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A few in game questions


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5. The extra class.

Can you give us a Hint what will be teached during the special class ?

What classes will maybe be offered during the privat tutoring.


6. Or will the extra class be a ,,normal,, but offers more progress ?

More Lore / Research ?

7. Will the extra class have an Adventure like normal classes ?

8. Any Hints on classes / Electives which might be offered but are not necessarily cores.

9. For example is a advanced Arithmetic or Geometry class offered ?

10. Is there a class which is just like advanced Math. With prereq. In Geometry and Arithmetic ?

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Regarding Research Projects.

11. How many are there ?

12. I suspect you can only choose from a limited list of topics to Research in a project ?

13. You can adjust your Behaviour during class in Y2.

Can you adjust your Behaviror during the extra class , Clubs, projects and secret Magic studies?

14. How many Y2 Students join on average a

A. Research Project

B. Club

C. Work

D. Just Focus on class and do nothing ?

15. You can take 7 or maybe even 8 classes.

So can the potential 8 night class overlap with a secret magic study time ? Aka can you take both ?

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16. How many students Graduate after Y5 on average ?

17. How many of the Students who Graduate actually mastered one Pillar ?

How many graduate without any mastery in Magic ?

18. Will we be able to improve our universall spellcasting ?

Currently we cant and I think a few Updates earlier you could get a spell duration improvement with Observation 11 but thats no longer the case unfortunately.


19. Can you get the thinks you lose when you skip class gain in any other way ?

Will class skipping have permanent negative Consequences  or is it that the perfect attendance Route is just that , one Route you can take ?

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20. A little hint about the attendance Bonus ?

Is it a spell or Pheme ?

A Study Bonus ?

An Item ?

A location ?

A (sub)skill ?

Favor or Friendship  ?

Something Merit related ?


21. Do I understand it right that the only thing skipping in Y1 does (if you avoid detention and Hall sessions) is only to lock you out of the perfect Attendance Bonus

but skipping in Y2 is a much bigger deal. And could have big Consequences ?

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1) Yes, you do your own Research Project, and you can do it more or less at any time of your choosing.

2) That would be up to you, I would think.

3) Somewhat, yes. You may want to be careful, though...

4) It could be longer, yes.

5) No. :)

6) No, it's different from regular Subjects.

7) Not as a rule, no.

😎 See below.

9) Yes, more advanced mathematics are available.

10) [Redacted]

11) You'll see how it works when we reveal more about Research.

12) As previous.

13) Yes.

14) They are all different, but much like Cliques- it really depends on who is in the group, and how they all get along.

15) Like Y1, Y2 is Time Slot based. It's up to you to decide how you will use them.

16) It can vary dramatically from Legate to Legate - but, over the last century or so, 65% of a given class graduating is a reasonably good baseline.  Orso's aiming higher, of course, in his own weird way... but that's likely going to depend on you. :)

17) There are different definitions of "mastery," as one might expect - even within the Academy itself, there have been arguments about whether flawless completion of four (or more) years of coursework covering a Pillar is a more meaningful accomplishment than performing a great feat (which usually means a final project of some kind). And then there are the recognized Doctors of magic outside the school who've often spent decades earning the right to sneer at under-20s calling themselves "masters" of anything.

That said, if the question is basically along the lines of "What percentage of a graduating Durand class will have so devoted themselves to the Pillar of Negation that they could expect prestigious academic or courtly positions pertaining to the field," you're rarely going to see above 50% of the graduating class reach that threshold. And it's often a lot less.

Graduating without any mastery, though, is very rare.

18) Yes.

19) Yes.

20) [Redacted]

21) Y1 and Y2 are not too dissimilar in terms of the Consequences of Skipping. However, severe Consequences are applied sooner in Y2 than they were in Y1.

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Thats good to hear.

So if I want to sign my PC up for 2 extra classes, a Club or job and take on secret magic Studies I can do that.

I would just have to choose how to manage the time.

