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DLC 17 Bugs


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@Schwarzbart: I doubt that your explanation is correct, because the character who did the research in wilderness survival not only had unlocked wilderness survival but had it trained up to 1. That having been said, the Synchronicity subskills and skill are very strange from a research perspective: characters can research them even if nothing related to synchronicity is unlocked. But this is not the cause of all of the failure of synchronicity related research to yield ingame benefits; one of my characters had straight 10s in all areas of Synchronicity, and gained no noted or apparent ingame benefit for most synchronicity-related research.

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Bug: Random Event Grammar 3 cites a non-existent skill, Investigation.




The Book of Thieves

In general, this chain of lores cannot decide about how to spell the name of the artifact.


The Book of Thieves IV

On of the men…mission’s danger increased, but so was Gigot’s desire

should be

One of the men…mission’s danger increased, but so did Gigot’s desire


The Book of Thieves VIII

laconic spiders

should be

captured spiders


Random Event Lake 10: Leadership success

you make out the word .

should be

you make out the word Jacedin.


Maccotio’s Library

His reasoning, while draconian in their own right, were simple

should be

His reasoning, while draconian in its own right, was simple


Random Event Kitchen 19

trexis’ head

should be

trexis’s head


Vernin Adventure 07: Forge Success

door’s…yourself to we

should be

doors…yourself to us


Student Adventure Rixenda 2b


should be

Rixenda looks


The Professor’s True Intentions

(Yes, he actually said

should be

Yes, he actually said


Student Adventure Rixenda 4b


should be

Rixenda hasn’t


Student Adventure Rixenda 5b


should be

Rixenda sculpts


Broken Pines 01

peak up

should be

peek up


Broken Pines 03

Who can we send…someone who they are not watching

should be

Whom can we send…someone whom they are not watching


Broken Pines 06: Multiple instances in which “…,” The Duke should be “…,” the Duke


should be

blood. You


The Fight Continues

not fairing as well

should be

not faring as well


Broken Pines 06: 2 instances in which ?you should be ? you


The Prisoner’s Choice: Inconsistency between Bori and Borri


One More Meeting with Oan

Slyvanians. ”

should be



Lady Luck’s Wink: Geometry success


should be

Cirillo to…He finds


Student Adventure Cirillo Laziosi 04a

soothing angry betters here…everything runs smooth… ‘take care of business’. …there’s group

should be

soothing angry losers here…everything runs smoothly… ‘take care of business.’ …there’s a group


Student Adventure Cirillo Laziosi 05


should be



Essaying Arithmetic

That’s be like writing…it’s got it’s own sort of charm with it’s straightforwardness

should be

That’d be like writing…it’s got its own sort of charm with its straightforwardness


Student Adventure Philip Hauck 3: Research Success

to the atlas-makers to detail it in the books … it. yours will be

should be

to the atlas-makers who detail it in the books … it. Yours will be


Main Adventure Captain 02

who don’t give enough thought to who they talk to

should be

who don’t give enough thought to who they talk to


The Glamorous Thief

meters…It will not bide me

should be

meters…It will not obey me


Main Adventure Captain 05

there’s at least nine

should be

there are at least nine




should be

a lot


Where Death Reigns 06

The man, which the hermit notes as being the Legate…individuals that went missing

should be

The man, whom the hermit notes as being the Legate…individuals who went missing


Where Death Reigns 07a

the heir that replaced him

should be

the heir who replaced him


History in Pieces

Mathew is someone that

should be

Mathew is someone who


Head of the House

Gounders’… Grounders’

should be



Random Event – MKA – Miya – Broken Ankle: repeated confusion between into and in to


Where Death Reigns 09a

, it makes sense that it is,

should be

- it makes sense that it is -


Where Death Reigns 10

His breathing seems heavy and irregular, has he forgotten that much?

should be

His breathing seems heavy and irregular; has he forgotten that much?


