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Update 68: Takao


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A proper interview!



I'm quite pleased at how this one turned out.  There are a few minor mistakes though.  For example, she's not named after Takaoyama; The kanji 山 when used after the name of a mountain is read "san", so she's named after Takaosan.

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Plus switching between blonde and Purple hair. But, I found her interview rather unique in how introspective she is. She is most likely my favorite Japanese ship at this point.

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5 minutes ago, RockyArby said:

Plus switching between blonde and Purple hair. But, I found her interview rather unique in how introspective she is. She is most likely my favorite Japanese ship at this point.

Was wondering what that Blonde to Purple was about. I like Purple better.

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8 minutes ago, RockyArby said:

Plus switching between blonde and Purple hair. But, I found her interview rather unique in how introspective she is. She is most likely my favorite Japanese ship at this point.

I like her purple hair and introspective attitude as well.  She is overall a pleasant design (and is making me harder which navy I really want to choose ;n;).

If anything though, I'm waiting for Chokai...partly because I share the same birthday as that ship :).

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As I noted in Discord, I have heard my Japanese native speaking friends refer to Mt Fuji as both Fujiyama and Fujisan in different circumstances.  I am sure there are rules for which is which, but I do remember the call to war was "Niitakayama nobore" and not "Niitakasan nobore".  Unless a native speaking adult Japanese tells me otherwise, I'm not ready to admit even that is necessarily an error.  Remember all our debate about senshou vs kaigun daisa...

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Well another error I saw is Mahan saying, "And then I’m going to sick bay and hibernate".  Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it should be "I'm going to sick bay to hibernate" or "I'm going to sick bay and hibernating".

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Conversational English and proper English are very different things. When writing dialog you need to write how people actually talk. ;-)

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I believe the purple hair is the correct one.

After all, it's also the one she had in the game preview.

I was going to comment about the "Takaoyama" thing too, since it sounded really odd to me, but... I don't know anymore... It's not like my japanese is super good anyway.

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I like her blond or purple---pinkish. 

My japanese is far to poor to perticipate in the raging lnguage discussion. I'm just glad to get what I order 99% of the times in Japan.

I simply like her design very, very much. Also her mentally peaceful, centered self will probably lead to a request for her from the empire as reinforcements. Her bringing along probably lots and lots of sencha is also a plus. I'd like to add the japanese Belles are until now as a group my favourite belles. 

And I guess any citizen of the Estados Unidos Mex.... de América can explain to me what a "cup of joe" is? Or is japanese propaganda right and you DO consume civilians?
And can you please explain your statement about the "tan" suffix, @DrYuriMom? I still don't get the concept of it, nor your comment. Thank you very much in advance.

Also I slowly start to wonder if there will be any teutonic/german/french knight themed Belle after all those samurai Belles. 

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There's no formal origin for the phrase but one popular theory is that, since the name Joe is used in reference to a typical man (Joe Schmoe, GI Joe, etc), it was an advertisement campaign to associate Coffee as the Typical working man's drink in contrast to the Teas and Cappuccino of the Aristocrats of Europe.


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Exactly, RA. Congratulations!  You are today's winner of the internets!

"Tan" and "chama" are super diminutive, cutesy forms of the honorifics "san" and "sama". Almost always used in reference to females and animals. My understanding is that the terms saw rare usage in reference to women/girls until the whole moe thing. In any case, I found it interesting that Takao would use them and am asking myself why specifically in relation to Maya(tan) and Chokai(chama). I imagine Takao's use of such terms in regards to her "cute" sisters will NOT at all please a certain Belle of short stature from a highly geologically active boot-shaped nation in southern Europe. Hence Krakatoa when she learns of this, especially since I can easily imagine Takao using "tan" in regards to Pola given she'd use it to refer to her own sister. 

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4 hours ago, RockyArby said:

There's no formal origin for the phrase but one popular theory is that, since the name Joe is used in reference to a typical man (Joe Schmoe, GI Joe, etc), it was an advertisement campaign to associate Coffee as the Typical working man's drink in contrast to the Teas and Cappuccino of the Aristocrats of Europe.


Actually it is in reference to a certain Joe, specifically Josephus Daniels, SECNAV in 1914. He's the man who made the law prohibiting alcohol on Navy ships which was then replaced by coffee.  Sailors referred to coffee as a cup of joe to mock him.

Thank you Jojo for correcting me on the -Yama -San debate.

Finally, @DrYuriMom, Takao's sister is Chokai, whereas Chikuma is Tone's sister.

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Quite the cultural trivia i have learned in this thread. Thanks, everyone!

I'll be honest, i didn't notice the switch, and would prefer her in blonde. Maybe Salmon recoulored it later on and the team decided to take the new color, but when handling the inverview they accidently placed the previous placeholder.


I have a suggestion! Leave the blond color on the standard skin, but add the purple hair color in the most accessible skin variant of Takao. That way the wishes of everyone will be realized.

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