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New Map of the Academagia

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I love checking stuff out at Deviant Art. You never know what you're gonna find! :)

Made by the same guy who did the 1st map for the team, even! Perhaps a hint of Y2's quality?

Academagia New


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Well. I take it the craziness to the left is the Tower of Cold Forge. The buildings up in the trees must be Morvidus' dorms, and next to that should be the Dimmae Theatre. Than the Colosseum-looking building to the left must be the Spavia. The Observatory of Verus of course has the telescope sticking out..."seems made more of arched windows than of marble", so I take it the building right up-right of the Great Gate would contain (be?) the Great Hall.

Incidentally, am I the only one who thinks Morvidus' dorm kind of looks like an archer tower? Looking over the walls, ready to rain death, that sort of thing?

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This map isn't labeled, but the previous map clearly shows that it's Part of Vernin's Campus. Vernin built lots of towers all over the Academagia, and it's my understanding that the Tower of the Cold Forge is not actually located there. That's a *separate* incident involving a frozen explosion. But other than that, the building is still accessible, even the top of the tower.

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4 minutes ago, freespace2dotcom said:

That's a *seperate* incident involving a frozen explosion.

I feel like I should be asking Cirillo what the odds are on di Lucca Alazzo building his own tower and it also getting time nuked in an incident that's even more separate from the previous two. 'Cuz with di Lucca Alazzo's lacking Enchant knowledge, the questionableness of his position as Vernin's Regent and their tendency for time nuking their towers I'm feeling pretty lucky :P.

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2 minutes ago, Metis said:

Odd that no one during all of those years figured out a way to stop it. Too dangerous to mess with, I suppose.

I'm sure after lamenting that this Masterpiece found it's way to the forums, the Legate will confirm that.

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If this really is for Y2, and I suspect it is based on the fact the legate didn't acknowledge it at all, then I feel just a tiny bit sorry I've been pestering him so badly.

That said, I probably wouldn't have pestered him so badly had something like this been revealed. And I just want to point out that this was publicly viewable for at least half a year. Anything left in my confidence stays there until there's no need, (I think I proved that with DLC17's beta) but if I find something public on my own, all bets are off. :)

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Mineta, I think was already mentioned to have a map planned for Y2. Whether it's done or not I don't think we'll know until the Big Day.

A world map is also possible, considering how we're all going to be going home for the summer. It would definitely be worth doing replays of Y1 again with Y2 in hand, just to see all the stuff in Y2. Oh, if Y2 does come out this year.... :)

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Academagia: Mineta

If you compare this with the Mineta map you see that the complete surrounding outside the walls is missing. I.e. Frontino should be direct on the other side of the lake or from south the city buildings should be nearly direct at the wall but there is lot of empty space in the Academagia map.

Could it be the map is a few 100-1000 years older but then the exploding tower wouldn't be there.

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I always saw that city map as being highly compressed. Plus the focus is on the Academagia. It's possible that the city is just outside the boundaries that we can see in the new map, because nobody wants to live *that* close to the magic school, haha.

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I don't know... I'm not saying you're wrong, but I still think there's enough space for wiggle room. The more realistic depiction should have garbage strewn out all over over the city's side of lake Ardica, yet there isn't any. Wiggle room. This is less of a map as the old one was, and more of a stylized painting, imo.

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Schwarzbart, I suspect that they are going for the old-school approach to maps, 'show the important/cool stuff roughly where it would be as you travel and leave details/accuracy for people to discover'

A lot of old maps are 'wrong' from a modern map-making point of view because modern maps are effectively a compressed image of georgraphy, older maps however worked more on the basis of 'you travel to here from there so here comes after there' so were much less fixed in outline with distances and angles much less important than they are today.  I note though that a lot of old maps had 'here there be dragons' stuck here and there to fill out space or warn people about going off the beaten path so these don't mirror old maps in that fashion, of course that warning might get taken the wrong way in the setting ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

Although the few details now known are fairly recent. We have known for a while that Y2 was going to have at least a few maps. Mineta was mentioned several years ago, and given the focus on the school it's not surprising the academy would have one as well. It was not hard to guess that several region maps, or a large world map would exist as well.

Sadly I can't find much specific information seeing as how the forum buries stuff, I did find THIS post which shows that we've known that there will be a Mineta map since 2015. It's not surprising that there would be one.

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