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Favourite Colleges from Steam


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@Metis: I would be interested in hearing about what you object to in The Keystone Adventure.

For my part, I love Morvidus College the best. The Familiar Distress adventure provides a fascinating look into the life of a non-mage who seems to be the type of person whom Academagia should have educated.

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The utter incompetence of the Aultrine Order and Regent di Lucca Alazzo (although I'll admit Salvatore is way beyond his pay grade), primarily, and what I see as confirmation that something Dragon-y is inevitably going to happen in later years. Not that the last one should come as a surprise, but I've encountered one too many situations where bad things happened pretty much because there wouldn't be a story worth telling/final boss (nominally) worth fighting otherwise, and despite all evidence to the contrary I'm pretty much expecting Academagia to get the same treatment. A full-scale Dragon invasion with the threat of a Third Captivity is cool and all, but when I'm trying to play a musician I'm sure it'll just get in the way more than anything.

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Actually, it makes sense that "Simulation Testers Needed" Doesn't allow Godina students to run through it, because it was made by Godina students, as the adventure mentions. I'm sure they wanted to see how non-war mages would be able to handle it, because I'm sure most of the Godina students would be able to breeze through it. :)

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  • 5 months later...
4 hours ago, Ramidel said:

I see that Avila gets little love. That's something of a surprise: after all, with Astrology, we always succeed at anything we attempt.

Hmmm. Including making tower 8 livable? I don't think so. Being able to see the future is one thing, being able to benefit from it is another, and being able to undo centuries worth of Astrological forces telling you that things are going to be to your detriment no matter how hard you rail against it is yet another thing entirely.

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It's worth noting the numbers are a bit different now.

Vernin 3.1%

Morvidus 2.4%

Godina 2.1%

Avila/Hedi 1.8%

Aranaz 1.6%

Durand 1.5%

Academagia has sold about 6000 copies on steam, so by these current numbers we're talking like 186 people finishing a game as a Vernin compared to about 90 finishing a game with Durand. Given that people often like to do multiple playthroughs with different colleges we can't REALLY take too much from these relatively small margins.

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6 hours ago, freespace2dotcom said:

Hmmm. Including making tower 8 livable? I don't think so. Being able to see the future is one thing, being able to benefit from it is another, and being able to undo centuries worth of Astrological forces telling you that things are going to be to your detriment no matter how hard you rail against it is yet another thing entirely.


A little diplomacy will ensure that it has proper windows at least. Besides, adversity builds character (and skills).

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Well, my problem with Avila is that so much of its exclusive content for male PCs traditionally relied upon the Prodigy: On the Prowl, and that content was very restrictive in that it casted the PC as a seducer of girls. There was so much potential for Avila content for both sexes to focus upon theological issues (given the in-setting connection between astrology and religion) but the base game long denied that.

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1 hour ago, apache said:

I think for most people, the problem with Avila is gender discrimination.
Personally, i sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy, I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners, so when i see the gender discrimination on Avila i can see why it's not a popular college.

Please don't bring your moronic political views onto this nice forum for a wizard spreadsheet simulator.

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3 minutes ago, Legate of Mineta said:

While I agree that this isn't the place for politics (unless it's game world politics :) )- let's also avoid personal attacks.

Everyone can agree Dragons are bad, mmm-kay. Rhialto and Free may be exceptions. :)

And me (Gotta get those Draconic powers!) . Though I do say that Avila is pretty restrictive in terms of content but what we have is pretty decent though the male Avila unique adventure does makes me rail against my own character. Probably cause I play my characters as more dismissive people toward others.

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I don't think dragons are inherently evil.

That said, their nature and values definitely put them at odds with anything smaller than them... Which is just about everything, including me, so I fall into the "Let's defend the Wall to the last person" camp. No quarter expected and none given.

Those sorts of life-and-death scenarios would be an excellent reason to throw caution to the wind and start Rending dragons with Gates. I also suspect that Mastery would be useful to influence them to infighting even if you couldn't control them. Pull all stops. If you fail you'll be killed anyway.

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2 minutes ago, Ramidel said:

Now, see, I think that dragons are potentially useful allies if properly taught.

They just need to learn to obey their...Master.

The problem is, there's always a better Master and dragons are no exception.

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