Rocky Situation 03

Actually, You’re

should be

Actually, you’re


Emperor Sphinx Adventure 03

You’re magic…pay 10 pim to

should be

You’re magical…pay 10 pims to


Underground Market Adventure 07

you’re main focus is finding the painting…oil painting of a portrait of a man

should be

your main focus is finding the painting…oil painting portrait of a man


Underground Market Adventure 08

I am to give you you’re last clue

should be

I am to give you your last clue


Random Event – MKA – Louise – Prudence

Morvidus students faces

should be

Morvidus students’ faces


Underground Market Adventure 10

long hallway with aligned with large candles that dimly lights the hallway

should be

long hallway with large candles that are aligned so that they dimly light the hallway


E'Vienne's Theory

E'Vienne's time as a spy were kept silent…recounted in memoirs and oral tales of not only

should be

E'Vienne's time as a spy was kept secret…recounted in memoirs and oral accounts tales of not only


Random Event Student - Vincent E

Lets race…Cloaks aren’t the best things to run in, there’s

should be

Let’s race…Cloaks aren’t the best things to run in, because there’s


Challenges of Wit III

but with that necklace carries

should be

but with that necklace comes


Challenges of Wit IX

it was only when Herth Mentols could no longer keep the laughter inside did she realize

should be

it was only when Herth Mentols could no longer keep the laughter inside that she realized


The Exile II

crimes that effect the entire community

should be

crimes that affect the entire community


The Exile III

seventh turning of the son…man was sentences

should be

seventh turning of the sun…man was sentenced


The Exile IV

In such tales of exile become quite popular was well…what, is anything was learned

should be

Such tales of exile often become quite popular as well…what, if anything, was learned


The Exile VII

a few hours passed…I wonder how long this will left

should be

a few hours past…I wonder how long this will last


Pox Fever

waters were brought force

should be

waters were brought forth


Famine, the Barren Fields

crops cease to yield fruit and the lands lay barren

should be

crops cease to yield fruit and the lands lie barren


The Middle Empire I

comfortable in the uncomfortably of the safety

should be

comfortable in the uncomfortability of the safety


Spacing Errors:


Random Event Mountain 3:

Beneath Astronomy Option.


The Guardian and the Pet

This piece of lore is broken up very strangely, as if it were meant to be a poem; but it is apparently a prose piece.


Random Event Vernin Common Room 3:

Beneath Art Appreciation Option.


Random Event Sports 2:

Beneath Magical Appraisal Option.


Random Event Pirate 3:

Beneath Brute Strength Option.


Holiday [The Festival of Iasos]:

Beneath Strategy Option.


Holiday [Festival of the Exile]:

Beneath Sleuthing Option.


Main Adventure Captain 02

Beneath Conversation Option.


Random Event Revenge 7

Beneath Diplomacy Option.


Random Event Forge 4

Beneath Interrogation option.


Random Event Potions 2

Beneath Analyze option.


Main Adventure Captain 10

Beneath Observation Option.


Main Adventure Captain 12

Beneath Character Study Option.


Random Event Patrol 4

Beneath Observation Option.

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26 minutes ago, Rhialto said:

Head of the House

Gounders’… Grounders’

should be


Actually, "Grounders" is the family name, so the correct...possession? Possessive? *Shrugs*. In any case Grounders' is correct. Unless you're in the US, in which it should be Grounders's, but I'm not, so...meh :P.

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3 hours ago, Metis said:

Actually, "Grounders" is the family name, so the correct...possession? Possessive? *Shrugs*. In any case Grounders' is correct. Unless you're in the US, in which it should be Grounders's, but I'm not, so...meh :P.

O man, I thought that the name was Grounder. I am not American either, but I prefer the 's possessive in as many cases as possible.




The Middle Empire III

Time to be. Simple be. To love…

should be

Time to be. Simply be. To love…


The Middle Empire VI

their right to law the people

should be

their right to rule the people


The Middle Empire VII [I have no idea what is going on with General Stimulation – is that the name of as lecturer – so I will not touch it]

the fate of the all men

should be

the fate of all of the men


The Middle Empire VIII

you are trying to infiltrated

should be

you are trying to infiltrate


The Middle Empire VIIII

actions which you believe is right…right, we…protecting Our…only The north

should be

actions that you believe are right…right; we…protecting our…only the north


The Second Captivity II

dragons,., … strong.,

should be

dragons… … strong.


