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Two Proposals for Academagia


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If the people really understand what they get, Early Access can be helpful in both funding more development as well as help finding bugs but there many People not understanding what Early Access means. Sadly thatt means you will get some negative reviews just because they already expect a full working product.

Also Early Access means for you that you also have to active communicate at the places where you offer the early access and you need to be clean at what phase of the development (Alpha, early beta, beta and so on) you are and maybe how long you expect it to take to be finished. If you place a date then make something more pessimistic like "We expect the development still to take at last 1-2 year". I know you burned your hands on this already, still it might help keeping impatient at bay.

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Given how finicky people can be, and how niche the game is, I'd think releasing early might be bad. I want to get my hands on y2 also, but do you really want to please the fans at the expense of newcomers? Its a tough call...

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