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The Petition for Official Renounciation of the Proscribing of the Pillar of Gates


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To the Legates of the Academagia, Mineta, and the Imperial Temple,

As well as the Captain of Mineta and all interested parties.



  • WHEREAS the Proscribed Science known as Gates has been forbidden knowledge in excess of three hundred years.
  • WHEREAS the penalty for merely having such knowledge is to be put to death.
  • WHEREAS the flawed execution of the Proscribing of Gates has warped the public perception of such knowledge that there is now a real Danger of repeating the errors of the past.
  • WHEREAS the Proscribing of Gates has NOT led to a reduction of imprudent magic users in aquiring such knowledge, as evidenced by the sizable number of executions due to this every year.


WE, the signatories of this petition, are concerned, Law Abiding magisters who believe that in order to confront and defend ourselves from impending danger, KNOWLEDGE, not ignorance, is necessary. We do sincerely hope that it will not take another terrible event to alert people of the flaws in the current ban that are beginning to make themselves apparent in our eyes.





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I don't think the knowledge itself is enough to get punished... Using it, teaching it and spreading it probably is though...


Unless of course they have decided to use Mastery redefined as Revision to force a confession....


Anyway all magic can be destructive and dangerous, the most dangerous part of gates is that you might summon something that keeps spreading chaos for a very long time instead of just burning down a house or a village with a careless incantation...



I wonder... What would be the punishment of unsummoning a dangerous creature that was tearing down the city?

Lets say a dangerous mage summons a Dragon and it starts smashing and burning down buildings, then you use gates magic to get rid of it and save the city... Would you still get punished? Lockedup? executed?


Or maybe... at that point, people decide it's best to not bother you if you're powerful enough to make dragons dissapear... There was some mention of ancient powerful gates wizards that they simply let be, because they are so powerful. Least until they are forced to.

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Considering that as you unsummoned something it may just have been teleported to another city... I'd say you may get charged with something. Even if all you did was save the city.



Consider this though; it is difficult for even a great mage to worm his way out of an arrow piercing your heart. Why bother take an obviously dangerous and insane (he admitted as much in openly practicing gates after all) mage alive, when you can much easier get rid of a corpse...


I am not saying I would vote for a death penalty. I am saying I wouldn't have to. :P

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I dunno, I mean, I think that Mastery is easier to un-proscribe. It's obvious that I can decide better than my minions Clique mates, but it's not so obvious that Gating in random demons is beneficial. I mean, they both are, of course, if you definite beneficial as continuing my plan of world domination, but perhaps it might be pushing it a little to show my plans so early?


"What are we going to do tonight, Brain?"

"What we do EVERY night, Pinky."

"What's that, Brain?"


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm guessing a lot more than a petition. Considering that, from what I remember, there was a council of powerful mages that decreed Gates to be banned (Dialectic adventure, I think), maybe all it would take was convincing them that it should be reinstated.


Probably a bit more difficult for Mastery, though.


I'm really not so sure the knowledge of either magic should be allowed. Imagine what Kurt might do with a Gates spell...


Or Ana.

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Even if you can help her (and I usually do) the stigma will last for quite a bit...and if knowledge of Gates or Mastery would have been free and she'd have tried it (with her luck from before the adventure)...well, I think that the era of the dragons would have been an amusing fable to tell the children compared to what might follow.


On that note, she isn't going to try illegal magic in year two, is she? Because if so, I'm going to have to learn how to terminate friendships without fully antagonising people.

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If the ban on gates should ever be removed then I agree it should still be regulated, maybe licence it to "very" responsible mages. Who may only practice it under certain conditions with comprehensive security guidelines. Psyhicevaluations..

Any major experimentation would have to be revieved and approved and overseen by a council of professionals.

They would also be responsible for dealing with accidents... Maybe their teleportation services could help pay for their research and setting up fast travel pads where people have to pay to use them to be transported from one location to another.

Procedes would be used to maintain the system and pay for any accidents created by the members.


Mages who don't follow the rules or who lack the Licence would be treated the same way as lawbreakers were treated before the ban was lifted.

