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Failing Rivals


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Even with 1-3 people per year you could have all of Morvidus out in 4 years time. Phillippe and Joana first then the rest for being contaminated by frequent association with them. ;)


All of Morvidus, why? I know Phillippe and Joana can be a real pain in the rear, Uliva Valaresso might be a bit creepy to some, and Vettor Conta is a incorrigible practical jokester; but what have Beatrix Von Wetgen, Eliana Caros, Hector Per Vittoria, Girars de Periarde, Malthezar Mhadi, or Mairgrete Starkley done to you that was so heinous? Sure Morvidus has two of the worst bullies at Academagia, but the college is far from all bullies!

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Well, in practice, most people are going to choose the Morvidus Bitter Rival background, as it's a pretty easy point and there's amusing stories behind it. So in general, Morvidus gets more heat then the other collages. The fact that they seemingly always win the Merit challenge (well, they do so half the time) with so many less members then Vernin (their only real competition) doesn't help either.


And Eliana is described in game as being a bit shrill, and both she and Girars can be a bit preachy when they get on to their preferred moral high-grounds. And Mhadi, while my personal favorite student in the game, is, er, very... direct? Straight-forward? Opinionated? Slightly defensive? A bit of all, I guess. Pick and choose. He's still adorable, though.


Beatrix, Hector, and Mairgrete, though, yeah. Personality-wise, all three are pretty darn unoffensive. I guess if you're a cat-hater, Mairgrete might be annoying, and Hector's owl may or may not be borderline evil, but Beatrix? Got nothin'.

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I actually think Morvidus is of the most fleshed out colleges and I wouldn't really like to see any of the students go. Especially if getting them expelled ment playing 3+ years with a reduced school roster. I probably will find myself tutoring the students that are left behind. At least when year 2 isn't the end. It's easier to care when there is a future. ;)

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Beatrix, Hector, and Mairgrete, though, yeah. Personality-wise, all three are pretty darn unoffensive. I guess if you're a cat-hater, Mairgrete might be annoying, and Hector's owl may or may not be borderline evil, but Beatrix? Got nothin'.


Well, one of my characters hated almost all 'vons'. Von Rupprecht, Von Kiep, Von Lutersee....there's a pattern there. Just because she hasn't done anything doesn't mean she won't....she's just crafty enough to hide it. [takes tin foil hat off]


I wouldn't like any of the students to fail, either. That means they won't be in the next year and I assume bitter rivalry will only get more amusing as time goes. Still, fair's fair. I'm betting Phillipe will get kicked off in most games. Quickly followed by Joana if only because she'll rival you for tossing her bully out.

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Well, one of my characters hated almost all 'vons'. Von Rupprecht, Von Kiep, Von Lutersee....there's a pattern there. Just because she hasn't done anything doesn't mean she won't....she's just crafty enough to hide it. [takes tin foil hat off]


Mikka, you should name all of your students with "von"!

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I am now tempted to see if I can add that to the Monteon kid (...not that he's actually from there). He already has two qualifiers in his last name, a third can only be even more impressive! Right?!


...Okay, okay. (Shoot, I should make that introduction topic.)



There's only one student I want suspended, and oh, she will rue the day she stepped in to my collage! RUE! Fare thee well, Aveline: do not dare approach oh hallowed Aranaz again!


Kay, on the other hand, might go through the full Morjerk house, while Ceyn has a list. I have a few other characters that I haven't roleplayed that may have some targets, as well...


(Flore has, on occasion, given me almost as much trouble as Joana and Phillipe have. Meanie bullies.)

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Well, in practice, most people are going to choose the Morvidus Bitter Rival background, as it's a pretty easy point and there's amusing stories behind it. So in general, Morvidus gets more heat then the other collages. The fact that they seemingly always win the Merit challenge (well, they do so half the time) with so many less members then Vernin (their only real competition) doesn't help either.


Personally, I always thought that Bitter Rival should not have been limited to Morvidus (or any single college for that matter). Instead I think it should have been from among a pool of students with the most negative personalities, or at least the ones that act that way once you get on their bad side. Of course it likely that


And Eliana is described in game as being a bit shrill, and both she and Girars can be a bit preachy when they get on to their preferred moral high-grounds. And Mhadi, while my personal favorite student in the game, is, er, very... direct? Straight-forward? Opinionated? Slightly defensive? A bit of all, I guess. Pick and choose. He's still adorable, though.


