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Able To Play Past the End of Kaliri


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So, I loaded one of my most successful autosave profiles to look back over my achievements during the course of that game. To my surprise, I saw that the game now allowed me to play further in the year. I did this, through such things as choosing adventures. I attach proof in the form of a save game that I made during that time. If any questions arise, I will be happy to answer them.


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Oh, that's actually a known bug. And in case anyone's curious, the summer months are in the game because they were intended to be part of Y1. That idea ended up on the cutting board, so they don't do anything, even their holidays don't have like dummied out events.

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  • 4 months later...



Just a few questions on this.

1. These saves can't be ported at all? It was my understanding that any save could be ported, just data after the 27th of Kaliri would be disregarded?

2. Even though they're cut in Y1, the holidays set in the summer months are still legitimate as far as lore is concerned, right?

3. Why was the Summer Vacation moved from the end of the year to the beginning of the next year? I guess it doesn't matter too much seeing as how if it hadn't been moved, we wouldn't have gotten a summer break in Y5... But I am slightly curious.

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