No More Peaks

A very tall mountain which, in legend of course, the tallest peak stands above the clouds

should be

A very tall mountain which, in legend – of course – has its tallest peak above the clouds


Random Event Awesome Community 52

You pass a door and did

should be

You pass a door and do


Random Event Magic Trap 10: Negation Phemes Success

thankSTUDENTNAME [in my game thankVrenelle]

should be

thank STUDENTNAME [in my game thank Vrenelle]


Getting Noticed

Mayna, Quote from the text

should be

Mayna, quotation from the text


Random Event Aranaz Common Room 2


should be

, who


Random Event Aranaz Common Room 2: Diplomacy Failure


should be

students. You


Rimbal [lore unlocked through researching Courage]

They have too; the chance of injury is high.

should be

They have to; the chance of injury is high.


Wilderness Survival III

He’s often depicted as either a man in a wolf pelt and various hunting tools such as a knife or a bow and arrow, but in other tales

should be

He’s often depicted as a man in a wolf pelt and various hunting tools such as a knife or a bow and arrows, but in other tales


Spacing Errors:


Random Event Wardrobe Malfunction 3

Beneath Observation Option.

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Spacing Errors:


Random Event Library 4:

Beneath Negation option


Random Event Disguise/Infiltration 2:

Beneath Observation option


Random Event Library 6:

Beneath Research option


Random Event Escaped Animals 4:

Beneath Move Silently option


Random Event Tavern 12:

Beneath Character Study option




Random Event Library 4:

Judging by it’s build

should be

Judging by its build


Random Event Library 4: Hunting Success


should be

it. You…head. Once…appears. The…inside. With


Instructional Exercises II

Listen carefully to the person’s words. Keep it in your head, repeat it enough to make it part of your memory.

should be

Listen carefully to the person’s words. Keeping them in your head, repeat them enough to make them part of your memory.


According to the Amoites:


should be



Random Event Classroom 13

just didn’t know what they were doing, and equally likely to have created a powder that had the potential to ensure that only a very dedicated and thorough team of groundskeepers could find this room in it’s entirety; possibly

should be

just didn’t know what they were doing. Regardless of precisely why, they have created a powder that could create a situation in which only a very dedicated and thorough team of groundskeepers could find this room in its entirety, possibly


Sorvan’s Skills and Tools

a stadia

should be

a stadium [or stadion, if you want to go the Greek route]


Random Event Classroom 1

ProfessorPronounsays [in my game, Shesays]

should be

ProfessorPronoun says [in my game, She says]


Excerpt from Instructorial Text, Other Known Vices

skill becomes pointless…in some scenarios will cause…This is in lieu of those who are involved in more shady affairs…family of their activity

should be

skill becomes useless…in some scenarios this will cause…This only applies to those who are involved in more shady affairs…families as being engaged in this activity

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Because you ignored my question regarding the lore "Misunderstood Master Arts-Instruction" I put it up here as it looks like a bug to me but I'm not sure.

If after this consideration you feel your changes are justified it is important to next choose what ink and hand you will need in order to make your forgery believable.

Oftentimes a particular ink is used for particular inks. It would be best to have the paper you wish to forge in front of you in order to be sure on what strokes and colors you should use.

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The temporary increases of Calming Air missing a space between clique name and skill name. (All Students in My CliqueRelexation Skill Level by 1)

Also I thought that helping your clique member would have some chance to increase the relationship but looks like this was cut out in a update.

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Realm of the Disappearances:

closest to we the people

should be

closest to us the people


Random Event Foraging 14:

that’s it’s a Mineta magichead

should be

that it’s a Mineta magichead


Theory of Mastery SL V:

blood crimson color. He was mastery of the blade, mastery of the human mind, mastery of self.

should be

bloody crimson color. He had achieved mastery of the blade, mastery of the human mind, mastery of self.


