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The Academagia Gradebook (Year 1)


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Hmmm... I will double check this, but it looks like we've got some cases of students not taking their exams! I will investigate and determine what fixes need to be made to it


Edit: Legate! Neta didn't take her final in my game, and sheary didn't take the mid in dreamweaver's!


For the geometry error you can simply write a new name, for the others I will probably need to tamper with the formula. Will update when complete!


edit2, the errors in my spreadsheet you mentioned were fixed and uploaded. I kinda speed wrote the other classes, so that's why aveline got in geometry. Let me and the legate know if you have another missing exam-taker. :)

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I think there is some bugginess with the log. Either that or the only student who attended the midterm in arithmetics is Philippe Marchant scoring at 28, though presumably the only one to get a score.


Then I loaded and did the day again, and all attended. Maybe the missing students didn't really miss their exams but the log just didn't show it to us.

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So, if a student doesn't take an exam... are there no make ups, or does that indeed mean a big fat Zero? I mean, what if there are mitigating factors... Like Sky pirates attacked that day and you got kidnapped?

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So, if a student doesn't take an exam... are there no make ups, or does that indeed mean a big fat Zero? I mean, what if there are mitigating factors... Like Sky pirates attacked that day and you got kidnapped?


Routine stuff like that can't be allowed to interfere in the running of the school - it would have to be something out of the ordinary :rolleyes:

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I shudder to think of what some students might do to get out of exams if the requirements for a retest is something 'that' out of the ordinary...


Edit, Dreamweaver, you beat me, but I will say that gain of 'outright cheating' looks mighty suspicious in your circumstance... ;)

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I shudder to think of what some students might do to get out of exams if the requirements for a retest is something 'that' out of the ordinary...


Edit, Dreamweaver, you beat me, but I will say that gain of 'outright cheating' looks mighty suspicious in your circumstance... ;)


Well, Rui, Lambert, etc relish a challenge... you can't make it too easy for them or they'd get bored - which is highly dangerous, better to have them focused on immobilising themselves in some extremely effective and highly amusing fashion (it requiring a regent's request to the legate for re-sit to be considered, amusement factor should not be forgotten, or the calling-in of favours.)

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You'd think the teachers would repeat the exams if only one student shows up, I mean some parents might suspect teacher incompetence of being at fault rather than almost all students failing to even attempt the exam.


Oh well, at least it fixed itself when I went through that day again after loading.


I was however under the impression that students were dragged out of bed to attend exams no matter what. Does this mean I could send a student into a stress-induced coma the day before the exam and they'd get a big fat zero on their score?

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if a class that uses the curve has say 26 students. the top 10% would be 2.6 kids. the next 30% would be 7.8, the next 40% is 10.4, then another 10% (2.6) and yet another final 10% failures (2.6)


If you rounded these values to their closest whole number, you would have 27 students! so clearly that is not how the game rounds them.



how is the rounding done for these percentages to figure out who gets what honors? I'm making assumptions right now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

nothing goes under weight.


Weight actually refers to the column so you can understand how important your exams are individually and together.


weight---->midterms are 20%--->finals are 80%----Together it is 100% of your class grade


and you're welcome! ;) if you have any ideas about how to improve it, or find any errors, let me know

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hmmm.. not especially.


The real issue is that out of X number of kids in a class, there are Y slots to be filled. These two variables really should be the same. If they're not, then the percentages of students assigned to which 'honors' will be thrown off.


If you put the class average in there, you would throw off the ranking, causing one of the students who might have passed to fail under the formula. right now it's the opposite. It's all due to there being an extra student in those classes in which you don't attend, throwing off the %. The worksheet needs to be flexible enough for any student and that's one of the drawbacks.


In truth I'm working on a solution to both problems but I'm not super at MS excel so it's not very high priority.

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Ok I will use your calculation as it appear to work under LibreOffice


Revision line 16 henning should be Henning

Geometry line 10 Cosettta Re = Cosetta Re

Tab History have a unnecessary space

Rhetoric need to be sorted by alphabet

Astrology Poriabel Sidot=Oriabel Sidot and Aveline Cincebeaux was never seen visiting the Astrology class so I wonder what she making there.

Negation Picclet Gleyre=Piccolet Gleyre


Grammar is missing complet

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Bwahaha! good Eye!


I've noticed most of these and was keeping quiet until the next update could be finished,


I will release V1.5 "when it's ready" which could possibly mean as late as 2016 on this forum's time ;)



...But most likely in a couple of days. I'm working on a new sheet. :)


Edit: "Hi story" is sadly necessary as "history" is a reserved name.

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