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KS Update 197: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021!!!


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The trailer is warmly welcomed by me as well. 

And I love it when I'm right. Don't you? Like here and here.

In stubborn defiance I will call Queen Mary a red herring. I will stick to SS Scharnhorst.

Streng dich an Lebi! Wir glauben an dich! 

And i like the new revealed German sub.

Achja, frohes neues Jahr euch allen.


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The first words out of my mouth after watching the trailer were “PUPPER HAS PUPPER OUTFIT” so I hope you’re ready to get my wallet mailed to you for that, Legate.

Also on the content creator/influencer front, TheMightyJingles, the Gnomish overlord, might be a good pick as well. He’s a fan of Girls und Panzer and Kancolle, and I think he also has some Arpeggio of Blue Steel stuff

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Here's a link to his channel you can pass along as well. He's very much into history as well, as well as just general war stuff. Ton of his videos are on World of Tanks and World of Warships


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Okay here's a little more sophisticated look at the video:

One Morgana we can identify for sure is "Fire" on the far right of the Morgana spectrum. 0:45 reveals the front Morgana to be Dismay, the far left to be Mistrust and reminds us of Avarice (next to Fire). 0:49 shows Mischief to be left to Dismay. 0:54 gives us Despair to be to the right of Dismay. Wait had I just forgotten how she looked? And 0:56 completes the set with the last missing one to be Venom.

@NinjapacmanWhat do you make of the wooden plank of the Japanese kamimaru between Lampo and probably Jaguar?

I will point out U-37 was a prime predator. And looks good. :3

At 0:17 point out every shadow and win the respect and admiration of this forum.

Tfw you think "wait those were only 10 nations" and they hit you with a giant Swastika!! Lebi 🥰

The teaser hands us a prime opportunity to ship Verdun with any aircraft carrier. :3

I really like the new world map. Are the Morganas depicted the local "bosses" or "just" Morganas present at that location I wonder. 

Regions map looks interesting. So you have an area with paths, which you can scout and progress on. Reminds me of another game in which I liked that mechanic.

The resources shown are (probably) Crew, Fuel (a barrel of oil, even though my fleet runs on the power of love! Yankii developers....), Ammo, then two construction resources maybe (Steel and stones?) and the last one I have no idea. Range? Radiation? We'll find out. 

There also seems to be time limit. And can you deploy your ships at will or will they be auto-assigned (in the first screen 4 ships in 2x2 fleets)?

There are also harbours? Hm, what purpose might they have? :3 In the second screen, the one with pupper Pupper  you can clearly see Hainan imho. And yes, who is #2? She seems to hold a slingshot?

What is that gold V medal on the Kirov and Aoba screen? And is that Venezuela? The cloud seems to indicate "weather".

I totally love the moving chibis. I want to look at them all the time!! Oh and I notice different "waves".....

Oh, I don't think we have been introduced to Calamity prior. I'll codename her Jane. For obvious reasons. And our old flame Corruption is there too. 

Short musical intermission, see below for why:



Next up are Sedition, Sabotage and Mischief.....followed by more Sedition and Sabotage and then Vanity, Sin (hello there) and Sedition again.....Sedition all over the place.... Is there a Sedition song?

And Queen Mary gets revealed. Which renews the debate of Team SSS (2 members) vs Team QM (everyone else it seems). See my previous post.

Then more Morgana enter with Treason, Despair, Starvation, Confusion and Murder. Anyone counting and keeping track? Cause I ain't! And now we have to add Venom and Asphyxiation, who we already know of, courtesy of U-29. And slingshot girl is Boiky!

Morganas still not finished with Injustice popping into view....briefly. Oh and Fire gets confirmed I guess (see above). Injustice - only blind on one eye...hah!

And then we have a nice change of screen: Levelling up. NO needs (counterclockwise) Special Acknowledgement, Mardi Gras Mask, King Olivers Kreole ...radio, Zora Neale houston....books, Borbon Milk, CA Pacific International Expo.....blah, U.S. Protection Kit.....which consists of papers? .... Not condoms? Feel free to tell me something about it yankii. I'm always curious.
Anyway there is an honour, accoutrement, music, library, recreation, good luck charm and home front support slot in that order. So speculate at will what it could be for YOUR favourite Walküre. 
there is also some interesting info about NOs weaponry and what gets affected by levelling up on the right side.

