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Käpt'n Korky

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Edit: Since this game sports captains and not admirals I changed my Screenname accordingly. I'll won't change it in the text below so it stays original.

(for english scroll down please.)

Guten Tag Kameraden,


eins vorweg: Dieses Thema ist für alle die beabsichtigen die Kriegsmarine im Spiel zu Ihrer Hauptmarine zu erklären oder bevorzugt KM-Schiffe einsetzen wollen. Da es aber auch einen guten Teil Rollenspiel umfassen kann/soll, setze ich es hier in die Schreiberecke und nicht in das generale Forum. (Liebe Moderatoren, wenn ihr denkt da ists besser aufgehoben, dann verschiebt es ruhig.)


Um mich kurz vorzustellen: Ihr werdet mich als Admiral Korky hier im Forum kennen und kennenlernen. Wie man sich denken kann komme ich aus Deutschland und egal wie schlecht dein Team ist (streng genommen spielt man ja Nazis, wenn man uns im Spiel nimmt), du hälst zu ihm oder du kannst mich mal. Daher nehme ich die Kriegsmarine und werde aus ihr eine Reichsmarine formen. Also möglichst keine Walküren die sich als Nazis zu erkennen geben einsetzen (ja ich meine dich Nürnberg). Das wird im Spiel auch meine eigene Beschränkung sein. Walküren wie Nürnberg, Camicia Nera oder Canarias werden auf der Ersatzbank landen oder in einer Schurkenflotte zusammengefasst. Himmelfahrtskommandos müssen ja schließlich auch gemacht werden. Allerdings weite ich diese Beschränkung ziemlich aus. ALLE Walküren die zu politische oder unkameradschaftliche Wesen sind, werden so wenig wie möglich eingesetzt. Also auch viele Sovietschiffe oder Kriegsverbrecherinnen wie I-8 (wenn ihr die Interviews lest, wisst ihr was ich meine). Der Fokus liegt auf einem Ziel: Der Kampf gegen die Morganas und die Gesinnung muss so edelmütig wie möglich sein.

Wobei.... ich denke jede "Partywalküre" wird einen großen Platz in meinem Herzen haben. Kirov, New Orleans.... ihr wisst wen ich alles meine. ;)


Bisher gibt es ja nur ein paar kurze Filme zum gameplay und die Interviews. Daraus ergibt sich für mich folgende vorläufige "Traumflotte": Flaggschiff KMS Scharnhorst oder KMS Admiral Graf Spee, Schlachtschiff.... HMS Hood, Kreuzer.... IJN Kumano, RN D'Aosta, Kirov, USS New Orleans und HNLMS Michiel de Ruyter , Flugzeugträger Hiryu und Zerstörer Hans Lüdemann, Diether von Roeder, U-Boot Surcouf.

Man wird sehen ob sich das bewährt und wer in Zukunft noch vorgestellt wird. Was denkt ihr? Wie schaut eure Wunschliste aus?


Achja und fachsimpelt hier ruhig rum. Sowohl über Werte als auch Charakter der Walküren die ihr in eurer Flotte sehen wollt. Oder eben nicht sehen wollt.



Good Day dear fellow Admirals and Captains,


straight away: This topic is for all who want to play the Kriegsmarine as their main fleet ingame or want to use KM-shps as their favourites. Since you can place a whole lot of RPG in here, I thought it would be best to place the topic in the writer's corner and not the general forum. (dear mods, if you disagree, feel free to move it.)


I will now introduce myself:

You will know me or know me already as Admiral Korky within this forum. You might have guessed me to be from germany and since it doesn't matter how bad your team is (considering you're playing nazis, if you choose germany ingame), you'll stick with it or can go.... well whatever. Because of that I will choose the Kriegsmarine ingame but will try ignore a certain austrian corporals influence on world history. So all belles who are open fascists (yes, I'm looking at you Nürnberg) will be placed either on the substitutes' bench or send on suicide missions. But my limitation won't end with fascism. Most of soviet belles are far too political and open pro communism and some other belles from other ideologies are morally impure as well. Morally impure means loosely being in love with their "home-system" or their leader more than me and the mission or being of corrupt behaviour at sea. Either in character or in service records (surprise attacks are NOT impure.... stuff it Mahan). For example I-8 is to me a war criminal, nothing else. Read the interviews and try to see what I mean.

