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Display Bug or Corrupt Save(s)?


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Hi All,


Sorry if this has been reported before but I've got a reoccurring issue that I could use some help resolving and I haven't been able to find any other references to anything similar here on the forums. All the items from the 'Skills & Research','Magic' and 'Clique' windows are missing...








On experimentation the 'Clique' tab is refreshed if I causes a change in a relationship with correct values.


And the 'Choose an Action','Cast a Spell' and 'Use Ability' display incorrectly...






Strangely the 'Use Ability' is unaffected. All other windows display correctly.


Any skill increases display as 0 + the increase. Fortunately the last action I had programmed was for an adventure so I can demonstrate what it looks like afterwards...




I believe the skills are registering and not displaying because the abilities and adventures appear the same colour code, however going through a couple of test adventures the skills feel weaker and might be relying on attributes. I'm about 3/4 through the year so I've had enough attribute increases to make it ambiguous.


I've done all of the troubleshooting steps from the thread, including reinstalling the game, clearing the cache, etc. Because this was the second time this occurred I kept a save between weeks. Loading the previous save caused the same issue as the latest one (!)


I thought I would be clever and delete the log so that I can recreate the issue to isolate an error, but that was a bad move because now I've got a mostly empty log without errors. From memory there was an error message in there (I'm an idiot, should have just renamed to a backup). This is a steam copy on a Win 10 machine. Creating a new game does not have any display issues. Other than this I've had only other small minor bugs that I'm sure everyone has.


The frustration is that this is the second time this has occurred and after the many many hours I've put into the game I'm hesitant to try again, at least until I can be sure that I'm not wasting my time.


So, any thoughts?


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This looks like the same thing that used to happen when it would crash while loading a save in the old version of the game. The timing being past mid-term exams does suggest that it's the same issue with increasing file size. Maybe the new version doesn't notify the user of the crash errors anymore?


If so, that's really bad because you could end up with a corrupted save without noticing.

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Email sent! Thanks everyone for your input :-)


I couldn't resist and did another game (went a lot faster this time!). The save file was corrupted on a crash during save - just like you mentioned Rydenius. I'm not sure if it's the same issue but I also included that save file and the log.


Once again, thanks everyone :-)

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Catalyst, when it crashed were there any dialogs that popped up?


Also did you try to save again after the failed load?


Normally you can just exit the program and try to load the save again when a load fails. (Loading from the start screen seems to work 100%, whereas loading while in game crashes about 30% after mid-term exams.) So I'm curious whether the save was corrupted during the load process or because you saved over it after a load partially failed.


The key is to never continue after a partial load fail, but rather to immediately exit the game and load from the start screen instead.

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Honestly I don't recall for the original issue. I do have annoying dialogue pop ups like this occasionally...




The game doesn't crash immediately or freeze, so if I'm saving I let it go to completion then go through the dialogue(s) until crash and restart. So far no corruption if I just play it cool B) I don't believe I've ever had a crash on a load from the main screen, but yes I've definitely observed crashing when loading in the game itself.


I really appreciate the input Rydenius, thank you!

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Sure, no problem! Glad to see the crash dialogs still show up. Since as long as the user knows it happened, then it should be simple to avoid corrupting your game.


This bug has been annoying for a long time, and by the time I get late into the game I just exit out and reload from the start screen instead of even bothering to re-load from within the game. I guess the upside is that it discourages reload cheesing late in the game... :rolleyes:


Sounds like the team was optimistic that the re-load crash bug would go away after moving to 64-bit, but appears that it's still a problem.

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Happened again - and again. The issue definitely occurs when loading. I was loading a save when I lost all skills as per the original issue with no error messages. I thought that's ok - I've got another save. Loaded that one fine, got reprimanded for trespassing and loaded again to have the same bug occur! About the same time as last time - week 20. Bugger, looks like I'll never finish the game! I could go back *another* week :angry:

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Interesting about the error logs, sounds like the dev team might want to put a log output in the error handler for that section of the code (as long as it still pops up a warning to the user). The error handler should also force quit the app, so that user won't accidentally corrupt their saves.


BTW, unless you re-save a corrupt load over top of your original save file (Definitely don't do that! :o ), you should be able to just exit out and reload the same save no problems. With the old version the save file itself wasn't corrupted on load, just didn't load correctly from in-game about 30% of the time once a certain file size was reached.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Rydenius - we were wondering since you are the only other person we know who possibly experienced the same/similar thing as Catalyst - if you would like to help and send us your system specs?

academagia @ gmail . com


Much appreciated if you can!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello. This just occurred to me and to be honest it's quite vexing. I am after midterm exams, and all my skills, spells, relationships are gone. Just as the screenshots in the first post. The clique is ok though, which makes no sense since the relationships do not show up in the relationship screen.
I use rolling saves, one for each day. All 7 of them are bugged, I assume the bug occurred and everything I saved afterwards got corrupted. I saw no popups though.

This is not a display bug. Not only a lot of actions now show up red difficulty instead of blue or green like it was before. The game seems to have lost track of everything I did. For example, I now have the "Tidy the library of Longshade" action available, which I obviously did months ago. I tried uninstalling and purging all files in programdata and in the steam folder, but to no avail. This also mean I do not have a log, unfortunately, I did not think of saving it.

I doubt there's anything that can be done, so I'll have to restart from the beginning. I'm still posting just in case. I'm going to send one of the bugged savegames, so it can be investigated. This is definitely a bug that should not stand.

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This bug is really alarming, but so far we've been unable to replicate- and the save files thus far show only that the problem occurred, but not how or why. Hopefully yours will make the difference Krakatos!

In the mean time...if anyone has a repeatable unbugged save which leads to a bugged save, you'd be our hero...!

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Sorry about the late reply -- been busy with other things. A family member on a Vista x64 with 8GB RAM machine did get the load crash just the other day (not sure if it was after the 3.0.9 update or not). I haven't advanced far enough with the new version to experience it yet. All my systems are 64-bit Windows 10 systems with Visual Studio development environments installed. Will send a save if I can confirm again.

Should I advise my family member to delete his config file? Also is it useful to test on an existing game started on an earlier version (3.0.7 I think) or should I start a new game to test this?

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  • 5 weeks later...



I have also run into this bug(academagia installed via steam), and luckily i have unbugged save file and bugged save file that are 19 minutes apart.(18.6.2017 07:19:49pm save functional and 18.6.2017 07:38:42pm is bugged). Do you want those files sent? I've backed up those saves and will try to pinpoint the bug a bit more by following the same actions, hope it will show up.


Edit: Just took a closer look and it's a lucky day. Those saves are one day apart. Unbugged save is Hionosi 21, Bugged save is Hyonosi 22

Edit2: I've just went the same way as before(luckily i still remember my choices in two adventures) and the bug did not show on new save file. So either it's a machine in the ghost or it was caused by random event(really don't know which though) i had that day. 

Have a nice day

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  • 4 months later...


I got this bug as well now :( Lost hours of playtime to it unfortunately. 

My clique is ok, but all relationships are at 0. All entries in Relationships, Skills and Research have gone. All my items are still there, but their bonuses are not added. Unequipping and then re-equpping the items properly restores them. 

Curiously, "Use Ability" still has all my abilities unlocked, but 'Choose Action' only has 'Encourage Fellow Student' and 'Rest' as options. 'Use Item' and 'Cast Spells' are empty. 

I haven't had any crash, so this happens super quietly - I guess we have to save often and on different saves to make do. You want my savefile? 



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  • 2 years later...


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