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Philippe Marchant

Andrew Leander

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We all know that Philippe is like Academagia very own Draco Malfoy. At first I hate him with every fiber of my body. HATE. But then I read his profile and thought, "Huh, he has brothers here? I wonder if there's an adventure about Philippe and them..." Because that would be interesting and might change my opinion about him... depending on the story of course.


Aaanyway, what do you think about Philippe? I called him butt monkey since most of the people here seems to use him as spell target.


PS: Dunno where to post this, so I post it in relationship forum.

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If you get the familiar "Silent Alice" from excotic familiars then you'll meet Dexter Marchant.


And what I think of Philippe (and his brother for that matter)?.. depends.. if he just crammed my head down a toilet or did it to someone I hate... - that said he does provide a big and wonderful target for all those nasty spells out there *evil grin*



Hmm... isn't this a curious feeling? I actually started of thinking I'd write some moderate and kind about Philippe - not just "Yeah, I still have water in my ears from my last meeting with him" - but I find myself at a loss for words. Hmm. Seems I really don't have a lot of bright things to share about this kid. Still, he is getting what is coming to him! Her name is Joana. Mehehe!

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He is a mean person, but considering that not enough information about his family background is given, we don't know whether he acts like this on purpose. So basically, I will wait until more events reveal his personality and then pass judgement.


For now I'll use him as the unwilling pawn in a game of revenge. laugh.gif

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Adrian: Oh yeah, they accept events from fans right? Man, now I want to write one about Philippe... Can you tell me more about Dexter?

Leoshi: I never actually use any spell on him, since I usually only use 'friendly' spells... still, if I have to sacrifice someone to increase my roll... well, he's my first choice.

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I ...like him. Odd, I know but he's just plain fun. All of my characters have ended up being his friend one way or another and his reactions are hilarious. And he's not a psychological bully like I consider Reitz to be or a really evil one like Peter Dragomanoff , he just sees it as a hobby or a means of following his brothers like a twisted family bonding thing.


The fact that he's constantly used as the bully in every adventure sort of peeves me (especially when I end up having him at a 10 point relationship and don't have any option to tell him to back off in a friendly manner). Granted, there's no one else for the part (except Joana and she's usually a friend too).


Oh and to Andrew, there is an adventure (A Timely Warning for Hedi only) with Rui and Dexter. It's pretty cool.

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From what I've gathered there isn't much said about Dexter, save that he is the reason why Philippe acts as he does. The kid brother tries to get recognition from his big brother - who just enjoys (I am guessing) bullying people.


But true, at least his bullying is more strait-up rather than Ritz's or.. well, a few of my characters. I am fairly sure that being 'mastered' to do something (which then results in detention for most of a week (omg I felt sorry for exploiting the kid after that! Apparently he got detention of the first day of mastery and then I overruled his detention time as well... yeah...)) might leave mental scars. I think my point is there are way worse things that could happen than Philippe's bullying (dragon attack anyone?) but for someone who has had to deal with Philippe's bullying while playing a pacifist (no bullying, wrestling, incantation) I had a VERY hard time. As by product of the sphinx my bully came up to levels where I could resist him in the end, but gah...


One of my next playthoughs will be to see how down I can keep him. By sending him to the infirmary 3ish times a week I don't suppose he could become much of a bully now, could he. *grin!*

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We all know that Philippe is like Academagia very own Draco Malfoy.


Personally, I don't think he is. Philippe seems more like a straightforward bully that do the bullying directly. Draco is more like a spoiled brat with lackeys...


Most of my playthroughs involves Mastering him to do nice stuffs. Alternatively, I try to do service to the school via making both him and Joana focus on Cosetta Re and nobody else :P(Highly Recommended Solution)

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If I remember correctly, it's not really Dexter Phillipe's out to impress- it's the eldest brother, who is, apparently, stuck in detention/suspension for possibly the rest of his life. Dexter is a pure bully, and seems to be mostly a physical one- it's noted that he's very direct, relatively easy to trick, and despite his age, your character and the other students of your year don't seem to fear him the way everyone is written as fearing Phillipe in other adventures.