BUT..... every "partybelle" will have a big spot in my heart..... Kirov, New Orleans... y'know who I mean. ;)


Until now I have only read interviews and watched the short updatevideos about gameplay. Through this I have formed my "dreamteam":

Flagship: KMS Admiral Graf Spee or KMS Scharnhorst

Battleship: HMS Hood

Cruisers: IJN Kumano, RN D'Aosta, Kirov, USS New Orleans and HNLMS Michiel de Ruyter

Carrier: IJN Hiryu

Destroyers: Hans Lüdemann, Diether von Roeder

Submarine: Surcouf


the future will tell what other Belles will be added or if this team will prove itself. What's your opinion? What's your ideal Marine?


I'm eager to hear your replies. And please speculate to your hearts content about german belles and which one you would love to see..... and which ones you disregard.


Alle Mann an Deck,


Admiral Korky


P.S.: Ask me for german words or translations. I love it. :wub:



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While I am not a german by birth, you can probably tell by my Sig that I'm one of the premier Kriegsmarine Admirals here on the forum. I am a great admirer of all Navies, but no ship has me enthralled more than KMS Admiral Graf Spee and SMS Emden. Hence I shall be using Graf Spee as my Flagship, and likely at least a few other Kriegsmariners. I do not have the ideological limitation though, and will happily use any belle irrelevant of her loyalties, as long as she's willing to work with me. As a historian, I'd be disappointed if I were to have german belles without a single one being fond of said Austrian Corporal.


As for my list, I shall certainly be using Admiral Graf Spee and Diether von Roeder, and U-505 (when she appears) plus likely more than a few American and Japanese belles.

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All I will say, and then nothing more, is that if you wish to choose Belles based on story you best give each story a chance. History after Sept 1, 1939 is but an illusory fancy in VB. It's hard to be a war criminal when there has yet been no war, ne? :-)


Welcome aboard!

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All I will say, and then nothing more, is that if you wish to choose Belles based on story you best give each story a chance. History after Sept 1, 1939 is but an illusory fancy in VB. It's hard to be a war criminal when there has yet been no war, ne? :-)


Welcome aboard!

Point taken and thank you.

I am well aware that I-8 is a poor example, because her crimes happened well after the start of the VB-Storyline. But It helped me make my point.

But it also means one should ignore all information given by Mahan regarding post 1.09.1939 service, no?

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Pretext: As i understand the retaliations against poland were started in the VB-universe as well. And the brits started because of this the second world war by declaring war on germany closely before the french did as well. And that's around when the VB-game will start. But the first meeting to tackle the Morgana threat was on 28th September 1939. Thus I place the following scene in the time the INPF-treaty is under negotiation. (And deliver a reason why ORP Wicher survived until now. But it's fictional of course. ;) )


15.Oktober 1939, in a shady office of the Kriegsmarineminsterium (KMM) in Berlin, Reichpietschufer* Tirpitzufer:


Shady Offizier Nr. 1: Er hat im Krieg gedient. Fast die gesamte Offizierslaufbahn auf der SMS Westfalen. Er war auch mit ihr in Finnland. Nie ein Zeichen der Illoyalität......

He served during the War. Nearly all of his officer's carreer aboard the SMS Westfalen. He was also in Finland. Never a sign of disloyalty....


Shady Offizier Nr. 2:.... aber seine Akte sagt auch, dass er sich gegen den Flottenbefehl zur Entscheidungsschlacht mit den Briten gestellt hat. Und beim Putsch war er auch nicht auf Seiten der Marine.....

.... but the record shows, he opposed the fleetorder for the final battle against the brits. And during the putsch he didn't side with the Navy as well....


SO1: ...aber auch nicht auf Seiten der Volksmarine. Was hat er gemacht?

...but not on the side of the people's navy as well. What did he do?


