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A few in game questions


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1) Is there still a fencing club at Academagica despite the discurrage of the current Godina regent?

2) Was fencing once a official class in Godina?

(I suspect that when a more mercenary / army orientated regent was in Godina fencing was even taught as full class because it help a lot when the ranged bombing could defend him / her self for a time against attacker at close range and fencing is doing so in style.)

3) How common is it that a Professor live trough 2 or even more Regent of his/her College and can you give us a more recent example for this? 

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1. Has a literal fountain of youth ever been constructed? (Ignoring obvious issues it would have with effectiveness.)

2.  Does the classes you take (and the grades you receive) affect your reputation with the college that teaches the class?

3. I have imagined that Briardi and Von Rupprecht have a long standing war of words and posturing, taking place during class hours, using their students to deliver short letters of chiding and retort once their class ends. Sometimes several times in a single day. Has this happened? :)

4. Who was the youngest person to get a job as a professor teaching magic at the Academagia?

5. Since I can imagine that Professor Aventyrare's style of teaching influences her students into a similar casting style, I was wondering how often you could look at a given student's way of casting magic and say, "yup, they were taught by so-and-so."?

6. What are some of the hardest "quality of life" spells to learn that are useful enough to want to learn? and typically when do most students learn them?

7. Hehe, If a spell existed to temporarily allow yourself to control another person as if they were yourself while you were unconscious, would that qualify as Gates magic, Mastery magic, or both? :)

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For 6) I think for Morvidus it could be instant shelter a revision spell that create an underground home at the place you touch. Although I'm not sure if such a spell exist at Academagia but if not it have to invented ;) (Reason I think its more difficult then fly is that it have to deal with many different materials and spaces while create a reasonable good place to stay for a day or longer.)

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So Cyrus mentions during Cosetta's Conspiracy that "if [redacted] is undead powerful enough to beat [the enchanted street lights turning red when there's an undead nearby], we're dead, so let's not even worry". On what level of power would an undead need to be in order to (consistently) beat those enchantments, roughly? Clearly above a group of first years, but that's not saying much. Something like senior student level, professor level, Orsi, Salvatore, Diavesque, what?

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With regards to sabotaging, say, Basia's attempt at being #1 in all of her exams. If I Negative Alteration of Organic Matter her exam scores through the Maelstrom personally, will her Y2 AI recognize that and hold it against me (beyond having a negative relationship, which you could fix in Y1 easily anyway)?

Now say that I Demean Basia and someone like Rui or Joana until they're at a mutual -10, and then use some method of Control to control one of the latter two to nuke Basia's exam results. Will her Y2 AI recognize that little plot and hold it against me (again, ignoring an easily raised negative relationship)?

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1. While our characters are given pretty hard level caps on our skills, for balancing reasons surely... Can you tell us of lore cases where a student managed to go well beyond the skill caps in their first year on a certain subject?

2. While being in a college surely gives us benefits in learning the field of magic the college specializes in, will that make it harder to get access to classes taught by a rival college?

3. Generally speaking, is the Mallen Star statue guarded at all times?

4. Does the color of a dragon signify anything about their personality, or lineage?

5. While larger Familiars stay in the Menagerie, many smaller Familiars do accompany students to their classes. Does Pamela accompany the player? Or did the Professors revoke that privilege a long time ago, haha!

6. Are there any good examples of how simply being aware of Mastery magic being used on you reduces it's effectiveness? (understandably if that is true at all it would be on a case by case basis)

7. Will Y2 have more opportunities to use Gates and Mastery in random events and stories? Even really bad ideas need to be used every so often, haha!

8. How thorough is Rikildis' fact checking on her news stories? She definitely strikes me as someone with no qualms about telling blatant lies if they were sensational enough and the risks for blowback were low enough.

9. Are there plans to allow the player character have a clique bonus for friends? (not for oneself)

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Free & Rhi;

1. While our characters are given pretty hard level caps on our skills, for balancing reasons surely... Can you tell us of lore cases where a student managed to go well beyond the skill caps in their first year on a certain subject?

I'll ask if they want to directly add one or two. ;)

2. While being in a college surely gives us benefits in learning the field of magic the college specializes in, will that make it harder to get access to classes taught by a rival college?


3. Generally speaking, is the Mallen Star statue guarded at all times?

Generally yes.

4. Does the color of a dragon signify anything about their personality, or lineage?

The study of the etiquette of Dragons is a subject unto itself- but suffice to say, it is not a major indicator of either.

5. While larger Familiars stay in the Menagerie, many smaller Familiars do accompany students to their classes. Does Pamela accompany the player? Or did the Professors revoke that privilege a long time ago, haha!

Looong ago. :)

6. Are there any good examples of how simply being aware of Mastery magic being used on you reduces it's effectiveness? (understandably if that is true at all it would be on a case by case basis)

If there are...they would be [Redacted]! :)

7. Will Y2 have more opportunities to use Gates and Mastery in random events and stories? Even really bad ideas need to be used every so often, haha!


