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Paying to Copy Edit Y2


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I would be willing to pay Black Chicken Studios for the privilege of copy-editing the text of Y2, in order to make sure that it is properly written. This would, I hope, allow BCS to better focus upon the coding of Y2 for its release and speed up Y2's release. I would be willing to be legally bound by any contract that BCS might choose to impose upon me related to the guarding and destruction of any Y2 texts that they might send me. Furthermore, I would naturally buy a copy of Y2 upon release.

I ask only the following three considerations be shown to me.

1. That I be granted flexibility in terms of returning edited text of Y2. My work for Academagia is a hobby only.

2. That I be permitted to add this copy editing for Y2 to a resume, if I wish.

3. If my request be dismissed as insane/unworkable, that I not be banned from this forum and that some concrete statement be made for all fans' benefits about Y2's progress.

@Legate of Mineta, feel free to PM me with any deal or harsh words against me that the Team deems best.

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15 hours ago, Schwarzbart said:

checkpoint here probably means what must be finished and or in working condition from the game to declare its time for a more open beta phase. 


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