SO2: Er nahm das ihm zugeteilte Torpedoboot und.... verschwand. Er tauchte erst am 20. März wieder auf.

He took his assigned Torpedoboat and .... disappeared. He resurfaced not until the 20th of March.


SO1: Also haben wir schon mal eine Frage an ihn. Gut.

So that's our first question for him. Good.


SO2: Ich habe auch nichts über ihn in Bezug auf Scapa Flow finden können. Ein einfacher KaLeu musste sich dazu zwar nicht äußern, aber das könnte unsere nächste Frage sein.

I have also found no record of him regarding Scapa Flow. As a mere KaLeu (Kapitänleutnant) he mustn't speak up on the matter, but that could be our next question.


SO1: Er war 1923 bis '24 auf Heimaturlaub im Ruhrgebiet? Fast ein Jahr Heimaturlaub? Und wurde verwundet? AUF HEIMATURLAUB??

He was from 1923 until '24 on home leave in the ruhrgebiet? Nearly a whole year home leave? And he was wounded? ON HOME LEAVE??


15.Oktober 1939, in a shady corridor in front of a shady office of the Kriegsmarineminsterium (KMM) in Berlin, Reichpietschufer:


Ein Mann in seinen Fünfzigern hört einen gedämpften, überraschten Ruf "AUF HEIMATURLAUB??" durch eine dicke, geschlossene, hölzerne Tür. Er weiss, dass der Mann hinter der Tür gerade den Teil seiner Akte erreicht hat, der ihm auch heute wieder den Arsch retten würde. Mal wieder. Zum dritten Mal in den letzten, gottverlassenen sechs Jahren.

A man in his fifties hears a muffled, surprised shout "ON HOME LEAVE?" through a thick, closed, wooden door. He knows the men behind the door just reached the part of the file that would save his ass today. Again. For the third time in the last, godforsaken six years.


Back in the office:


SO2: Ja, er war scheinbar Teil des Ruhrkampfes. Hat dort einige verdeckte Matroseneinheiten gegen den Franzosen geführt. Er war später dadurch auch in die Lohmann-Affäre verwickelt, wenn auch nicht

führend. Zweifelsfrei wurden seine Aktionen aber über den damaligen B-Haushalt bezahlt. Als sich der Ärger darüber später gelegt hatte wurde er dafür zum Korvettenkapitän befördert.

Yes, it seems he was part of the Ruhrfight. Lead some concealed Marines against the French. By those means he later was involved in the Lohmann-affair, but not in a leading role. Without a doubt were

his actions paid via the B-budget. Later, when the dust settled over the matter he was promoted to Korvettenkapiän for his service.


SO1: Und warum ist er das bis heute geblieben?

And why did he remain one until today?


SO2: Tja.... hier kommt der wirklich störende Teil. Er trat dem Reichsbanner schwarz-rot-gold bei.

Well.... here comes the really troubling part. He joined the Reichsbanner schwarz-rot-gold.


SO1: Oh.... traurig. Aber das erklärt seine fehlenden Beförderungen seit 14 Jahren und seine Verhöre. Aber er ist Arier?

Oh.... sad. But that explains his lack of promotions since 14 years and his interrogations. But he's aryan?


SO2: Ja, zweifelsfrei. Ein paar abgewickelte Kommunisten in der Verwandtschaft .... SPD und KPD-Mitglieder, aber ohne jeden Zweifel Arier.

Yes, doubtless. A few liquidated communists in the family ..... SPD and KPD members, but without a doubt aryan.


SO1: Im ersten Verhör hat er vermutlich deshalb angegeben, dass er Rapallo gut fand. Und er sei deutsch-national, aber wir würden es zu weit treiben. Na, loyal zum Führer kann man das nicht nennen.

Vermutlich so ein DVP-Weichei. Er würde sogar Juden auf sein Schiff lassen! ... Aber keine Katholiken? *lacht* Na, dann besteht ja noch Hoffnung.

He probably said because of this in his first interrogation to have liked Rapallo. And he's self-declared german-nationalistic, but we would go too far. Well, you can hardly call him loyal to the fuhrer.