Quest for the Crown:


should be

formal. You


Student Adventure Silkie Niederstatter 0

her choice of color and design actually compliments each other

should be

her choice of color and design actually complement each other


The Once Great Empire, on Monteon

put a many great leader to their death

should be

put many great leaders to their deaths


The Once Great Empire, by Jons Jhonass

economy suggests in can support

should be

economy suggests it can support




should be




They are blessed with…spider the produced

should be

They are blessed with…spider that produces



Little is know…recently got to confirm

should be

Little is known…recently gone to confirm



island of the off great northern landmass…men are considered strong and the woman hardy

should be

island off the great northern landmass…men are considered strong and the women hardy


Spacing Errors:


Random Event Spellcasting 5

Beneath Sleuthing Option.


Random Event Crafting 2

Beneath Observation Option.

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How to Survive Using only Your Mouth III

be them Grusalug

should be

be they Grusalug


How to Survive Using only Your Mouth IV

only a few feet tall and easy to kick…it does bit

should be

only a few inches tall and easy to kick…it does bite


En Masse Phantism, by Vlaugh Mogul I

these creature

should be

these creatures


Random Event Patrol 2:


should be

candy. You…candy. Then


En Masse Phantism, by Vlaugh Mogul II

revert the Vessel back to its true form

should be

revert the Vessel to its true form


En Masse Phantism, by Vlaugh Mogul IV

Red Widow which is only told in legends

should be

Red Widow, which is only told about in legends


En Masse Phantism, by Vlaugh Mogul V

mimic a plant and thus the confusion

should be

mimic a plant, thus the confusion


En Masse Phantism, by Vlaugh Mogul VI

Many believe, yet remains unconfirmed

Should be

Many believe, yet it remains unconfirmed


En Masse Phantism, by Vlaugh Mogul VIII

one believes in Red Widow or that of false faces

should be

one believes in Red Widows or false faces


En Masse Phantism, by Vlaugh Mogul X

a matter of, arguable, legend

should be

a matter of arguable legend


Nature of the Vagabond

he was the random merchant whom caught

should be

he was the random merchant who caught


An Herbalist’s Pride and Purpose

It is a precised process

should be

It is a precise process


Lone Warrior of Mental Decree

I never really knew my family, my father vanished when I was young so have very little memories of him

should be

I never really knew my family, my father vanished when I was so have very little memories of him


Lone Warrior of Mental Decree

I never really knew my family, my father vanished when I was young so have very little memories of him

should be

I never really knew my family. My father vanished when I was young, so I have very few memories of him


Biology Texts from the Salt Tower at Selamor II

the Manoite is unable to process proper emotions due to the thinness of their chest

should be

the Manoites are unable to process emotions properly due to the thinness of their chests


Random Event Library 8

you misjudge the amount of room you had and run…to return back

should be

you misjudged the amount of room you had and ran…to return


Random Event Animal Pens 9

bird!”,…Keepers’ request

should be

bird!”…Keeper’s request


Random Event Shop 2

You have to help her, you have no choice.

should be

You have to help her; you have no choice.


Random Event – Rodrigo 3

Rodrigo point toward the ballroom

should be

Rodrigo points toward the ballroom


Random Event Friendship 2

(pronoun of random student)’s [in my game his’s]…(name of random student)’s’s [in my game Durand’s’s]

should be

(pronoun of random student) [in my game his]…(name of random student) [in my game Durand’s]


Osorian’ Advice [should be Osorian’s Advice]


Spacing Errors:


Random Event Library 8

Beneath Observation option


Random Event Shop 2

Beneath Observation option


Random Event Library 7

Beneath Library Knowledge option

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Durand in Disgrace

“…That’s not impressive,” saysBeatrix von Wetgen [or Random Student – I am not sure. Von Wetgen appeared in this role in my game]

should be

“…That’s not impressive,” says Beatrix von Wetgen


Melisande Adventure 03:

What bring you by?

should be

What brings you by?


