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Academagia v 3.0.8


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I may have threatened to not upgrade from 98 to 2K, and from 2K to XP, and also to Vista and 7, but I really mean it when I say I have no desire to plug big brother into my PC. I'll finally go to linux when 7 is not supported, which isn't much of a jump since I do already have my pc on dual boot..

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@Nagashofchaos in the second posting in this thread I have written what you can do:

Stardock.com have under my Account the option Order History where you can download the Receipt if you bought the game at Impulse.

I think that should be good enough prove for BCS.

Natural you still need your old login data for Impulse / Stardock for this.

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I still continue too get notices every time Scheherazade goees on sale for 5-7 bucks. So far the stars haven't aligned though. I only recently managed to replace $300 in N64 Games that were stolen from me. Now I have to save to replace the shocks on my car. Then, maybe, we'll see about new games.

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It's probably more like 48 hours to be on the safe side. I can manage. Playing the original Majora's Mask right now. Still blows me away that Games Done Quick can demonstrate a 5 hour 100% run when it takes me days to get like a 90% run finished.

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