But i would guess not showing up for Tutoring or Club for 3 weeks might get me kicked out.


I original thought you can sign up for one think and thats it. That would have been a little disapointing.

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On 6/3/2024 at 7:47 PM, Rhialto said:

1. Does Oan know her name?

2. Would Sima and Tabin, with their interest in barely legal magic, know about this way to wipe people's memory without using mastery? I doubt that they could do such magic, mind, but knowing that it can be done is another matter.

3. Was the astrological magic in question illegal, or could any mage with sufficient skill cause such a mass mind-wipe without facing criminal charges in the Empire of Man?

@Legate of Mineta: Would any answers to these questions be possible?

4. In real life, the concept of a species of magic users resembling humans in all ways except being able to do magic was created by the author L. Frank Baum in order to allow him to write stories about good mages without infringing religious and cultural taboos about studying, learning, and practising magic. Have any sumilar efforts been used in the Empire of Man to portray good gates mages or mastery mages, even unsuccessfully?

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6. You mentioned the Society of the Regent's Cabinet or Society of the Regent's Salon earlier.

Is this something we can join in Y2 ?


7. What about ,,roles in the Captain's Court.''

8. If the answers to nr. 7 is no.

Is there another role or job we can take up. So we could join the courts in a later year. More or less as a preparation ?

9. Can you join the captains court if you have the Background of thei ?


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I believe 1-3 have already been answered.

4) We love that question, and the answer is that it's entirely likely - but, if so, none of those stories seem to have achieved the kind of publicity and universal familiarity that Judy Garland and Technicolor ultimately helped Baum's works achieve.  You'd have to spend years in rare bookstores to know for sure.  ;)

That said, there may be the equivalent of basement-printed Professor CogSpring fanfic floating around Mineta that would transgress in ways that works out of more professional publishing houses wouldn't. The Guard would seize them when discovered, of course, but they probably don't worry too much about it as long as they were sufficiently abstracted.

5) Any Actions requires a Time Slot.

6) [Redacted]

7) [Redacted]

😎 No comment. :)

9) Also [Redacted]

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On 6/4/2024 at 12:45 PM, Legate of Mineta said:

"1.  No; as with the overwhelming majority of students, she can't recall.

2.  As far as your players characters are concerned, Sima and Tabin would be able to make some educated guesses, but they probably wouldn't know as much as somebody like Malacresta.

3.  Oh, it's incredibly illegal.  In theory, it can only be cast by, or at the command of, a member of the Imperial Household.

Many thanks for the answers, @Legate of Mineta, but I am not Dani.

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1. Are the secret Magic Studies during the Evening or Night Timeslot ?

Edit: Gates school seems to be during the 3 timeslot. So I guess the synchronisity study is also during the 3 timeslot.

But what about Mastery ?

You study with the crystalls. So that should make it more flexible.

You arent studying with other people after all.

2. Could you take just the Evening or just the Night Timeslot for the extra class ?

3. Heraldry is a Elective for Vernin.

Could be a alternative Elective be a Math class ?

4. I suspect like Leith , that valenta is connected to Vernin ?

5. Can you choose which teacher tutors you if you choose to take it ? (Especially for like Vernin and Godina this might be important)

6. If you take two extra classes.

Does one instructor per timeslot teach you or is it that one tutors you over 2 Timeslots ?

7. Do we get Study Bonuses for the extra classes like we get for normal Classes ?


8. Aranaz has 3 core  / Elective classes.

What about Vernin?

9. Do the other colleges have also 3 classes ?


10. If you were to ask Orsi what the most difficult class is you can take in Y2 what would it be ?

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I can't find the post where it was set up, but Freespace's tickerfactory for Y2's release from several years back - after the Legate mentioned something about Y2 definitely being released by that point in time - is down to two weeks left. So, Y2 release in the next two weeks, Legate :rolleyes:?

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12 hours ago, Dani said:

1. Are the secret Magic Studies during the Evening or Night Timeslot ?

Edit: Gates school seems to be during the 3 timeslot. So I guess the synchronisity study is also during the 3 timeslot.

