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No Captain's Association Poll this week!

Legate of Mineta

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It will probably be Leningrad or Kirov. They're the two major soviet belles that haven't been interviewed yet. I have a feeling it will likely be Leningrad, as she was one of the first belles completed by the head writer if I remember correctly, and she's been revealed before in the interview with Mahan.

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Unfortunate, Zuri? That's quite an unnecessary prefix for formal speech, you could have just left is as "Fortunate". Tch. People trying to be fancy these days.


Super Hyped for soviet belle! The chance is that it's Leningrad or Kirov, yes, but I would really like to see Profintern.

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I seem to recall Nurnberg being proud of her pranking skills, so I took the Soviet part to possibly be a joke at Mahan's expense.

I'll believe it when I see it next week.


This week, I'm going to be different and do a write-in vote. :P

It's been quite a number of weeks since Scharnhorst graciously took over when Glorious couldn't make it. I'd like to see Glorious finally show up...she should be out of repairs by now, right? ;)

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*votes for reshuffling the Board*

As in filling the current gaps with Belles from the 6th rank and removing it, or something more drastic?

Since there will be 5 blank spots next week I wouldn't be surprised if the 6th rank went away, but not until the interview.

...or will there? :blink:

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