Probably a DVP-nancy. He would even let jews serve on his ship! ... But no catholics? *laughs* Well there's hope, yet.


SO2: Das meinte ich als ich sagte er sei eine gute Wahl für diese Himmelfahrtskommandos gegen diese Nebelkreaturen. Wie nennen die Tommies sie noch? Achja, "Morganas".

That's what I meant when I said he'd be a good choice for the suicide missions against those mistcreatures. How do the tommies call them? Ah yes, "Morganas".


SO1: Wie hat er sich denn im Krieg gegen Polen verhalten?

How did he behave in the war against Poland?


SO2: Er hat einen polnischen Zerstörer entkommen lassen, nachdem eine dieser Morganas in den Kampf eingriff und beide attackierte. Statt den bereits angeschlagenen polnischen Zerstörer zu vernichten,

wendete er sich gegen diese Morgana. Anders als andere Verbände konnte er die Kreatur zum Rückzug zwingen. Er lief mit seinem beschädigten Schiff zurück nach Kiel und wurde dort zunächst

interniert. Sein Schiff scheint auch eine dieser Walküren an Bord zu haben. Und sie kooperiert mit niemandem außer ihm.

Was ich nicht finden konnte waren Berichte über Meutereien oder Unzufriedenheit unter seiner Mannschaft. Ich konnte aber auch keine Begründung dafür finden. Ich hörte nur er "wüsste wie man feiert

und macht ausgezeichnete Cocktails."

He allowed a polish destroyer to escape, after one of those Morganas entered the fight and attacked both. Instead of finishing off the polish destroyer, he turned his ship against that Morgana. Different

from other squadrons he was able to repell the creature. Er ran back to Kiel with his damaged ship and was interned. His ship seems to have one of those Walküren aboard. And she cooperates with no

one but him.

I couldn't find any reports of mutiny or unrest amongst his crew. Ever. But I couldn't find a explanation for this either. All I heard was "he knows how to have a party and makes excellent cocktails."


SO1: Eine Walküre. Morganakampferfahrung. Dabei vermutlich verräterische Tendenzen. Sie haben Recht, er IST die perfekte Wahl. Wir können ihn für diesen internationalen Flottenquatsch entbehren. Das

hält uns vielleicht diese verdammten Briten etwas vom Hals. Er ist ein Zeichen unseres "guten Willens". So ein Quatsch. Aber wenn es hilft. Wenn er stirbt ist es gut, wenn er erfolgreich ist, ist es auch gut.

Und als Mannschaft bekommt er ein paar Kriminelle. Ausgezeichnet, rufen sie ihn rein.

A Belle. Combat experience with Morganas. And on top of it probably a latent traitor. You are right, he IS the perfect choice. We can spare him for this international fleet nonsense. That keeps maybe those

damned brits off of our throat. He's our "sign of goodwill". What balderdash. But if it helps. It's okay if he dies, if he suceeds, it's okay as well. And as crew he gets some criminals. Excellent, call him in.


Ohne weitere Erwiderung geht der Angesprochene zur Tür, öffnet sie und findet vor der Tür den Mann über den die beiden die ganze Zeit gesprochen haben.

"Korvettenkapitän Korky? Kommen sie rein!"

Der angesprochene erhebt sich, richtet noch einmal seine Uniform und klemmt sich seine Schirmmütze unter der Arm. Mit seinen 1,93m überragt er den Mann in der Tür um mehr als einen Kopf. Schweigend geht er an ihm vorbei. Den Blick auf den Mann am Schreibtisch gerichtet. Vor dem Schreibtisch angekommen salutiert er korrekt und sagt:

"Käpt'n Korky meldet sich wie befohlen Admiral."

The addressed walks without further response towards the door, opens it and finds the man they are talking about the whole time in front of it.

"Korvettenkapitän Korky? Come in!"

The now addressed rises, straightens his uniform and locks his peaked cap under his arm. With his 1,93m (~6ft 4in) he towers above the much smaller man in the door. He passes him silently, his gaze fixed on man behind the desk. In front of the desk he salutes correctly and says:

"Käpt'n Korky reports as ordered, admiral."