The equipment peak screen is at 1:03, tmi to comment on all of it. the little stars in the top left corner look interesting. Wonder what they'll be for. Also I guess the "base screens" are revealed here. Please have a look for yourselves. But what might "commissary" be?

1:04 - wait  a sec, you can outfit each battery? Whoa. And QM with a FuMG. Nice. :3 Maybe Ninja is right after all. I will still not budge. Where would be the fun in that? And i see the RM-1.

1:07 reveals everyones favourite money drain: The shop! ***mis the Mayan Goddess..... HMS Artemis? AND the star stuff resource is revealed: Shop currency. Yummy. And who might our cute shopkeeper be? And you can buy Amenities and...diplomacy?? Gosh, since I saved myself -and my money- for this game, I will be all over the place.

And then there is yet another new Morgana, with Disease. Love the face mask. Some fighting to round out the video aaand done. thx Mahan.

@Shirogane I found the following new ships confirmed, so you don't have to read all of this or watch the teaser in such detail: British DD Zulu, Italian DD Antoniotto Usidimare, German U-37, Italian U-Boot Archimede, British Passenger Liner Queen Mary and Soviet DD Boiky.

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1 hour ago, Käpt'n Korky said:

@NinjapacmanWhat do you make of the wooden plank of the Japanese kamimaru between Lampo and probably Jaguar?

Unfortunately, I can't really make heads or tails of that particular plank.  Going off my previous deductions for that particular Kami-maru, it's possible it relates to Harusame's beaching at Wewak after being torpedoed by Wahoo, but otherwise I have nothing.

Also, I've mentioned in my deductions that Probably Jaguar is actually Probably Leopard.  The Guepard-class Leopard.

In other news, I'm presuming this is at least somewhat placeholder.  The number "Performance" seems to give no reasonable measurement, the "Elevation Rate" stat appears twice, and the aircraft damage is over 1 million.  Unless San-shiki shells are significantly more effective in this universe, I'm not placing bets on this info being final.

over 1 million aircraft damage.JPG

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Elevation Rate and Train Rate unfortunately share the same name, although they're being combined into one now.

A/C Damage is for a direct hit on an Aircraft. It's incredibly unlikely, of course, but would be akin to a nuclear detonation if it somehow detonated. The Flak value is below this one, although you can't see it in this shot.

Edit: Performance is actual. It only makes sense in context with other guns, though- it's a comparison tool for the player. And, if you're into the stats, I wouldn't suggest looking at it at all. Better to make your own determination about what you value.

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2 hours ago, Legate of Mineta said:

Elevation Rate and Train Rate unfortunately share the same name, although they're being combined into one now.

A/C Damage is for a direct hit on an Aircraft. It's incredibly unlikely, of course, but would be akin to a nuclear detonation if it somehow detonated. The Flak value is below this one, although you can't see it in this shot.

Edit: Performance is actual. It only makes sense in context with other guns, though- it's a comparison tool for the player. And, if you're into the stats, I wouldn't suggest looking at it at all. Better to make your own determination about what you value.

It does seem to bombard the user with information a little, a lot of which doesn't make sense without context to other things.  Particularly when these numbers are reaching mid-thousands.  It's hard for me to do these days, but to look at this from a perspective of someone who doesn't play Hearts of Iron or Rule the Waves... there's a lot of information there that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to include.

Me, I know that train and elevation rate of guns is important, particularly to your battles behind the graphics... but the average user might not understand.  The Direct hit aircraft damage for example... that's an arbitrary number somewhere higher than a million for a stat that will come into play as close to never as close can get.

In addition, when you're working with numbers in the high thousands, including the decimals seems almost irrelevant.  A bore diameter of 16.142 inches is fair to note the precision of  (Although a notation that it is in inches would be nice, since the gun's name says '40cm') Things like 2248.714 seem like incredibly arbitrary numbers when the extra .714 is attached.