The Arch-Historian Arrives

a boy that bares a striking resemblance to her

should be

a boy who bears a striking resemblance to her


The Grove of Cold Stars:

an animal defending it’s home

should be

an animal defending its home


The Grove of Cold Stars 02:

weather has taken it’s toll

should be

weather has taken its toll


How Far We’ve All Fallen!

the stone edges of the holes, causing it to expand until it plugs the holes…move further and further down

should be

the stone edges of the holes, causing them to expand until they plug the holes…move farther and farther down


Bug and typo:

Random Event Durand 2

The name Lambert is replaces with the name of his clique in the following sentence [the hyperlink still leads to Lambert]:

While your friend claims that Aranaz will target the other colleges after Morvidus, The Secret-Takers doesn’t give any current evidence to support the claim aside from heresay.

should be

While your friend claims that Aranaz will target the other colleges after Morvidus, Lambert doesn’t give any current evidence to support the claim aside from hearsay.

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Main Adventure Captain 02

who don’t give enough thought to who they talk to

should be

who don’t give enough thought to whom they talk to



The Glamorous Thief

meters…It will not bide me

should be

yards…It will not obey me



The Grove of Cold Stars 03:

where you robe has touched this liquid

should be

where your robe has touched this liquid



The Grove of Cold Stars 04:

Suddenly the ghost become animated…Your wand is drawn, now what?

should be

Suddenly the ghost becomes animated…Your wand is drawn! Now what?



Pitts Adventure 00

steal cut eyebrow

should be

steel cut eyebrow



Pitts Adventure 01 [this stage of the adventure cannot decide whether the tower is called Dorm Tower Eight or DormTowerEight]

the girl’s towers

should be

the girls’ towers

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The Grove of Cold Stars 05

Why there’s several chairs…holding out it’s arms

should be

Why there are several chairs…holding out its arms


The Prize of the Cold Stars

It’s atmosphere has a bit of a reputation

should be

Its atmosphere has a bit of a reputation


This Magic Moment

You complement Yulia

should be

You compliment Yulia


Short Changed 05m


should be

and Yulia


A Den of Lies

she knows somebody that can help

should be

she knows somebody who can help


Lost Future:

Remember mate, short changed!...you weep for bitterly for your loss

should be

Remember, mate. Short changed!...you weep bitterly for your loss


Pitts Adventure 07b

Hendricks feet

should be

Hendricks’ feet


The Report

senior initiation log ,”…they where a sacred circle of trees

should be

senior initiation log,”…they were a sacred circle of trees


Pitts Adventure 08d

The two urchins that were on your back…crotched down

should be

The two urchins who were on your back…crouched down


Race for the Stars Adventure 03:

Would you keep your voice down, she can hear you. … “I don’t know man,” you reply. “I’d be careful if I was you.”

should be

Would you keep your voice down? She can hear you. … “I don’t know, man,” you reply. “I’d be careful if I were you.”


Under Glittering Stars

You’re hormones gave you

should be

Your hormones gave you


Sky Pirates 05:

I didn’t have time to plant it one of the chests

should be

I didn’t have time to plant it in one of the chests


Random Event Classroom 1

[Random Professor Pronoun]says that the class has free time [in my game Shesays that the class has free time]

should be

[Random Professor Pronoun] says that the class has free time [in my game She says that the class has free time]

Jhonass Park

those who championed it’s cause

should be

those who championed its cause



Random Event Classroom 1

One exit refers to the non-existent subskill Silent Movement


Bug and Typo:

Using the Train Your Company Action produces the following awkwardly worded, poorly spaced, inconsistently capitalized message:

You increased All Students in CliqueNameSubskill Skill Step by 1. [In my game: You increased All Students in Mystical KnightsPlanning Skill Step by 1.]

This would be better phrased as:

You increased by 1 skill step the ability in Subskill of all students in the CliqueName. [In my game: You increased by 1 skill step the ability in Planning of all students in the Mystical Knights.]

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"Random Event - Evelien van Strien" all of the references for the player's name are showing "&Player Name&". 

Also probably not a bug (if I understand this is possible on exams) but Cosseta Re has scored a 0 on her first 3 midterms (haven't taken the others yet). I mean, she is probably the student I despise the most, and this amuses me, but I can't recall ever seeing a student manage a 0 on even one exam in the past. I do look forward to her being stuck in hall sessions though. I don't have info on her so I can't really see what she's up to.

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