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Also, I remember I did some Academagia duel half a year back, I used that Revision fist thing that does some damage and stuns the oponent. Shouldn't the oponent loose one or two action points if he/she gets stunned.


It should slow them down a little bit even if it wears off before their their whole turn has passed.


Also, spells and attacks that causes stuns and puts an oponent off balance should probably have a separate save for the stun/control effect even if the damage is dealt.


Maybe Fitness/willpower for spell effects and fitness/Endurance for physical effects. Possibly a few other options for more special spells.


Some mastery effects could be insight/willpower, the lore for willpower sugests it might help you both fight it and resist the urge to use it.


Anyway, learning fencing for a wizard seems like a good idea it would help you anticipate the oponents attacks from attack stances and styles used by the oponent. For dodging and parrying.

Fencing/flawlesstiming would be a great counter to someones sword attack.

Boxing/flawlesstiming would be a great counter to someone throwing a punch at you.

Wrestling/flawlesstiming -"- trying to lock you in a wrestling grip.


If it would be possible to add a third stat into the formula "finesse" then that would make sense aswell.

It would probably be best if the value of finesse could be cut in half since it isn't as specialised, even if it would likely matter.


Vincent Eins massive Fitness at the end of my year 1 game looks crazy. But I guess he really invested in that thing. Probably got lucky aswell... Think he had around 35 Fotness or something.. maybe it was more.

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It certainly depends on the situation. but of they got 50 hitpoints and spells that does 10-20 damge to you then it might actualy b a good idea to stop them from hurting you with those spells, because they are likely to take you out long before you 1-7 damage spells will do much to them.

Thing is that if you're in a duel either side taking 1 point of damage would cause them to lose, depending on the rules, so the fact that you'd lose in a damage race ceases to be important. And if you're in the situation without being in a duel, well, than things depend on the exact situation. Mjolnir, to name one example, wasn't defeated by way of locking down his spellcasting.


As for the fencing thing, eh, no clue. I don't intend to ever get into a situation where those details matter, if I can help it.

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Thing is that if you're in a duel either side taking 1 point of damage would cause them to lose, depending on the rules, so the fact that you'd lose in a damage race ceases to be important. And if you're in the situation without being in a duel, well, than things depend on the exact situation. Mjolnir, to name one example, wasn't defeated by way of locking down his spellcasting.


As for the fencing thing, eh, no clue. I don't intend to ever get into a situation where those details matter, if I can help it.

If all you need to do is cast a 1 damage spell then a simple 2 pheme spell should do. Though, I have a feeling most duels outside the academagia will be bloodier than first blood rules.


A motivated oponent likely wouldn't surrender until they have lost at least half their vitality, then they might want to reevaluate their position and surrender.


That means you would have to do 25+ damage to that oponent before he takes out half your hitpoints or worse.


I hope we can judge things like distance, terrain and the oponent(using character study).

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Given the Duel diskusion here, I hope we see a lot of contested rolls in duels of year 2

Also how about put the ability First Aid to Field Medicine and give Wilderness Survival a 1 step increase in Field Medicine instead?

Didn't Field medicine get a similar skill early on? Actualy, I think both skills should give you the First Aid ability, it's a very basic skill and it makes sense if it's taugh in more than one situation involving survival and medicalcare. I think Scouts are often taught first aid and such.


It should be a fairly common skill, it isn't a prestige skill after all. Chirurgery aswell.

It's a non-magical skill dealing with the simplest of medical actions of cleaning and applying a bandage.


Also, the defender should probably be somewhat at a dissadvantage in the counter roll, otherwise nothing would ever happen in duels. But having the ability to resist or counter or deflect/parry would be nice. It would arguably be harder to bring all your skill into a reaction roll compared to a planned attackroll. Meaning the defence roll most likely should be based on 2/3 of the value.

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If all you need to do is cast a 1 damage spell then a simple 2 pheme spell should do. Though, I have a feeling most duels outside the academagia will be bloodier than first blood rules.

Hence why a lot of things you can do in a duel aren't necessarily useful. As for what are pretty much glorified brawls - create a distraction, get close and poke the man's eyes out with your wand. As far as I care if he doesn't see I don't want to be in that situation he's not using those eyes anyway, so there'll be nothing lost if I sacrifice them to create a distraction. As for the man's spellcasting, how many mages are taught to cast spells while blinded?


Given the Duel diskusion here, I hope we see a lot of contested rolls in duels of year 2

I hope we...actually I probably won't care about how duels work in Y2 because I don't intend to ever end up in a duel. I really, really don't want to have to train up another 4ss parent skill that only rarely gets me anything, and it doesn't fit my characters anyway.


As for the First Aid thing - it's an idea I'm not opposed to, but then I tend to rely more on Revision being able to do everything first aid can do and more anyway.

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Hence why a lot of things you can do in a duel aren't necessarily useful. As for what are pretty much glorified brawls - create a distraction, get close and poke the man's eyes out with your wand. As far as I care if he doesn't see I don't want to be in that situation he's not using those eyes anyway, so there'll be nothing lost if I sacrifice them to create a distraction. As for the man's spellcasting, how many mages are taught to cast spells while blinded?


I hope we...actually I probably won't care about how duels work in Y2 because I don't intend to ever end up in a duel. I really, really don't want to have to train up another 4ss parent skill that only rarely gets me anything, and it doesn't fit my characters anyway.


As for the First Aid thing - it's an idea I'm not opposed to, but then I tend to rely more on Revision being able to do everything first aid can do and more anyway.

Hummm, blind mages, I know there were some eyeless undead wizards trying to cast mastery spells at my student in at least one of the adventures.. They probably had some other kind of "vision", how else would they have seen my character and started circling on on him while drawing masteryphemes?