For a continous read click HERE

*Ups, das Reichpietschufer hieß bis 1947 Tirpitzufer, der Name welcher der Königin-Augusta-Straße nach dem Tod des Admirals in 1933 gegeben wurde.

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  • 3 weeks later...

And something completely different:

I read there are 7 confirmed german belles.

Dieter von Roeder, Hans Lüdemann, Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, Graf Spee, U-29, Köln.

That would be seven. Anyship else?

For a far more better list look HERE.

Edited by Admiral Korky
Better list elsewhere
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As one of the Kreigsmarine members and will be streaming the game at least once a week I've planned my line-up (with future content planned out)


Flagship: Camicia Nera (Until Bismarck joins the fray)

Flankers: Scharnhorst and Gneisenau

Carriers: Graf Zepplin

U-Boats: Nerpa & U-99


Mantle piece for my Captain Quarters will be the wheel for the HMS hood.

That being said, I will for certain cycle all the Kreigsmarine Belles in for a chance to be seen and used fairly on stream.  Off stream I'll get any Belle that catches my fancy.

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I guess I will choose more likely Nel's approach. Altough I'm really compelled to try a pure Wolfpack anytime enough U-Boote are available in the game.

I'm also very curious about Gneisenaus interview for the same reason Nel wrote. The one I like more gets to be early flagship. Won't steal ninja his waifu. :lol:

In the end I will most likely go with the Ice Queen Tirpitz as flagship.

My first playing strategy will probably be: 1. Crush poland, 2. Fight Morganas and power up 3. Profit! Sink the bloody home fleet. Let's see how that works out for me.

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Surprisingly enough, that's not a hit-and-run fleet.  Although I'll probably use more cruisers where possible, because I intend it to be a long range patrol fleet with enough firepower to break anything I need to, and enough speed to outrun anything I can't break.  Unfortunately, that limits my usage of U-boote because of their incredibly limited speed.  I'll probably make alliances with as many nations as possible.  I'll especially get the US and Japan on my side.  If at all possible, I will avoid fighting the war.  In fact, I was actually planning to spare/save Poland.

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7 hours ago, Admiral Korky said:

I guess I will choose more likely Nel's approach. Altough I'm really compelled to try a pure Wolfpack anytime enough U-Boote are available in the game.

I'm also very curious about Gneisenaus interview for the same reason Nel wrote. The one I like more gets to be early flagship. Won't steal ninja his waifu. :lol:

In the end I will most likely go with the Ice Queen Tirpitz as flagship.

My first playing strategy will probably be: 1. Crush poland, 2. Fight Morganas and power up 3. Profit! Sink the bloody home fleet. Let's see how that works out for me.

*In an Albanian accent* "Good luck"

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On 12.5.2017 at 3:15 PM, Wellington99 said:

*In an Albanian accent* "Good luck"

Well thank you handsome, italian occupied person. 

No, for reals: Step 3 will probably be to tinker a ceasefire somewhen in 1940. But first '39.

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Korky has asked me to work with him on this.  It's why this has taken so long to appear, but here's the second part of the story of Korvettenkapitän Korky!  The first post can be found here: http://academagia.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/3566-kriegsmarineministerium/&do=findComment&comment=55519




The Admiral calmly gestures everyone out of the room save for himself and Korvettenkapitän Korky.

"Please have a seat."  Korky takes the offered seat. No reason to play the hardened old seaman, when the man he faces is about the same age.

The lights are dim, shrouding the Admiral in darkness. He didn't like these sort of interviews much. He was a good judge of character, and without all this red tape he could simply make the call and be done with it. The supposed troublemaker he is interviewing appears to be almost as old as himself. It's an odd situation. With all the young blood these days, it's rare to find one who has been through such a career in the Marine as he has. It's a shame that they had to meet in such a place.

"Let's get this over with quickly. For the duration of this interview, you may call me Herr Admiral. Since I already know your service record, we can skip straight to the questions."

He looks over the old Kapitän with a scrutinizing eye, then calmly asks the first question.

