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Student Adventure Katja Quinnecht 04a and Student Adventure Katja Quinnecht 04b don't give any reasonable reward for a 1 timeslot costing action.

The player get only a item that he most likely lost later in the adventure but nothing else.

So I suggest to add at last 1 increase in a skill to the successful exits.

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For a later year when the player is actual introduced in time magic how about make a special reload ritual spell available that keeps your memory but set you back 1-3 days.

You need autosave for this and only import vitality, items, money and date from the save file while stress, skills where taken from the current game position.

Attributes might be a problem as the one gained from skills should be applied while the one from adventures not.

The spell should even add some downsides like a time sickness to prevent the over use of it.

Idea for the time sickness (according to year 1 values) increase stress minimum by 5; prevent the use of the time spell and its lasting for 7 days

For the 1-3 days the player got back he also have a general +20% COS because (s)he knew the things that would happen.

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Brilliant, but story-wise it'd be broken as all unholy hell.


For starters if I go back 3 days, can I then ask a friend to go back himself another 3 days with orders to find my past self, who has not used the spell in that point in time, and convince me to go back 3 days, with orders to find my friend's past self, and so on and so forth until we're back centuries in history with perfect knowledge of what is supposed to happen?

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Metis it depends on the casting cost of the spell and also if we go along the theory that the timeline fix it self.

So in your example your friend simply forgot to tell you some of the important info thanks how stressed he is after casting the spell and so the timeline is not changed.

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because removing the stress means removing all knowledge you had about the possible future. The stress is actual because the memories you have are not the same as it should be and so the constant effect of the spell fighting the reality to keep the memory you want to have.

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The stress comes from travelling back and your knowledge thereof is tied to it? Yes, I can understand that. But what about Mastery? You can burn a person's memory with Sync (and I assume Mastery) so the person can never forget it, and even if the subject is too whatever to remember it, you can just use either Sync or Mastery to drag the entire truth out of them.

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I personal think someone try to sync with a person under this spell will be very confused as there are 2 minds overlapping that are similar but not the same. Most likely they would come under the impression that the person is under a mastery and will try to fight the future version of your memories as it is not as clean to reach as the current memorys.

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If the patient's memories of the "present" and future are separate the patient will be identified as having split personality disorder, or something along those lines. Sync and Mastery share a common origin and Theory, so Sync misdiagnosing something as Mastery is unlikely, at best.

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Time, really isn't meant to be messed with, it's bad m'kay!


Worse than Mastery and Gates imo.


Still, you can learn that time push spell that can help you keep fresh food fresh longer... And then we got Timeslash that will be part of the Year 2 adventure in the tower.


Lets have some fun!



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If we go according to the theory of multiply realities then it becomes even worse as the spell will be seen as a sure way to kill one self and in a way it is.


If the player cast the spell on him self in reality 1 all his friend will mourn for him there as his body will left brain-dead.

But for the player it don't mater as he will live on in reality 2 at last as long no one mess with the magic merging his reality 1 mind with the reality 2 mind over 1 week.


If the very same player now teach this spell a friend and convince him to use this spell then all he end up is having a brain-dead friend as the player continue to exist in reality 2 while the friend now have switched his memory to reality 3.

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You wouldn't happen to have a Duel system beta module or something for testing? I would love to try it out :) And perhaps provide some feedback.


That brings up another question... Can "Mastery" the controll spell be cast during a Duel? If it suceeds you win? It seems like an automatic win if the oponent is turned into a puppet who has to obey you. It wouldn't be a good choice for a duel with an audience though.

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Master (Spell) doesn't have a Duel Cost, so no, it can't be used during a duel. Mind you, spells like Helper (Spell) and Panic Attack (Spell) do have a Duel Cost, so they can be used. Of course, so can Seal Against Mastery (Spell) and Counter-Mastery (Ability), so it's a bit of a crap-shoot.

Nevermind Masters Dispell or Elementalist bane (or whatever that last spell/ability was called).


You're about to engage a pwoerful wizard, you and your familiar quickly disables his spell casting abilities... Making almost every spell he tries to cast fail.

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You're about to engage a pwoerful wizard, you and your familiar quickly disables his spell casting abilities... Making almost every spell he tries to cast fail.

At which point the man takes his turn, which involves pulling a sword out from his robe and stabbing you right in the gut, spilling more than enough blood to end the duel with him as the victor.


Remember, buffing/debuffing/status ailments/defence is only useful if it is actually conductive to you winning. Most games I've played forget that last part but throw the whole line in anyway just 'cause. Where Academagia stands I can't say since I never got into a duel before, but I imagine if I have a choice between "cast a spell to lock down a opponent's spellcasting" and "cast a spell to win the duel" the former would be...ceremonial, at best. Now if my opponent has stuff like, oh say, Marin Karin, Vanity or - gods help me - Celestial Ray than sure, debuff or die (literally), but if not I'd rather skip the step and go straight to winning.

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At which point the man takes his turn, which involves pulling a sword out from his robe and stabbing you right in the gut, spilling more than enough blood to end the duel with him as the victor.


Remember, buffing/debuffing/status ailments/defence is only useful if it is actually conductive to you winning. Most games I've played forget that last part but throw the whole line in anyway just 'cause. Where Academagia stands I can't say since I never got into a duel before, but I imagine if I have a choice between "cast a spell to lock down a opponent's spellcasting" and "cast a spell to win the duel" the former would be...ceremonial, at best. Now if my opponent has stuff like, oh say, Marin Karin, Vanity or - gods help me - Celestial Ray than sure, debuff or die (literally), but if not I'd rather skip the step and go straight to winning.

It certainly depends on the situation. but of they got 50 hitpoints and spells that does 10-20 damge to you then it might actualy b a good idea to stop them from hurting you with those spells, because they are likely to take you out long before you 1-7 damage spells will do much to them.


If they are close enough to draw a sword on you then you might actualy be in trouble no matter what. Unless you got a swird and you are a far better swordsman.... While we can learn the compete skill that seems to include some form of basic fencing (leat judgung from that fencing event where compete could help you win a fencing duel with at least a slightly competent oponent.

Personal I think Compete should become a parrent tree to include, Boxing, Fencing and Wrestling, perhaps Archery aswell.


Or keep compompete as it is and add a new parrent tree for these combative arts.


While I understand their relation to atleticism, I think they seem to fit better in adifferent more agressive competitive tree than swimming running and such. Endurance should probably be under athletics, since endurance would logicaly be trained in the persuit of athletics.

Rimball is a more specialised for of athleticism.


It also makes sense if skill that are similar could provide bonuses to more specialised skills. Endurance forexample should provide a bonus to Boxing, Fencing and Wrestling when you got a good amount of levels in it, maybe it should be called, battlestamina. Superior battlestamina if you get a massive amount of Endurance.



Do you think it would be possible to use a wand as a parry tool, like a dagger? A dagger can defend just fine against a Rapier or any other sword. (Even if it lacks range for an effective offensive.)


So, parry, punch then if the oponent is thrown off balance wrestle.

Might not be possible to get that technical in Academagia? Unless you add the possibility of adding a short duration off balance effect to a character. Then while initiating Wrestling weapons are disarmed.

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