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Beta Candidate #4: No Go & All Hands on Deck!

Legate of Mineta

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As usual, the Team has given me leave to post the results of the Beta vote for the forums. This same update will go out with the Interview later.

Beta Candidate #4: No Go

An important issue and an important opportunity related to the back end of the game has demanded the Staff's efforts for this Release. Everyone on the development Team has had their normal backlog suspended to swarm this problem as of last Thursday, with the exception of Art, Tooling and Writing.

The final tally was Not Applicable, due to all hands on deck.

The outstanding work remains incomplete:

1) Gameflow QA
2) Weapons Detail UI Overhaul
3) Simple Player Combat Log
4*) Production Overhaul
5*) Range & Fuel Consumption

 #4 and #5 *may* be completed within the KS Beta itself.

The Team will hold the next vote in mid-July.

Although a very quick pivot to address the issue was required, the Team was able to manage it and is now executing on the new back end strategy. The results *may* have an impact on the single account for all devices we've been chasing, but it's not clear yet. Otherwise, there are several attendant benefits we expect- but more on that at the next vote!

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another 3 months? 

BCS your toying with my heart I have a lot game I'm planning to play in the summer

whatever the case may be this time around I'm crossing my fingers for the next beta update to be green lights

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As much as I'm a bit disappointed, I do understand that you guys want to make a good impression on your backers and the public interested in this game.  Advice for the marketing / public relations team: Go ape-shit with trying to get big YouTubers to try and advertise the game.  Gaijin Goombah is a good example.


I'll still loiter around...patiently :).

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