8. How thorough is Rikildis' fact checking on her news stories? She definitely strikes me as someone with no qualms about telling blatant lies if they were sensational enough and the risks for blowback were low enough.

You'd have to ask her. :)

9. Are there plans to allow the player character have a clique bonus for friends? (not for oneself)

Maaaayyybe. Not a very high priority, though.

10. How does dueling etiquette handle situations where familiars are utterly unmatched (say, one mage has a blood hound, the other a rabbit)?

There are some Duel types which specifically address the presence or the actions of Familiars. Usually, they are unconstrained.

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1. Can you tell us about some of the old traditions that the Academagia likes to uphold even though it makes little sense to do so in the modern era?

2. Regarding my "Affinity map" idea. Would it be possible to get permission for access to a large classroom for a long term research project using that as a foundation? The whole floor would need to be converted so the odds of doing that clandestinely and getting caught with the work destroyed or confiscated are too unacceptable. Would the private libraries we can pay for have the space needed for this kind of idea?

3. When Y1 was released, the Pace of DLC and patches released was quite fast for the first year of release. Will we see something similar for Y2? :)

4. Would it be possible to get Jere to mimic Orsi's unique response to absurdity, with someone else mimicking Briardi's facepalm reaction, in front of Orsi and Briardi? Or would that invoke a most terrible wrath? :)

5. Can you tell us what the major differences are between the Academagia's and Contu's Incantation styles?

6. Why are there a significant number of parents disapproving of Briardi heading college Durand when her immediate predecessor was also a woman?

7. While time travel is [redacted] We know that it's possible to slow time down practically to a standstill. At what point can we do this for a duration of, say, going from a class to another clear across campus quickly?

8. Disregarding the magic part,which as I understand it is mostly just flashy glamours to make it easier to play... Can you tell us how BattleMace™ is played? The rules and so forth?

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1. Can you tell us about some of the old traditions that the Academagia likes to uphold even though it makes little sense to do so in the modern era?

I'll certainly ask, although I suspect you have encountered many already!

2. Regarding my "Affinity map" idea. Would it be possible to get permission for access to a large classroom for a long term research project using that as a foundation? The whole floor would need to be converted so the odds of doing that clandestinely and getting caught with the work destroyed or confiscated are too unacceptable. Would the private libraries we can pay for have the space needed for this kind of idea?

It's possible, but probably not in Y1-4. :)

3. When Y1 was released, the Pace of DLC and patches released was quite fast for the first year of release. Will we see something similar for Y2? :)


4. Would it be possible to get Jere to mimic Orsi's unique response to absurdity, with someone else mimicking Briardi's facepalm reaction, in front of Orsi and Briardi? Or would that invoke a most terrible wrath? :)

You should try it and let us know. :)

5. Can you tell us what the major differences are between the Academagia's and Contu's Incantation styles?

I'll ask the Team to see what they would like to say here.

6. Why are there a significant number of parents disapproving of Briardi heading college Durand when her immediate predecessor was also a woman?

It's because she [Redacted].

7. While time travel is [redacted] We know that it's possible to slow time down practically to a standstill. At what point can we do this for a duration of, say, going from a class to another clear across campus quickly?

Class to Class? Y4 or 5, I would think.

8. Disregarding the magic part,which as I understand it is mostly just flashy glamours to make it easier to play... Can you tell us how BattleMace™ is played? The rules and so forth?

Hmmm. I'll ask. But...perhaps you already know. :)

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@freespace2dotcom: I think that the controversy over Briardi may have something to do with her relationship with the Duke of Broken Pines: either a classist/misogynistic horror by parents that she would try to be the lover of a duke or maybe she and the Duke were involved in something more sensitive that she does not tell students but parents know about/suspect.

@Legate of Mineta:

1. Speaking of Briardi's relationship with the Duke of Broken Pines, are the commoner lovers of nobility regarded as disgraced/socially ruined once the relationships end?

2. Would any Y5 students be formally taught how to use time travel magic to get to class on time, or would they need to learn how to do it on their own?

3. When gates magic was legal, were there efforts to great fully functioning brains? Was this even legal?

4. Is it possible to use revision magic, enchantment, and perhaps alchemy to create organs for transplants?

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1. Speaking of Briardi's relationship with the Duke of Broken Pines, are the commoner lovers of nobility regarded as disgraced/socially ruined once the relationships end?

It depends on their influence, but it often does happen.

2. Would any Y5 students be formally taught how to use time travel magic to get to class on time, or would they need to learn how to do it on their own?

It is not formally taught- the risks are very great.

3. When gates magic was legal, were there efforts to great fully functioning brains? Was this even legal?

[Redacted]. :)

4. Is it possible to use revision magic, enchantment, and perhaps alchemy to create organs for transplants?

It is, subject to the fading of the magic, of course.

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