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Realasing the New Version of Academagia Y1 outside Steam?


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50 minutes ago, Metis said:

BMT does have the updated UI, yes. Not the latest patch included, but that can be DLed from the support forum here.

Ah, OK. I misunderstood the significance of the Steam Release.

Edited to Add: But @Legate of Mineta, has there been thought  given to selling this game away from BMT and Steam?

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There where other shops in the past

Impulse … after take over by Gamestop they stopped to sell Academagia

Beamdog but they no longer sell products beside their own

GamersGate BCS removed the game from there once they managed the Steam release (probably because the store is by today mostly only a key reseller for Steam)

There was also a Cloud Gaming Platform where you could buy or rent the game but that is also closed by now

According to the Legate they also tried to get on GOG but got refused

From my understanding there only 3 shop beside Steam, GOG  and BMT that could be interesting for BCS 

- The Ubisoft Store: but I'm not sure they should try this store out before their next release as this store also try to start a game abo program and might give away games like Academagia for free (yes that means BCS would get nothing at all from this for free sales) 

- Humble Bundle (Although most of the games they sell there are also just keys for Steam)

- itchio indie game store that take everyone … I mean really everyone resulting even the best games get drowned there and its actual a lot worse then having a store like BMT on your own webpage.

Despite all the hate Steam is the platform with the most potential customer and offer a lot of service for the developer and gamer, combined with BTM that sell a complete DRM free version every taste for a shop should be covered from a buyer perspective.

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I'm curious though.../is/ there any chance of an itch.io release? Itch.io as a platform to promote your games is a crapshoot, I know, but...looking at it as just a game vendor, it's pretty much the only option that's drm-free, allows anyone to post a game on it, and most importantly as someone who's had issues getting games back a couple years after getting them off BMT due to their download limitations, allows you unrestricted downloads of purchased content so long as you link your purchase to an account. I mean, I'll admit I bit the bullet and grabbed the game on steam a couple years back, but if it were to be launched there, I'd rebuy it in a heartbeat.

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for BMT you can either ask the Legate to resend you a download link or try http://download.bmtmicro.com/ if you still have your e-mail

If all you still have is the e-mail address where you bought your game you still can ask the Legate for help, some years back the people at Positech Games managed to help me with just the knowledge of the e-mail where I bought a game from them. But sure if you no longer owner of the e-mail you once used to buy the game and also no longer have a own backup of the game then your out of luck but if you i.e. no longer own the e-mail address you used at steam you earlier or later will lose all games you have there (at latest when you use a different PC).

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BMTmicro usually sends you a working link quickly if you email them that you need to redownload it again.

By the way, the Steam version has DRM so they'd need to remove it first before being able to sell the game elsewhere (unless they have a working copy without the DRM they could upload right away), which would be a great opportunity to push a no-DRM update for Steam as well. ;)

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Unfortunately in my case, I'd had to abandon that email a while back, so I didn't really have any options when a harddrive failure took a chunk out of my game collection, and I couldn't find a way to actually change the email attached to my BMT purchases. It's mostly water under the bridge now, since I've been able to rebuy every game I lost in one manner or another. But I have taken to preferring Itch.io first and Steam second, as in both cases keeping my accounts just came down to changing the email attached to the account before I had to abandon it. DRM-free for me is a nice feature to have, as I do spend a lot of time gaming in places without internet access, but as far as DRM goes, Steam's is both reasonably unintrusive thanks to offline mode, and reasonably circumventable if for any reason I had to remain offline too long for that to work. I mostly just asked because just because I can work around steam's problems, doesn't mean I wouldn't prefer to not have to...although, pushing a drm-free version to steam would also be pretty cool, whether it was instead of or alongside an itch.io release.

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