Quite true about Eliana and Girars, but IMHO that alone doesn't warrant expulsion. ;) I also like Mhadi, especially after I finished his friendship adventure, and all of his less endearing personality quirks can be attributed to being from a distinctly different culture and feeling isolated because of it.


I actually think Morvidus is of the most fleshed out colleges and I wouldn't really like to see any of the students go. Especially if getting them expelled ment playing 3+ years with a reduced school roster. I probably will find myself tutoring the students that are left behind. At least when year 2 isn't the end. It's easier to care when there is a future. ;)


Agreed, I like Morvidus because all of the students have some of the most interesting personalities, along with great potential for growth and change over five in-game academic years. Of course that would be dependent on how much the PC's actions in later years can alter NPC students, but this being a story based game I sure the Devs will give us opportunities to shape the maturation of our classmates to some extent. Also, the fact that Morvidus is currently the de facto college of odd-balls and misfits actually suits the history and tone the college very well. When you aren't "average" or "normal" friendship can really be a treasure, especially for children.

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  • 7 months later...

What would be nice would be a chance to affect your college material functionality..


By using Economics skills, engineering and other skills that could brign ideas on how to improve the living standards and study environment for the students... There by empowering them to bring in more merit and glory for the college.


Maybe accountign and negotiation skills could get you more for the college funds and engineering skills could help accomplish more with less. Things like that.


Where the PC's skills and leadership and persuation skills can help the college as a whole, all the while improving the PC's environment and chances at excelling and improved moods and confidence. Maybe even the coordinated skill of inspiring other members of the college to add some of their skills and knowledge to the brainstorming.


I'm not sure how but maybe a college could be attributed values beyond merit.


I know there was a budget meeting or something for my college but I don't think economic or other skills could be used to accomplish that little extra, I liekd the notion of renovating and fixing the college and the place where you sleep/live.


Perhaps practicaljokes skills and strategy and tactics could give you some ideas on how to improve college defences against hostile actions. Assuming there is some type of college rivalry going on.


It would be fun to get some use for those "non-magic" skills in the school environment :)

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Hey, this is a great idea. If year two improves on the crafting system, why not incorporate a building system too, tied to engineering? Maybe for giving boosts to your cohort or college? In fact, clubhouses and working on them could be an adventure in and of itself.

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albert and r_d;


These are some fine ideas, although the kind of changes/defenses are probably too large a scale to be unnoticed and therefore would be prohibited, regardless of how spirited things may become. We do like the idea of generally becoming more involved in the rivalry (as some Adventures already push your towards), and I think you'll see that intensify, to a point, as the years go along. :)

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Maybe we could inscribe some minor wards or alarms in doorways that detects non-college members it could give of a small sound signal, a beep, to give people a heads up that they got visitors. Skilled and sneeky mages could probably disable it but still.


Maybe make/buy some new furniture and add some art pieces, new paint on the walls, perhaps restore the old place to it's former glory, stuff like that shouldn't anger the professors. It should earn the college some merit's to keep the place clean and in good condition and provide a healthier environment for students and estemed visitors. Perhaps some new books and nicknack and materials that might be good while studying and socializing.


That would be an alternate way of competing with other collages, winning respect and glory/merits by being the most orderly college instead of just the most disruptive that manage to cause trouble for the others... Even if it's possible that could happen aswell.


Maybe just fix a few cracks here and there and broken steps, it's an ancient build / set of buildings, sure there can be a lot of minor things that can be improved without upsetting the professors.


Im not sure how hard it would be to add it to the game though, depends on how you do it I guess. But it would be like a small adventure or a special college day where the students of the college gathers to discuss the state of affairs. Maybe another budget meeting or something.


A student with good Accounting skills might find that there are accounts with funds from previous years that wern't put to use before the old 5th year student's graduated.


Perhaps we could fix our own room a little.


If you intend to spend several years living and sleeping in the same room it makes sense to fix it a little to make it feel more like a home to you. Without getting into trouble with the professors ofcourse.


Anyway, to make the college feel more relevant for the PC and students there should be more events where they meet and do things/decide things together. And maybe a chance for the students to show what they are good at, and that they can help the

college as a whole. Thereby gaining some personal glory and perhaps some respect from their fellow college students.

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These are all great ideas, some previously suggested by other Academagians. In particular, it's planned for your rooms will make an appearance in Year 2. ;)


I'll pass on the other suggestions, however- it would be cool to have some greater participation in the areas you suggest.

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