The level of detail for the fire rate -25.551- which is listed in seconds between shots, another thing not labelled, makes me question why there's an extra .051 attached.  It's listing down to the thousandth of a second, when 25.5 or 25.6 would do (Depending on how you like to round).

Finally, what is the Fatigue stat?  Is that barrel wear?

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Interestingly, that's the reason behind Performance, so that a Player can look at one stat and figure out what's best.

But you're going to need all the rest of that info, if you want to dive deeper. Granted, when you're talking about a big gun, the direct hit damage is unnecessary- but you'll probably want to know when you're down in the direct fire guns.

A long time ago, other stats besides obvious things like damage and rate of fire were hidden in a separate panel. I don't know if it makes sense to go back to that, but I'll certainly mention what you think.

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2 minutes ago, Legate of Mineta said:


Interestingly, that's the reason behind Performance, so that a Player can look at one stat and figure out what's best.

But you're going to need all the rest of that info, if you want to dive deeper. Granted, when you're talking about a big gun, the direct hit damage is unnecessary- but you'll probably want to know when you're down in the direct fire guns.

A long time ago, other stats besides obvious things like damage and rate of fire were hidden in a separate panel. I don't know if it makes sense to go back to that, but I'll certainly mention what you think.

Of course, info is good, but presentation does matter quite a lot.  I'm sure there are others who would like to posit their opinion on the subject.

Also I may have edited my post since you replied.  There are a couple other points.

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Oh, if that's the worry then I wouldn't be too concerned. There will be a pass before launch to make the numbers (and the names of fields) 'friendly'. You won't be seeing many significant digits. ;)

Useful to them in testing right now, though.

One of things you'll have to wary of (at the moment) is that you're not seeing a tutorial, and you haven't been guided into the game concepts. What you are seeing is more of a glimpse into how deep the mechanics go, rather than the learning that leads up to using it. Not that I can exactly say what the Player will learn, because I haven't played the tutorial either. :)

I don't know how precisely they plan to go into the deeper mechanics in any event -at least some of that you'll have to discover on your own- but I can tell you that Fatigue gives you an idea of how much your Rate of Fire will drop off round by round. I'm pretty sure that 7+ is, well, not great.

I think that was the original idea behind hiding the deeper stats behind another screen- just helps the newbie not get overwhelmed.

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4 minutes ago, Legate of Mineta said:


Oh, if that's the worry then I wouldn't be too concerned. There will be a pass before launch to make the numbers (and the names of fields) 'friendly'. You won't be seeing many significant digits. ;)

Useful to them in testing right now, though.

One of things you'll have to wary of (at the moment) is that you're not seeing a tutorial, and you haven't been guided into the game concepts. What you are seeing is more of a glimpse into how deep the mechanics go, rather than the learning that leads up to using it. Not that I can exactly say what the Player will learn, because I haven't played the tutorial either. :)

I don't know how precisely they plan to go into the deeper mechanics in any event -at least some of that you'll have to discover on your own- but I can tell you that Fatigue gives you an idea of how much your Rate of Fire will drop off round by round. I'm pretty sure that 7+ is, well, not great.

I think that was the original idea behind hiding the deeper stats behind another screen- just helps the newbie not get overwhelmed.

Yeah, that was my concern.  I don't know if you've ever played the Black ICE mod for Hearts of Iron... but there are some things you need more than a tutorial for.  Here's hoping you don't have to be an expert on naval combat to get into the game.

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I haven't played modded HoI since II, but I've heard of Black ICE.

The kind of optimization we're discussing here is for the hard core folks, looking for a challenge. I'm as casual as can be, and as long as I'm not picking fights above my level or, you know, trying to go toe-to-toe with a bunch of Morgana battleships, I do great. I define 'great' here as I win and get loot. Told you I was casual! :)

I think you want to know all of the data if you want to get the most out of your equipment, which (it looks to me) like you'd need at the level cap. By that time, you should everything in and out, or at least have a clear idea about what you think is important anyway.

It's still good feedback, though.

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