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KS Update 129: A Long Awaited Interview with Kaga


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Update #129

Another cocky, even arrogant high speed, low drag, fighting spirit to make gods duck for cover IJN Bellle?

You'll be shocked to know I approve, even if I don't like her ragging excessively on Mahan. 

I think my brief editorializing in the title of this thread sums up my feelings on the post itself. Pass a thanks on to the rest of the team for us Legate, much appreciated. 

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I appreciate the cute fang and the Japanese version of the crotchless pants Kirov wears. However while I'm all for teasing and ragging, no bully our Mahan.

Thanks for finally getting us the Kaga interview though. Well appreciated

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This Kaga is more sharped tongued than the other Kagas I've seen, a nice change of pace. I like her design as well, simple and effective.

By the way, from an update last May, would the next interview be with a certain USS Destroyer?



Just a suggestion. :P

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1 hour ago, Panay's Ghost said:

'Mistake' indeed.  Your mistake, Kaga, is whining to Mahan for forgiveness.

I have neither forgiven nor forgotten.

I think you should actually be angrier than that, I took that comment as the most petulant kind of mockery.

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2 hours ago, TwoHeavens said:

I think you should actually be angrier than that, I took that comment as the most petulant kind of mockery.

It was and trust me, I am.

But I also remember La Motte-Picquet's words of wisdom:


...I think we are all of us in a race with the Morganas.  Yes?

They are disorganized, but we are disorganized too.  More so.

Le Capitaine has to help us prove that we can work together, because anything else ends badly. 


That said, if working together includes live-fire target practice, consider a one-way trip around Bungo Channel with a rose for Tosa in her teeth a done deal.

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Time went by fast. I like that we are getting some interviews again. But now that Kaga came up that reminded me of something. What happened to that second fleet match we were voting on back in November I think? It was supposed to come out in December if I remember correctly. I am mostly just curious because I want to hear more voice lines from our girls :)

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12 minutes ago, Legate of Mineta said:


They decided to do the next one with Sortie, although since Story may actually finish its integration first, it may come with that!


Now that is a very loaded sentence xD This makes it sounds like something will be coming soon, be it Sortie or Story so they thought releasing it earlier would be a waste :P 

I certainly hope that is the case and will wait with enthusiasm then. Sounds like it is going to be an exciting year.

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Just now, Legate of Mineta said:

It's going to be a very exciting year. :)

As always, though...let's wait until it's Done Done, to be sure.

Of course. As a programmer myself I know that deadlines or planned release dates are basically meaningless when it comes to coding and testing. Nothing one can do about that. It is just part of the beast. I would much rather have a smooth and finished game than a buggy mess just to please some deadline.

Doesn't mean I can't be excited for it though :) 

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Kaga, Kaga, Kaga.  Sigh.

First off, as an historian, I love this Kaga.  She's the most authentic of all the Kaga's across the shipgirl-verse. The actions of her pilots over the skies of China are her signature performance prior to Sept 1, 1939 and all the other games have ignored it.  VB faced this history head on and have made her the most imperialistic of the IJN Belles.  There may be Belles who are more Imperial, but only Kaga seems to embrace the idea that Japan's duty is to conquer at the very least East Asia and anyone in her way are simply flies to be swatted.  

Which brings me to my thoughts as a Captain.  Just as Kaga's pilots by late 1937 led from the bottom up, confident that they knew what the Emperor wanted better than the Emperor Himself did due to his "treacherous advisers", it's pretty clear that Kaga herself drank the same Kool Aid.  It strikes me that VB could have gone three routes over Kaga and her pilots.  She could ignore their transgressions like the other shipgirl games do, she could  apologize for them, or she could own those actions and revel in them.  This Kaga went that third route without shame.  It's marvelous!  ...and I despise her for it.

For those who consider I-8 to be "squicky", I invite you all to really ponder your feels on Kaga.  In Sept 1939, I-8 is simply a newly commissioned submarine with no track record.  By Sept 1, 1939, Kaga is already a war criminal...and by her interview she seems quite content with it.