Doing the Hedi Court adventure, it's noted that the father isn't exactly the nicest person around, either.


So I suppose Dad is a jerk (maybe to impress his dad, as the case often is), biggest bro is a jerk (to impress dad), middle bro is a jerk (to impress dad and big bro), and then younger brother is a jerk (to impress dad, biggest bro, and other big bro). If another sibling came, they'd likely be just as awful (or there's the story of the miracle-ly nice wife/daughter in the family of horrible people who is sweet and untarnished innocence, but I find that cliche boring, personally). It's a cyclic thing, I imagine.


In the end, I don't really mind Phillipe all that much. I've made characters that hate him, but I just do some light raises with him and Joana, and ignore them. I generally have lucked out with Cosetta, too, as well as Flore. For me, Vettor's obsession with his joke and Aveline CURSE HERRRR's habit of deframing Aranaz whenever I'm playing them drive me much more nuts.

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So I suppose Dad is a jerk (maybe to impress his dad, as the case often is), biggest bro is a jerk (to impress dad), middle bro is a jerk (to impress dad and big bro), and then younger brother is a jerk (to impress dad, biggest bro, and other big bro). If another sibling came, they'd likely be just as awful (or there's the story of the miracle-ly nice wife/daughter in the family of horrible people who is sweet and untarnished innocence, but I find that cliche boring, personally). It's a cyclic thing, I imagine.


I kind of want to see that trope subverted, where we meet Philippe's younger sister and she's the nastiest of the bunch. Are there "family visitation weekends" or "prospective student day" or something at the Academy? I might try to write that.


In the end, I don't really mind Phillipe all that much. I've made characters that hate him, but I just do some light raises with him and Joana, and ignore them. I generally have lucked out with Cosetta, too, as well as Flore. For me, Vettor's obsession with his joke and Aveline CURSE HERRRR's habit of deframing Aranaz whenever I'm playing them drive me much more nuts.


Yeah, same. Somehow I almost always wind up with a semi-positive relationship with Philippe, and often Joana too (I had her in my clique in an early playthrough, though the downside of that is that she tends to drive off anyone else you'd care to recruit. I wound up booting her for Aveline...who had pretty much the same problem. It was a contentious year.) Flore tends to cause a trouble for nearly all my characters, Cosetta's not even a blip on the radar, weirdly.

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CremePudding: Huh. First impression can be misleading I guess. And how do you make him do that? By Mastery or control?


Gossip and similar social stuffs.

You go make a -10 rivalry of the century between Cosetta and Philippe, and patch up all other bad feelings he incurred. They will become lovebirds. Throw Joana into the mix for good measure. There's always some occasional bullying towards other, but Cosetta's gonna receive 90% of the attention. :wub:

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Creme, if there were any doubt, you belong in Aranaz. ;)


Nah. Hedi is better. I need the neutrality to stay out of radars. (And the powerful company. I mean, werewolf, half-fey, academic-curves destroyer, reasonable professor that doesn't have rivalry with bald pie-eater, etc....) ;)


Plus, Aranaz is ambitious. I am not. I only did it for school harmony. icon25.gif


Mastery probably would have been quicker if it weren't for that pesky "I can make you eat but I can't pick what you eat" limitation.


Off to Dispassion!

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Err, is this what we call Out of Topic? Can we go back talking about Philippe? Thanks to you guys I began to like him.


Oh yes. I am planning to write an event for him because honestly, I couldn't get back into writing the adventure after not writing stuff for so long and I need a warm up (I even went off to study instead :blink: )

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This guy...he is weird.He dealed some damage to me and I gave them right back from the start,then some girl suddenly throw both of us into detention and the guy just keep on bullying her afterwards.

I am going to restart tho.I don't feel like playing a fitness 1 wimp that keep on getting sent to hospital in the first month.

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Aye, sounds like you met Cosetta Re, HeatTalon :)

And I wholeheartedly agree, 1 fitness is... tricky. Best of luck in the next playthrough!


As for mastery, it is a way to influence what people do - sort of like mind control - we are just not very good at it in year 1.

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