The council of gates mages would be overseen by a committe of city officials(Captain of mineta/emperor) and by the city sponsored professors of the Academagia.


I have a feeling there would be massive regulation. But at least they woudl knew who those gates mages were and a few of the accidents might be more avoidable, at the very least the "sideeffects might be handled better and more expediently"



It's like the ban on Alcohole or other illegal substances, banning it doesn't stop people from using it, regulating it and adding safeties probably helps more. Also knowing when a possible "disturbance/accident might happen" and having a team ready to handle the backlash might help public safety overall.

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Yeah but at least with alcohol or drugs you don't have a massive drawback to the general public. Considering that Gates has that little disadvantage of summoning up very dangerous and possibly numerous beings while attempting something small and benign like trying to get your luggage teleported up the stairs, I'd say that it's not really worth it.


And let's say that as a mage you can definitely deal with the results of your misfire, but what about the ordinary people, who are more numerous and a lot more defenceless against pirate ninja zombie robots.


With Mastery, I'd agree with it more for the benefits of healing mental diseases but Mastery mages would be very very regulated and then the officials and populace would never be sure if spells were involved or not.


In both events, the mages would eventually tire of the strict protocol and with knowledge more freely given, some pims in the right pockets and the ability of teleportation, they could slip under the radar easily and there go the safety features. The outcome of both school being allowed would include an even higher distrust of mages from the ordinary people. Two or three accidents later, maybe you'd get rioting. In the end, I don't even think it's worth it as the other schools of magic compensate nicely with a little creativity.

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Well, my character has what the Legate would call "casual contact" with the proscribed pillars. ;)


I personally think that the Mastery-esque defenses against itself should still be taught, and if my char could learn spells like "Seal Against Mastery" without ever having to learn "Master" then he would definately do it, regardless of legality. I'm not pro-mastery, and I won't get into the debates regarding it, but if it were legal I'd learn from it if for no other reason than it being available.


As for Gates, I believe that the only way to make it safe is to master it and learn all you can from it. Once it is truely mastered to the point where its chaotic nature is subdued, I don't think it will need to be banned. But as long as it is banned, it will always be banned. It's circular logic in a way, and it angers me.


That said, Depending on how the winds blow, my character might learn Gates at a pace that's just a year or so behind the proper pillars

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My characters usually always learn it. :P


On Gates, I would be definitely for it on a large scale if the random factor didn't exist even for the most taught. My objections to it come from a large political and social scale, mostly. Take Star Wars. If everyone would have been clever enough to kill/imprison/trap every Force-sensitive, the wars that made the franchise so popular wouldn't have existed (that includes the extended universe). Surely there would have been others, but none where the cause of the wars would have had such an advantage over the regular people. Same with mages...you have people who can toss fireballs and lightning or even turn you into a mouse and step on you. Let's give them more power and one that, no matter what they want, would still be able to kill us.


I would not be a fan.


As far as characters learning it though, it's just one person which would translate as youth stupidity as far as the law is concerned so no major social repercussions and I always know what I'm doing with it. Also, I can see the numbers and I know that in adventures (which is where I mostly use the skills) wouldn't backfire much.


I agree with the Seal against Mastery but you could get a similar result with powerful enough Negation.

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I have a feeling there would be massive regulation. But at least they woudl knew who those gates mages were and a few of the accidents might be more avoidable, at the very least the "sideeffects might be handled better and more expediently"


It's like the ban on Alcohole or other illegal substances, banning it doesn't stop people from using it, regulating it and adding safeties probably helps more. Also knowing when a possible "disturbance/accident might happen" and having a team ready to handle the backlash might help public safety overall.



Precisely. Which is why I support the proscribing!


(Flore, you are absolutely correct.)

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Yeah, I agree with you on just about all accounts. However;


What about a Negation/seal against mastery COMBO! :)


Send those buggers running from whence they came! ;)


Edit: And clearly it's a good idea to have some people learn the proscibed arts just to keep the cremepuddings of the world off balance. :lol:

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