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Update 37 - Pola

Nel Celestine

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Quite aggressive that I'll purposely cause a multi-verse distortion to have my waifu Bismarck knock some sense into this Pola. I would find myself arguing with her seeing as how she's also my backer reward. Sorry Pola, but you ARE adorable. Maybe not that personality (at first), but that appearance of yours is. I do have to compliment you being adorable so you'll be fuming a lot. There has to be a way to crack that personality of yours to be more tsundere, then more dere. Or maybe redirect it at the enemy.


Alright Pola, do entertain me with your self-image related dialogue as you continue try punching me and such. I'll try and drag my Bismarck into this if necessary. You're move, Pola. What will you do with me commanding you? Will you go MIA, or will we quarrel? Or shall we focus on the threats? :)


(Quick glance has me prefering the drunk KanColle Pola over the aggressive Pola. A part of me wants to say that it's Pola's carefully hidden hangover instilling such fear into people.)

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Well as much as I can't stand people who use violence as a method of social interaction, I do feel Pola was an interesting take on a role that I think it necessary in Victory Belles. We've been lacking a good sadistic/violent belle to balance out all the other furballs of fun and joy


Also, this interview has me interested in what the experience of being boarded must be like for a belle. I can't imagine its pleasant.

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I hope Mahan is getting combat pay. Yeesh.


I wonder if Pola would have tried to give a battleship's Belle a broken nose (and Mahan just had the bad luck to be a destroyer), or if her berserk button really is just being called adorable (in which case Superman, meet Kryptonite. :P )

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I'm rather interested in this. I'll have to look back in the questions thread, but I believe it has been stated before by Legate that Belles are effectively invincible as avatars but take damage with the ship. This leads to the questions: "Was Legate wrong?", "What happened on the hull to correspond to a bloody nose?" and "If Legate is not wrong, is it because only Belle avatars can damage other belle avatars?"


Edit: found it.




Damage to the ship appears to affect them, although they are immune to direct forms of damage, no matter what the source.


While the Morgana appear to become stronger within the Mists, you do not necessarily feel their effects more strongly. It does happen that way at times, but there's not clear correlation.

"immune to direct forms of damage, no matter what the source."
Legate, somebody's got some 'splainin ta do.
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Ok, first of all...


I'm really really happy for another Italian Belle! Seriously, I am! ^_^


As for her personality... am I the only guy who was not that surprised?


The Pola-class were built around the concept of fighting ships of the same class, with according firepower and protection. They were initially called "incrociatori corazzati" (armoured cruisers), and some even said that, considering how ridicolous the line of battle of the Regia Marina was back then (two unmodernized WWI-era ships), they would make up the line of battle.


Also, her flagship status makes her drive, her charisma and her sense of responsibility logical; and her, well, approval of a certain bald guy is based on historical facts. <_<


Moreover, I can't help but sympathize. On time, one will get tired when he mentions Italian ships and he gets the usual answer: "Yeah, they didn't do much, but they were very sharp looking!".

Of course, it's not like I would punch anyone for that, but she's on a different level, it's personal for her. :P


Anyway, I don't see why her character might have to change, even a little. I'd sure like to have someone with the grits and the guts to get the job done, this war against the Morgana is not going to be a party. As long as you talk to her the right way, she's going to be a valuable asset.

At least, that's what I think. But I might be biased... :rolleyes:

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Well as much as I can't stand people who use violence as a method of social interaction, I do feel Pola was an interesting take on a role that I think it necessary in Victory Belles. We've been lacking a good sadistic/violent belle to balance out all the other furballs of fun and joy


Also, this interview has me interested in what the experience of being boarded must be like for a belle. I can't imagine its pleasant.

She needed some civilization, we all too happy obliged *sips tea*

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Poor Mahan! For saying what we were all thinking!


I imagine Pola's admiration for Il Duce stems from having hosted him during her career. She might not take too kindly to me giving him a coloring book and taking over...


Otherwise though I think we'll get along just fine~


As long as I remember to not say the "A" word out loud :D

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Anyway, I don't see why her character might have to change, even a little. I'd sure like to have someone with the grits and the guts to get the job done, this war against the Morgana is not going to be a party. As long as you talk to her the right way, she's going to be a valuable asset.

At least, that's what I think. But I might be biased... :rolleyes:


Agreed, she's perfectly adorable just the way she is.

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Glad I casted my vote in for Pola, she was more amazing than I could have hoped for! I simply love a girl who can be fiery and ferocious when she wants. Being someone who isn't a big Mahan fan (I don't dislike her, I just don't particularly like her either), I actually laughed way too hard at Pola punching her in the nose. She could stand to learn a bit more self control, and I am sure she will find some if you pursue her story arc.


I find it interesting that she indicated her sister give her crap, but not as much crap as she gives them. So, the other Zara class are hot-blooded too, but Pola is the biggest hothead of them all? I always loved the Zara's from a perspective of their combat capabilities, and if they're all passionate, fiery tempered warriors like Pola I think I'm going to have them be my fleet mainstays for anything requiring a cruiser!


Also, I am honestly curious why she has the crest of the Rebel Alliance from Star Wars as a hair piece. Especially ironic since Italy at the time wanted to become the Roman Empire again :P

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I find it interesting that she indicated her sister give her crap, but not as much crap as she gives them. So, the other Zara class are hot-blooded too, but Pola is the biggest hothead of them all? I always loved the Zara's from a perspective of their combat capabilities, and if they're all passionate, fiery tempered warriors like Pola I think I'm going to have them be my fleet mainstays for anything requiring a cruiser!




I think it derives from the fact that Pola was the flagship (she had somewhat larger room for the admiral's staff), so she was kind of in charge; I guess she feels she was supposed to set the examples.




Also, I am honestly curious why she has the crest of the Rebel Alliance from Star Wars as a hair piece. Especially ironic since Italy at the time wanted to become the Roman Empire again :P






I had totally missed that!


I agree, it's weird... :blink:

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I think it derives from the fact that Pola was the flagship (she had somewhat larger room for the admiral's staff), so she was kind of in charge; I guess she feels she was supposed to set the examples.







I had totally missed that!


I agree, it's weird... :blink:


Well I was aware Pola was supposed to be a flagship. The unique bridge layout gives it away, and to be honest it makes her my least favorite ship of the Regia Marina in terms of superstructure. But, then again, the RM isn't all just about looks despite what some perfidious Anglo propoganda might say.


The Italian cruisers were quite wonderful ships and some of the best interwar cruisers from my point of view. With a leader like Pola, I'm sure they'll be able to accomplish great things. Though, then again her temper and tendency to punch first and ask questions later could easily lead to a repeat of Matapan by rushing in without thinking, so she's going to have to learn to cool off sometimes!

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