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Dueling Birthdays!


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While I was hunting down stuff for modding, I decided to type up these two bits of information: what sorts of duels the students will demand when you duel them, and when everyone's birthday is. This isn't really useful for anything but roleplaying or perhaps a bit of fact checking, but as I found it to be useful, I figure I might as well share.


I think this is the right forum for it? Hm.



Rock, paper, scissors, fightoh!

  • Adrian Rounds (used by Iustus)
  • Auncish Duel (used by Amada, Carmine, Irene)
  • Azern Duel (used by Girars, Gwendy, Llarina, Marc, Prudence, Sigalis, Vincent E)
  • Balesfield Rules Duel (used by Durand, Milena)
  • Brother's Duel (used by Ana)
  • Cavalry Duel (used by Casper, Hector, Kurt)
  • Chastenay's Duel (used by Catherine, Emilia P, Katja, Neta)
  • Cimone Rules (Sheary, Uliva)
  • Duel a la Fey (used by Cinzia, Piccolet)
  • Duel d'Anois (Rixenda)
  • Duke's Duel (used by Avgust, Honors, Vincent W)
  • Gentleman's Duel (used by everyone else)
  • Greyon Duel (used by Aveline, Montague)
  • Huisen Duel (used by Cosetta, Rui, Tacito, Zorzi)
  • Ilican Courtesy (used by Cordelia, Mairgrete, Noemia, Raoul)
  • King Edward's Duel (used by Alan)
  • Lauen Courtesy (used by Asmita, Aymeri, Beatrix, Philip)
  • Lirian Rules (used by Jere)
  • Lutersee Duel (used by Luti, Malacresta, Vettor)
  • Oles Duel (used by Flore, Joana, Magsa)
  • Sevart Honor (used by Corradin, Courtney, Eduard, Everwine, Herbert, Lambert, Leopold, Philippe)
  • Sporting Cavalry Duel (used by Oriabel)
  • Strasberg Pasttime (used by Malthezar, Reitz, Rikildis)
  • Suitor's Duel (used by Cirillo)


Then, birthdays!

  • Alan – Kaliri 28
  • Amada – Aruit 2
  • Ana Flavia - Nivelos 14
  • Asmita – Anedius 1
  • Ausdauer - Hionosi 14
  • Aveline – Veranix 22
  • Avgust – Nivelos 28
  • Aymeri – Athonos 15
  • Beatrix – Pramidi 9
  • Cante – Kaliri 4
  • Caspar – Cheimare the Wedding Feast
  • Cinzia – Athonos 17
  • Cordelia – Hionosi 24
  • Cosetta – Cheimare 14
  • Courtenay – Aruit 13
  • Cyrus – Veranix 6
  • Durand – Hionosi 18
  • Eliana – Pramidi 23
  • Els – Anedius 23
  • Emilia P – Pramidi 22
  • Emilia S – Kaliri 5
  • Everwine – Aruit 24
  • Flore – Athonos Juvenalia
  • Grainne – Anedius 20
  • Gwendy – Pramidi 3
  • Hector – Nivelos 24
  • Honors – Aruit 16
  • Irene – Gelamenus 28
  • Isabeau – Anedius 2
  • Jere – Athonos 08
  • Joana – Gelamenus 19
  • Katja – Hionosi 22
  • Kurt – Athonos 08
  • Lambert – Kaliri 17
  • Leopold – Cheimare 28
  • Llarina - Kaliri 6
  • Luti – Nivelos 14
  • Magalda – Kaliri 15
  • Mairgrete – Cheimare 7
  • Malacresta – Pramidi the Dance of Fools
  • Malthezar – Cheimare 13
  • Marc – Nivelos 6
  • Milena – Kaliri 10
  • Montague – Gelamenus 25
  • Neso – Aruit 18
  • Neta – Aruit the Festival of Durand’s Road
  • Noemia – Nivelos 16
  • Oriabel – Hionosi 10
  • Philippe – Veranix 1
  • Piccolet – Cheimare 22
  • Prudence – Nivelos 16
  • Raoul – Gelamenus 24
  • Reitz – Veranix 24
  • Rikildis – Cheimare 02
  • Rixenda – Pramidi 17
  • Rui – Kaliri 8
  • Sigalis – Kaliri 20:
  • Tacito – Nivelos 9
  • Tulia – Pramidi the Festival of Pixies
  • Uliva – Hionosi 13
  • Vettor – Veranix 4
  • Vincent E – Nivelos 27
  • Vincent W – Veranix 10
  • Vrenelle – Aruit 1
  • Vuillaume – Hionosi 5
  • Zoe – Veranix 4
  • Zorzi - Cheimare 2

The following students don't have anything listed, so one can assume they have a summer birthday in either Kapsus or Theriventus: Basia, Carmine, Catherine, Cirllo, Corradin (apparently, summer birthdays are popular with people with C names), Eduard, Girars, Herbert, Iustus, Magsa, Olivia, Phillip, Sheary, Silke, Sima and Tabin.