"I do need to fill in some missing information. What were you doing during the time you and your torpedoboat had disappeared?"


Korky thinks about all the times he'd been questioned about that incident. "Well, here we go again, but this time I don't care anymore.

Korky speaks up. "We were on a patrol in the Ostsee. Starting in Warnemünde around Cap Arkona along the danish border south of Bornholm. Through bad weather we ran aground near Rönne. My first mate could speak danish, so we were able to pull our ship free, repair it and get back to Kiel with the help of some locals. And before you ask, we made them cooperate with some good alcoholic beverages we just happened to have aboard. We got word from the putsch on our way back to port and decided Kiel would be the best choice to report to, because of the Marineheadquarter there."

"The communication logs from Warnemünde until our crossing of the Fehmarn Belt are lost and we kept radio silence from Rönne to the Fehmarn Belt because of our uncertainty with the Putsch going on and all. The question you should ask is: Why we weren't spotted or reported before we got there.  Is there anything else I can help you with Admiral?"

Korky highlighted the "Admiral" just a little bit. Oh, the everlasting commander versus subordinate teasing. Nothing he is immune to or stands above.

The Admiral gives a slightly disappointed sigh. He was hoping that a man of such age would have a more respectful tone. It wasn't surprising though, considering Korky's service record. The old sailor didn't seem to have much respect for authority, but at least he took responsibility for his own actions. He decided to brush aside the rudeness for now.

"I see. I may ask you about that later. For now, I'm more concerned with the Scapa Flow affair. You seem to have several large parts of your service record missing. If you don't clear them up, I will be forced to consider those disappearances possible subversive activities against Deutschland. So, why were you absent from Scapa flow?"


That question takes Korky by surprise. Did the Admiral knock his head? Korky ignores his befuddlement and answers in a dutiful tone:
"My ship wasn't ordered to be there, Herr Admiral. It was probably because we were not part of the high sea fleet, Herr Admiral. We were in the drydock at Wilhelmshafen at that time, resupplied for a patrol around Helgoland, making much needed repairs. Shortly after the scuttling we were relocated to Kiel and Warnemünde thereafter.


"Now, about your Party affiliation, it's rather unusual. Are you against the Führer and his party?"


It was a loaded question. He wanted to know if Korky would lie to save his skin, but from the previous responses, he had a feeling he knew the answer to that.


Käpt'n Korky grabbed his armrests tighter. For a short moment he thought about giving in, but then he realized how much he did not care anymore.

"I think the Führer and the party have done a good job in rebuilding Deutschland and tearing apart the shame of Versailles, Herr Admiral. But I don't agree with all their actions. Their ideology has a lot of harmful ideas and I will not follow orders who go against naval, personal or national honor. We are proud people, but I don't need the Führer to remind me of that fact. And no party who makes some of the best and proudest Germans I ever knew disappear into thin air, Herr Admiral. And on a personal note: The old republic had far better parties than the new one, Herr Admiral."


It was just as the Admiral thought.  It's not often these days that you could find someone so openly opposed to the Führer.  That made the interview much simpler.  He only had to ask one more question.

"What are your thoughts on the sailors of France, Britain, Russia, and The United States?"


"On the sailors, Herr Admiral? Usually people like everybody else. In terms of quality I hold the Brits in high regards and the Russians in... not so high regards. I have no real opinion about the French and the Americans, Herr Admiral, but I don't think they match our sailors." Korky was surprised by his cautious phrasing, but something felt strange.


The Admiral gave an amused grin.  "It will be sufficient.  We'll have to work on your relations with the Russians, despicable as it sounds, but that should be enough to keep the bureaucracy satisfied."  He stood up and saluted Korky.  The Admiral relaxed, letting his imposing aura slip away and releasing the tension.  "I am Maximillian von Hertz-Emden, a commander of Kriegsmarine forces in the International Naval Protection Force.  Once the paperwork goes through, you will also be a Kapitän with the INPF.  You are going to be assigned to your previous Zerstörer and your Walküre.  Do you have any questions?"


Out of sheer surprise, Korky wasn't able to comprehend the situation let alone come up with a question that made sense to himself.

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