Yes, I agree, First aid is very basic, which is why it should be very available from several skills. There are studnets who don't learn Revision. But Revision is indeed very useful for it's healing skills and utility.


How about a duel of pranks? a Duel of wit? A duel of poetry and singing? Then we got Danceoffs and cookoffs.

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Oh, I think that's during the Bassan adventure. That's a situation in which the only sane idea is "run", though (unless you have the Incantation to safely pass "Fire Everywhere", of course).


If three skills teach the same thing you're going to end up not getting anything from skill increases, though. I mean that can certainly happen, but it's not really fun is it?


Pretty much for any competition if it's something I can win, I just roll with it and win, done deal. If not, I tell people to buzz off and drop the issue. If people refuse that, I talk them out of it. If people refuse that, well, there's a reason I endorse "fire everywhere".

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Gates is also an acceptable solution to that step in the Bassan adventure. (pretty low check, too)


I've just been reading some of the early stuff in this thread and I am quite amazed at how far Y1 has come since the early days. (before even I joined up) I am mildly curious as to how much of all those suggestion set for the future will find their way into Y2. A review of everything we did in Y1, tabs, maybe even more customized pictures for items than a bunch of green bags! (I laughed when I read that part.)


However, I also found out that Y1's beta phase was 9+ months!? Legate! tell me Y2 is officially in beta because if it isn't and takes that long for Y2's Beta, well, I'm going to have to add another quote from you on my signature! :( I don't want to do that! Legaaaaaaaaate!


And since this is the suggestion thread... I would like to suggest that maybe some kind of progress could be mentioned every month or so. You know, to help keep those of us on pins and needles from going crazy. just a thought.:)

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Gates is also an acceptable solution to that step in the Bassan adventure. (pretty low check, too)

No check, actually, at least unless DLC 16 added that. I mean you need Gates 1 to access it, but you don't have to roll anything to pass it


And I thought the Legate already provided the 2014 quote? At least the wiki says he did...without mentioning where, of course, that'd be too easy.

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There is a chance that Y2 will still come out this year (I hope!) and as such I will not nail the poor legate to the cross until the post he made about it "slipping into 2014" turns out to be false and yet again misleading information. So in other words he has until jan 1, 2015 before I do it. :)


Of course if I find something that he posted in 2010 about Y2 coming out 'next year' I'd be all over that but I doubt the team was that overconfident.... That's a little bit before I came to the forums daily so I may have missed it if he said it though.


Edit: (Ah, well I remember that when I did it whenever that was so long ago, the Gates option was blue and not green, which implied a low check to me)

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So in other words he has until jan 1, 2015 before I do it. :)

Little under six months? I'll believe that when I see it.


Edit: (Ah, well I remember that when I did it whenever that was so long ago, the Gates option was blue and not green, which implied a low check to me)

That's...odd, because that would mean the team, at some point, completely removed the failure option. Maybe it was related to something that was also removed? I can't say.

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I prefer to think of it not as six months to rush through, but rather the fact that by then the team will have had nearly 5 years to work on it. (granted not quite that long and there were some distractions along the way....) in any case we all deal with things differently and I'm trying to be optimistic here!

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Schwarzbart, on 05 Jun 2014 - 8:32 PM, said:

Given the Duel diskusion here, I hope we see a lot of contested rolls in duels of year 2

Also how about put the ability First Aid to Field Medicine and give Wilderness Survival a 1 step increase in Field Medicine instead?

Looks like this got missed thanks to the extensive discussion we had here.

The reason I suggest the change in Wilderness Survival is that this skill usually not teach their very own techniques in healing but instead teach some knowledge of the Field Medicine and this is best represented in giving a increase in the skill of Field Medicine and not in giving Wilderness Survival their very own Healing ability.


@Isadborg "Open" Beta is usually only done for Multiplayer title to get some stress test for the server done wile the item store bring already money in. For singleplayer games you mostly have some kind of Early Access for customer that bought the game (some as early as alpha).

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actually open beta is done for all kind of software to bring feedback to the devs in possible existing bugs and suggestion done by the testers/players and is possibly a cheap marketing tool.


The main difference between open beta and Early Access is that the open beta is generally free (like the multiplayer exemple you gave or demo pre realases for single player games). Still Early Access is only a paid beta/alpha to mainly help fund the game to completion.




Anyway I was refering to this:


has the the team taken into consideration an early release? possibly an open beta (or not). I think a lot of players will be excited to play year 2 even if it's not the final version (i know i do). Plus this might give you a lot of interesting feedback akin to those already used for the making of the dlcs. Just a thought there :)




Yep, they have talked it over. I don't know what they will do, but a beta for the forumites might happen.




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Beta :) I would love to get a chance to provide feedback.


I also want to put the gameworld on fire then write a review with sugestion on it, the smell of the smoke, the nuances and typos affecting the big picture.


Summon some dragons, then decide they arn't very good playmate and then backstab them when I grow bored with them!


Watcher: You are by pet! I own you! You will do as I say!


Me: You bore me, I'm used to people trying to outstay their welcomming.


Watcher: Impudence!


Me: In true family fashion I've prepared a farewell party for you. I also invited some Old and new friends to send you off! I also got a small farewell gift for you!


Watcher: *Open his massive Jaws to start breathing Fire, only to get interupted by the ceiling of the cave and Stalagtites raining down like giant spears.*


To be continued!

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Because my current character have ties to the thief guild (from chameleon bound and from Miya adventure) and now I wonder if they are not the right people to move some of your illegal items so that you don't have problems when you have to clean out your wardrobe for the summer break.

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