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I enjoy aggressive, over the top nut cases like Kaga, but I will admit that her comments on the Panay incident stuck in my craw a bit. Like Cat said, not just committing war crimes, but certainly feeling no remorse over them. I'm now wondering if Kaga's just a loud mouth. And not so much the staunch Imperialist she makes herself out to be. To admit remorse for the Panay incident is to admit fault or imperfection in her flight group and herself, so she pushes hard and past it. To talk about her past, to talk about Amagi or Tosa, any aspirations she might had had as a battleship in anything but terms of strict dismissal admits a possible weakness or fault in herself. Especially making a first impression to an unknown, she can't show any throat. 

So she can't let Mahan bring the Panay incident up, it could wreck her tempo and leave her floundering for answer she probably doesn't even want to think about, much less give. And we know that when Mahan actually has a chance to lock onto something, she'll stay there till she gets an answer. Could such questions or objections from Mahan be concerning enough to her pride that it set her entire tempo for the interview? Sure she wants to show the Captain (Us) that she's strong willed, aggressive, and zealous, exactly what she should be, but taking control like that also gives her the opportunity to avoid or gloss over certain subjects. For example her heritage and actions of her pilots that were less than honorable. If she's asked those questions, she has to ask them of herself, and that can bring the whole thing tumbling down. *

What I just took two paragraphs to say is that she comes off on a second, then third reading, as strikingly insecure. Like she's trying to cover something up with outrageous behavior and setting the pace to her own satisfaction.

It will be interesting to interact with her in game see how much of this wool gathering is arresting on her flight deck so to speak. 

Is she squicky? No. Not right now any way. I don't consider I-8 squicky either... in the end a machine is a tool, in the hands of good men, they will perform just actions, and assist their crews in the same. In the hands of evil, or worse,  the apathetic, they can commit untold atrocities. Such is the potential of the human race. Even Belles aren't much different from their sleeping sisters in this regard. Belles can advise, cajole, interpret creatively, but in the end they obey orders. Guided by human will. So for me, they (Belles with atrocities or more directly dubious behaviors like a certain yellow eyed German warship.) start from zero.

As of these interviews however... of the two, Kaga's in more questionable water, and I'll leave judgement until I find her in game and let her condemn herself with her own voice. The fact that there's so much contention over a single line of her dialogue (albeit a  line with *very* significant impact) proves that she is, good or evil, redeemable or lost, damn well written, so a solid Bravo Zulu to the writer responsible. 

*I had a sudden brain wave but didn't want to restructure the entire post to accommodate it. Cat's comment about leading from the bottom might actually be even more on the nose than we might have suspected, not just in the case of His Imperial Majesty, but in the case of Kaga as well.  I could see it being very possible that Kaga's currently "along for the ride" almost as much as when she was sleeping. How do you bully a Belle into going along with you? How do you bully an Emperor? If that's the case than the show here isn't just for (Us). 

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On 2/3/2019 at 5:03 AM, TwoHeavens said:

As of these interviews however... of the two, Kaga's in more questionable water, and I'll leave judgement until I find her in game and let her condemn herself with her own voice. The fact that there's so much contention over a single line of her dialogue (albeit a  line with *very* significant impact) proves that she is, good or evil, redeemable or lost, damn well written, so a solid Bravo Zulu to the writer responsible. 

I start with agreeing with TH here. She's incredibly well written so far. And she has some interesting character traits. No matter if she's hiding a troubled consciousness or she really takes pride in all she says: She is an excellent writing job.

And yeah she totally glossed over her involvement in the 1932 Shanghai battle, by taking the initiative in this interview. And in all honesty I hope she's true on her intentions and words. I think it's important to have "Anti-"characters on your own team. Otherwise we just get one big happy tea party. Which would be boring. Also this writing ups my hopes on real Nazi-Walküren. So far only Nürnberg is really a Nazi. I feel there should be more. And the writers should be bold enough to go there.

Now would I want Kaga in my (main) fleet? Absolutely not! Geez, girl has some problems, no matter how you look at her. And talking japanese carriers, Hiryuu is a very attractive alternative, both physically and character wise. But Heinrich Korky probably sees things very differently. He's gonna love a carrier who holds herself in high regards and has none for civilians.

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Captain Heavens is hoping that Akagi is as interesting as the other members of the Kido Butai we've met so far. And has fox ears but that's a given and entirely besides the point. As interesting and diverse as Kaga and Hiryuu have been I can only imagine the other IJN Fleet Carrier Belles will be equally interesting. Perhaps I shouldn't get my hopes up, but I'm already doing it so it's a little too later for that.

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