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Victory Belles Kickstarter is Live!


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Maybe there is a other reason beside that it is free to play:

Your complete KS only focus on the appeal of anime girls in battleship outfit but for people who don't care about this you give next to no info at all about the game it self, at last in the video and the begin of the text. So even people who don't oppose the graphic don't back your KS because they know nothing beside that it is some turn based strategy game. Also the focus on the girls give you a strong opposite from people who think you make a KanColle clone even if you actual make a complete different game.

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I'm pretty sure exactly that point was brought up before in the KS comments. BCS' response (IIRC, Legate can correct me if not) was that they don't have concrete gameplay to show, seeing as how the game is...well, pre-alpha. The UI design and everything isn't finalized yet.

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I mean, I don't know...at least I feel like the trailer and the page do a really good job explaining what the game is. But it's hard for me to say, since I helped them build it. :)




They wanted to try a few things- first, rolling content, which definitely requires steady payment streams versus blocks, and second, player-focused content. As you know from AM & Scheherazade, in particular, the Team likes to build for the players- easier to get quick feedback with an on-line model.


It will be interesting, that's for sure.

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Sounds like both points are to get more focussed content to the players faster, but does the Team really have time to maintain that schedule? VB is one thing, but DLC 17 and Y2 are also going to need attention, and Academagia falling behind in priority wouldn't go over well. Especially if it'll end up on Steam, I assume.

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Also don't forget that BCS promised a follow up for both Holdfast and Scheherazade and we where even told about a planed fairy tale book as well.

I agree with Metis that BCS probably already massive overextending their human resources given all the things we know by now they have planed to do.

My hope is that Victory Belles really manage to pay for at last 5-10 people as it is not be done with just the server cost, no with this business model you have to make sure you constant push out content updates for the full live duration. But with so few Backer I have serious doubt the regular income of this game will cover for both server cost and the personal needed to do the updates.

I know from a other single player browser game I played years back about the problematic as they had to cut on the updates because the income got to small what resulted more player wo spend money drop the game and in return they again had to slow down the updates even more and so on.


Edit: Also don't forget by give out up to $150 in premium currency per backer you already cut into your future income for at last 1-2 years after release.

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I'm going to back up Metis and Schwarzbart here. I've already stated that I'm a little worried about you guys overextending yourselves but if you put up something that will constantly require human resources to maintain, then that adds to the burden of trying to get your already strained resources to put out materials for your existing fans.


If it looks like Academagia Y2 is going to take much longer to release, you guys may develop a reputation for not backing your releases sufficiently and that will plague BCS and everything that it desires to do from here on out.

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Belles is actually a different Team, as you may have noticed from the credits. I don't think they are too concerned about over-extension, although it's a legitimate concern.


There's relatively little overlap between the folks working, though, so I wouldn't expect too many issues, apart from shared resources, like trailers and such.


Oh, and forum moderation, I suppose. :)

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I wasn't having any noticeable problems yesterday, but I guess it simply could have been fixed after I went to sleep. Funding is at $758-842/day, and I'm pretty sure those numbers are getting more extreme the less time is left. Here's to hoping that after such a beautiful run it doesn't fall flat right at the end.

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