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How goes the Progress for Y2?


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On 12/1/2019 at 9:24 PM, Legate of Mineta said:


A decent chance, yes. :)

I'm sorry, I must have gone blind and stupid from having not been on the forum for a bit.

Legate, can you reconfirm what I *think* you said, or am I somehow taking things out of context?

That there might be a chance for the Y2 class list to finally be revealed, that's almost like someone telling me that Santa is coming to town at this point. 😂

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16 minutes ago, freespace2dotcom said:

I'm sorry, I must have gone blind and stupid from having not been on the forum for a bit.

Legate, can you reconfirm what I *think* you said, or am I somehow taking things out of context?

That there might be a chance for the Y2 class list to finally be revealed, that's almost like someone telling me that Santa is coming to town at this point. 😂

I hope that Y2 can be released next year.

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1 hour ago, Legate of Mineta said:


Not sure if you've been following the requests, but the Y2 class list during the Y1 year is what the ask was. ;) 

Would this be an in-game piece of lore? Or a feature of a revised Y1's Ending?

Either way, does this mean that Y1 will get a final patch that will, among other things, insert Y2's class list?

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On 12/8/2019 at 8:27 AM, Legate of Mineta said:


Not sure if you've been following the requests, but the Y2 class list during the Y1 year is what the ask was. ;) 

Ohh, That's more than acceptable. At least it will give us ideas and more understanding without holding you all to commiting to anything. It does mean we're getting closer to that mythical release, doesn't it? Hehe.... I still think that Rhialto is a little too optimistic and we're going to wait a while longer than next year with all that still needs to be done.

...Still, I expect that when progress finally does strike it will come sudden and unexpected. ;)

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