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Albert, the Staff of the Eye is attained from an adventure that I wrote, but you are right, I hope to continue the adventure in later years. It will likely add a bit to the staff and a bit of backstory and a bit of total calamity the likes of which... *cough* I mean... Yeah, the staff might get better n' stuff, give it time. (And year two ^_^ )

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  • 1 month later...

Damnit Aveline! We were winning the damned merit race too, and this.... *cough* friend of mine... actually... though I should like to strangle her... begins defaming Aranaz again.... and again and again. Is it wrong of me to want to bully her into the calm and quiet of the infirmay?

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Lorewise, Sherry or whatever his name was.... humm, something like that, seemed fairly popular by the whole school because he was always helping everyone.



Ofcourse.... My student usualy help almost everyone with their Adventures and stuff... After all, there was usualy something interesting to study, learn or gain from whatever interesting activity they had figured out.

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His adventure is literally called "Help for the Helper", so you're quite right on that front. Of course he's also one of the few students who's adventure can bump up his Relationship Max by 3 just from passing the right exit, so let it never be said your help isn't appreciated :rolleyes:.


EDIT: Taking a closer look at the Emotions, Affection claims that it can only be removed by feeling Despair. But one of Despair's prerequisites is that you don't have Affection. Is that intended? I mean in theory you could get Despair directly applied to you from the rare outside sources of Emotions, but...

Edited by Metis
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  • 3 weeks later...

Regarding the use of flight magic in Mineta wouldn't be a license system not much better for the game propose?

So that the player first have to pay money and take a test if (s)he is secure enough with the flight magic / animal before allowed to fly over Mineta.

Maybe even have to renew the license each year as long the player is just a student.

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  • 1 month later...



I doubt that VB would find its way into Academagia, although something like a Klabautermann could...that said, mischievous fairies have been known to cause problems on airships.

I think it should be easy to bring in a pirate group lead by a female with the name Morgana that have air ships named after the Morganas in VB to Academagia as enemies in a later year.

Edit: On a smaller scale it could be a pirate group that wear masks where each pirate have a nickname like a Morgana in VB. (Wearing masks during air raids should help in having a more or less normal live when not wearing the mask.)

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Actually, I am quite content with there not being any cross-pollination of the games, so to speak. A reference or two is not bad, but that's as far as I would care to see personally. They're very different games with different audiences.

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Heh, a little too direct imo. I would envision references for something like that breaking the 4th wall. So really you should only do a reference during a silly event where such a reference isn't out of place anyway.

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Student Adventure Cirillo Laziosi 04c to Student Adventure Cirillo Laziosi 05 there shouldn't be a break in the adventure as it would be very strange when the player got sleepy and weak up weeks to months later.

Also Student Adventure Cirillo Laziosi 04a to Adventure Cirillo Laziosi 04c is from the story told right after but right now there is a break between each step. In general this adventure feels like it should be done in 1-2 adventure calls and not 6 from the told story but the reward is actual good even for 6 steps.


Beside did you see my 2 PM?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Doing a bit of a cheat mod I thought it would be great if I could let the student select a class (s)he take in a ability / action and be able to give out mulitple rewards for this class like suitable Research, Study level and Professor Relationship. I know this is nothing we would get in year 1 but maybe in year 2 or later this could be considered as possibility to do via a mod.

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