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General Victory Belles Questions Thread


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2 hours ago, Ninjapacman said:

For example, you probably can't put Iowa's beautiful 16" guns on Rawalpindi, but you might be able to put some incredible 5"/38s on her.


2 hours ago, Legate of Mineta said:




...if you really, really, really, really, really, really work at it...



So, if I really, ReallyReally,ReallyReallyReally, Really work hard at it 

I could get a 16" gun on Nautilus, right?




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2 hours ago, Käpt'n Korky said:
2 hours ago, Pillwalker said:

If he's hunting heretics, better hope he doesn't have any of the Spanish belles with him. Nobody will expect them. :P

No, that would be meta gaming since the joke wasn't there in '39. :lol:

You are getting it wrong.
Nobody would expect the Spanish belles because Spain was not involved in WWII.

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5 hours ago, Ninjapacman said:

For example, you probably can't put Iowa's beautiful 16" guns on Rawalpindi, but you might be able to put some incredible 5"/38s on her.

I wouldn't put 16" guns on Rawa

I'd put 18.1" guns on Rawa

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6 hours ago, Legate of Mineta said:


Let's just say that the time and effort to do that *is* possible. But...since the difference in weights is measured in *orders* of magnitude...

...it's extremely, extremely unlikely.

That said...you'd be the coolest submarine captain on your block! :)

I doubt it, since I suspect David J would beat me to the punch.

I'm not greedy.  A whole submarine fleet decked out with 8" guns will do me just fine. ;)

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4 hours ago, Käpt'n Korky said:

About the 16" and 18.1" guns: 


That said: Panay might not be greedy, but imagine a fleet of U-Boots armed with Fritz-X guidance system equipped V2s. All three weapon systems were already  in service, tested or researched in '39.

How devilishly fun.  I believe I shall work towards adding that to the list of fleets I need to collect as well.

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just want to toss out my hat into the ring but....

when VB is released will we get dev updates?

I know the Kickstarter has updates but will we continue to get more dev updates into the game launch?

I'm just wondering if so?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I gave it a bit of thought before deciding on this. As today's Veteran's Day, I thought I'd share the man behind Captain John "Jack" Falshaw from my fanfic. A soldier in the Duke of Wellington's Own Regiment, not much is known about my great grandfather other than from a newspaper scrapping and a picture of him. He went to Canada shortly after the war and it is unsure what happened to him after that. I also happen to have from his son (my grandfather, also named John) his leather dogtags, handmade Christmas card to his sister, handmade leather wallet, record of service paper, and his diary complete with two photos of his wife

In the pic, he's the chap with the mustache. 

Great Grandfather pic.JPG

Great grandfather.JPG

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  • 2 months later...

This is a mean one, but I write on a piece of fanfic and I suddenly ran into it:

Can Walküren write and read? If they posses the name of a human, I think the answer is yes. If they posses a city name, the answer is probably yes as well, but what if they are named after something related to the weather? Like thunder or winds or after animals or landscapes?

And from the can Walküren write Question I can easily go to a lot of skills which have to be learned manually usually. Where do they get those skills from, if they can't inherit it with their names memory?
And if they "observed" the crew before the awakening, how does this "observing" work. Can say observe everything happening on the ship?

This question may have an embarassing answer, so I put it here and not into lore questions. I don't want to put any of the ladies in the awkward position of having to answer it. I hope the Legate can give an answer to it. And if it gets "elevated" as lore question: It's totally on the Admiralty, the INPF or whoever made that decision then.

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4 hours ago, von_Lipstig said:
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1) while they may be uncivilized like Hood, they aren't that unterschiffen <_<

2) RTFU.jpg



The Updates, especially the Letters, are out of Continuity. And you just shift the question completely over to "how they acuired the skill". And there is a clear law about.... nevermind.

Also I think it's safe to say, you're a cinema owner, von_Lipstig, because with the sheer amounts of popcorn you consume in this forum, there is no other way. 

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23 minutes ago, Käpt'n Korky said:

The Updates, especially the Letters, are out of Continuity

*chokes on popcorn*

*replaces burnt logic*

limits :either they are totally unrelated to the game(given time/space paradoxes in text) or 146% true(which they isn't) >>> updates == contain some true info

>>> they can read/write/hobby/*insert as appropriate*

36 minutes ago, Käpt'n Korky said:

shift the question completely over to

2 Q: condition&skills immediately after Awakening , from whom where they picked extra ones

*no popcorn*

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It was a single crewman who was promptly reassigned to a minelayer.

How much stuff on the ship can a Belle sense? Can she only keep track of her captain, or can she figure out where every sailor is on the ship and what they're doing?

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