Even if that group is divided up equally: eight in Kapsus and eight in Theriventus, they’ll still come in tie for second place of which months have the most birthday along with Cheimare. Kaliri and Nivelos, with nine birthdays, come in first. If the birthdays for the two summer months aren’t divided equally, then at least one of those months comes first. Ta-da. Gelamenus and Aruit have the least amount of birthdays in them, with only four.


I believe the longest span of time without a birthday is the eighteen days between Malacresta’s and Joana’s in Gelamenus. On the other side, there are four days in a row with birthdays: Vincent, Avgust, Vrenelle and Amada’s.


(I almost used an Oxford coma in that line. ;_; )


Jere and Kurt share a birthday, which I imagine will make for some really fun (if ridiculously chaotic) parties in the Durand common-room in the next four years (sadly, with such an early birthday, they probably didn’t know each other well enough to have one this first year). Rikildis and Zorzi share a birthday as well, as do Ana and Luti and then Noemia and Prudence. Going with all three of them having summer birthdays and the ‘triplets’ theme, I have a feeling that Magsa, Sima, and Tabin might all share a birthday, which could have been a reason for bonding. Or maybe not. Who knows for sure?

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Now it just haved to sort for the Month/day and we can bring the Birthdays of our "friends" into the RPGs ^^


Well, it wasn't too hard. /grin The list above is 100% accurate (..at least I think so!), though- I checked it three times. This one, I just made from looking at that one, so I may have made a mistype or two. If I did, tell me so I can fix it.


  • Athonos Juvenalia – Flore
  • Athonos 08 – Jere, Kurt
  • Athonos 15 – Aymeri
  • Athonos 17 – Cinzia
  • Pramidi 3 – Gwendy
  • Pramidi 9 – Beatrix
  • Pramidi 17 – Rixenda
  • Pramidi 22 – Emilia P
  • Pramidi 23 – Eliana
  • Pramidi the Festival of Pixies – Tulia
  • Pramidi the Dance of Fools – Malacresta
  • Gelamenus 19 – Joana
  • Gelamenus 24 – Raoul
  • Gelamenus 25 – Montague
  • Gelamenus 28 – Irene
  • Cheimare 02 – Rikildis, Zorzi
  • Cheimare 7 – Mairgrete
  • Cheimare 13 – Malthezar
  • Cheimare 14 – Cosetta
  • Cheimare 22 – Piccolet
  • Cheimare 28 – Leopold
  • Cheimare the Wedding Feast – Casper
  • (Happy New Year! ...why does this have its own bullet point?)
  • Hionosi 5 – Vuillaume
  • Hionosi 10 – Oriabel
  • Hionosi 13 – Uliva
  • Hinoosi 14 – Ausdauer
  • Hinoosi 18 – Durand
  • Hinonsi 22 – Katja
  • Hionosi 24 – Cordelia
  • Nivelos 6 – Marc
  • Nivelos 9 – Tacito
  • Nivelos 14 – Ana Flavia, Luti
  • Nivelos 16 – Noemia, Prudence
  • Nivelos 24 – Hector
  • Nivelos 27 – Vincent E
  • Nivelos 28 – Avgust
  • Aruit 1 – Vrenelle
  • Aruit 2 – Amada
  • Aruit the Festival of Durand’s Road – Neta
  • Aruit 13 – Courtenay
  • Aruit 16 – Honors
  • Aruit 18 – Neso
  • Aruit 24 – Everwine
  • Veranix 1 – Philippe
  • Veranix 4 – Vettor, Zoe
  • Veranix 6 – Cyrus
  • Veranix 10 – Vincent W
  • Veranix 22 – Aveline
  • Veranix 24 – Reitz
  • Anedius 1 – Asmita
  • Anedius 2 – Isabeau
  • Anedius 20 – Grainne
  • Anedius 23 – Els
  • Kaliri 4 – Cante
  • Kaliri 5 – Emilia S
  • Kaliri 6 – Llarina
  • Kaliri 8 – Rui
  • Kaliri 10 – Milena
  • Kaliri 15 – Magalda
  • Kaliri 17 – Lambert
  • Kaliri 20 – Sigalis
  • Kaliri 28 – Alan



Glad the stuff is useful to some of ya. :D

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