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Contemporary naval history

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Good day,

since I found this very interesting piece of news online, I thought it would be a good moment to start a contemporary naval history thread.

The first post is about the subs of the Royal Navy.

For everyone who missed the link:

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  • 2 months later...

Good day,

in 1939 the chinese navy is not worth mentioning. Todays situation is.... different:


This is the english version a few days ago. I discovered it in a german news about them crossing into the baltic sea yesterday.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It has become ridiculous. Either 7th fleet had been running so ragged that their watchstanders are slipping or there has been very laxed policy in regards to Bridge crew readiness.

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5 minutes ago, Legate of Mineta said:


Through the Malaccan straits?! That has to be really lax indeed. :)

The biggest culprit, in that regard, would most likely be that too mant assumptions and not enough communication between lookouts, bridge, and CIC. However, everything is assumption until the investigation is finished.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Credits to @Wellington99 for mentioning it to me.

A german WWI U-Boot was found near Oostende, Belgium. Reports state it's largely intact and the remains of the 23 crewmen are probably aboard. It is uncertain if it can be lifted and their remains put to a dry rest.

In german.



The exact location is not revealed to prevent looting. Which reminds me of the time the Kriegsgräberfürsorge found a massgrave of more than 100 german soldiers in Russia. With the help of locals. When they came back twoo weeks later to finally identify and bury the remains..... they were very much looted. 80% stayed unidentified because of that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The german navy has deconstructed one it's last two landing crafts. It was a surprise deconstruction, when it was to be repaired for a last time. So it's scrap already but not decommissioned. The official decomission will take place in late October.

Now the german navy has only 1 naval landing craft left, the Lachs. Who really is a "alter Lachs". *ba-dum-tuss*

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just take a moment and imagine: 1939. The comparatively small but powerful german Kriegsmarine gets ready to take on the behemoth of all navies: The undefeatable, enormous senior service, the Royal Navy....

And today, 2017, this:

The Royal Navy has no major warship at high seas atm, states this article.


But at least they got a special honor for the first time in 357 years.:



The german Navy (as I learned recently, it's no longer "Bundesmarine", but "Deutsche Marine", jfyi) has problems of it's own:


The article talks about how the new frigates are broken before they are officially given to the Navy, which is frustrating for the Navy to say the least. Also the german navy has problems on its own to deploy the few ships necessary to participate in anti-piracy and surveillance missions of the NATO and EU. The new frigates are desperately needed.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Well not naval per se... but since dutch is playable to some..... I present you this Anschluss..... I mean ansluit. @Metis


Comprehension, the Kingdom of the Netherlands got a piece of land from the Kingdom of Belgium (aka dutch south provinces or Bundsland Lüttich. ;))  along the Maas river, because they decided the Maas river to be the border, but both sides moved land around and the river shifted its flow, so they corrected the border.

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11 minutes ago, Metis said:

That sure is a(nother) piece of geographical knowledge I didn't know about before, though forgive me if I fail to see the relevance of it.

It's more the oddity of the news, that made me post it. Of course a few uninhibited square meters are irrelevant. But maybe it IS relevant, because in the past there were wars about less. And today two countries, who fought each other in the past even, since one claimed the other at least partially, just decide it's okay. No shots, no heated discussion, no annexation needed like i.e. in the crimea.  So yeah, if I think about it I think it's damn relevant. 

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

A very special ship began its journey: The nuclear power plant ship "Akademik Lomonossow"

It left Petrograd for Murmansk, where it will receive nuclear fuel. Since the ship is not self propelled, it will be towed the whole way to Murmansk and then further east to Pewek in far east Russia to replace a land based nuclear power plant scheduled for shutdown.
This german article has an actual photo of the ship. (slightly different from the concept art in the article above)

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@Käpt'n Korky, I'm not sure what to say. I think the press relief explained what's going on pretty clearly, 2nd Fleet was and apparently shall be again a major command of the United States Navy. Fleet commands focus on specific regions for naval operations. Reactivating 2nd Fleet indicates the Navy wants to seriously focus on the North Atlantic specifically again.

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