But what about Mastery ?

You study with the crystalls. So that should make it more flexible.

You arent studying with other people after all.

2. Could you take just the Evening or just the Night Timeslot for the extra class ?

3. Heraldry is a Elective for Vernin.

Could be a alternative Elective be a Math class ?

4. I suspect like Leith , that valenta is connected to Vernin ?

5. Can you choose which teacher tutors you if you choose to take it ? (Especially for like Vernin and Godina this might be important)

6. If you take two extra classes.

Does one instructor per timeslot teach you or is it that one tutors you over 2 Timeslots ?

7. Do we get Study Bonuses for the extra classes like we get for normal Classes ?


8. Aranaz has 3 core  / Elective classes.

What about Vernin?

9. Do the other colleges have also 3 classes ?


10. If you were to ask Orsi what the most difficult class is you can take in Y2 what would it be ?

I Think you forgot something ?

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On 7/1/2013 at 6:24 PM, Legate of Mineta said:

The final Class list was approved, but I'm not sure when they will dole that information out. Some interesting advanced courses, hee hee. :)

its been over 10 years. Can we get some more Info about the Class list ?

I was already pretty happy about the snippet about some potential Electives.


What classes the Students take depends on a wishlist.

What are the classes the following Students would choose if they could get in all the classes they want. 

1. Ana Flavia Bessa ?

2. Rui ?

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On 6/9/2024 at 8:24 AM, Dani said:

1. Are the secret Magic Studies during the Evening or Night Timeslot ?

Edit: Gates school seems to be during the 3 timeslot. So I guess the synchronisity study is also during the 3 timeslot.

But what about Mastery ?

You study with the crystalls. So that should make it more flexible.

You arent studying with other people after all.

2. Could you take just the Evening or just the Night Timeslot for the extra class ?

3. Heraldry is a Elective for Vernin.

Could be a alternative Elective be a Math class ?

4. I suspect like Leith , that valenta is connected to Vernin ?

5. Can you choose which teacher tutors you if you choose to take it ? (Especially for like Vernin and Godina this might be important)

6. If you take two extra classes.

Does one instructor per timeslot teach you or is it that one tutors you over 2 Timeslots ?

7. Do we get Study Bonuses for the extra classes like we get for normal Classes ?


8. Aranaz has 3 core  / Elective classes.

What about Vernin?

9. Do the other colleges have also 3 classes ?


10. If you were to ask Orsi what the most difficult class is you can take in Y2 what would it be ?

Anything new ?

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And now:
"1. Are the secret Magic Studies during the Evening or Night Timeslot ?

Edit: Gates school seems to be during the 3 timeslot. So I guess the synchronisity study is also during the 3 timeslot.

But what about Mastery ?

You study with the crystalls. So that should make it more flexible.

You arent studying with other people after all.

The ones that offer formal instruction have a set Timeslot. Others can technically be done at any time.

2. Could you take just the Evening or just the Night Timeslot for the extra class ?

It depends on the Instructor, but is almost always Evening.

3. Heraldry is a Elective for Vernin.

Could be a alternative Elective be a Math class ?

No comment on the Electives for Y2.

4. I suspect like Leith , that valenta is connected to Vernin ?

A reasonable assumption...

5. Can you choose which teacher tutors you if you choose to take it ? (Especially for like Vernin and Godina this might be important)


6. If you take two extra classes.

Does one instructor per timeslot teach you or is it that one tutors you over 2 Timeslots ?

Well, it's 1 Class per Instructor, so it would not normally be divided that way.

7. Do we get Study Bonuses for the extra classes like we get for normal Classes ?


8. Aranaz has 3 core  / Elective classes.

What about Vernin?

No comment on the Electives for Y2.

9. Do the other colleges have also 3 classes ?

No, it's rare to have a high number.

10. If you were to ask Orsi what the most difficult class is you can take in Y2 what would it be ?

[Redacted], of course. :)"

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