimsical theme. Anyway perhaps there should be a mention of the main adventures in a FAQ. I mean if we make one.

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Well Steam reviews will be Steam reviews. Some complaints about bad writing but that could be medium deaf or desire for a linear story. Or they just hate a whimsical theme. Anyway perhaps there should be a mention of the main adventures in a FAQ. I mean if we make one.

It's true that you can't please everyone, but when both positive and negative reviews complain about the difficulty curve and a lack of explained mechanics there's probably a hint of truth to it.

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It's a fair point, the problem is that the main adventures are also absolute nutcrackers in terms of difficulty, so sending new players there might not end well. I called Shadow Yukiko a kitten compared to early game REs, but main quest adventures? They're in a league all of their own.

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