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Victory Belles Lore questions


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On 7/17/2017 at 5:44 PM, von_Lipstig said:
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General Q: p 21,32....



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General Q: p 29


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*Add "Establishing fanon before realease of canon" to crimes time paradoxes list*


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About 1,7kg of brain matter per head <_<


*FAQ when?*

search-fu training.jpg




Fanon will always exist, before or after canon. Hell I'm in no way trying to establish anything. My story is me writing about a game that I support and find the setting genuinely interesting enough to write something about it. Priority 1 when I'm writing is the characterization of Jack, Manchester, and whoever else pops up. I want to get them right. Then I look at what is available canon wise that can answer questions. If not, I ask the other fanfic writers and we come up with some idea. Heck some I've asked in gen questions to work out if certain things work or not. So I'm putting canon before fanon wherever possible. I'm going to get stuff wrong that the team will correct later or make clear, or maybe stuff that I write is confirmed. That's just how writing about a form of media works. Fanon existed the moment people started wondering questions about VB. Not with the fics.

Edited by Wellington99
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  • 5 weeks later...

Here's a question. With Belles fighting the Morgana threat, there's a big likelyhood that Belles would be called upon to help with convoys to protect against Morganas. If they are, and the convoy is attacked by a non-Morgana threat (say a U-boat Wolfpack), does the Belle just do nothing and wait for the Morganas, or are they allowed to fight back?

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  • 1 month later...

We've got a couple of weeks before the next Lore question, so to stimulate Lore question ideas I will ask:

Where does the legendary mascot cat Unsinkable Sam reside in 1939?

For that matter, does Unsinkable Sam start out as simply "Sam" (or Oskar/Oscar) and still have to earn that title?

And given the amount of evidence that there's more than a little bit of sailor's story to the legend, is Unsinkable Sam a single cat?


...Or even a cat at all? :blink:  (U-29, are you busy?)


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To summarize *source censored*, which is probably maybe even true

2 hours ago, Panay's Ghost said:


Where does the legendary mascot cat Unsinkable Sam reside in 1939?

-B&V schiffyard

2 hours ago, Panay's Ghost said:


For that matter, does Unsinkable Sam start out as simply "Sam" (or Oskar/Oscar) and still have to earn that title?

-Start as Oskar, rescued with German sailors and adapted as Oscar, rescued alone and named Sam , only in base recognized and gained Unsinkable part

2 hours ago, Panay's Ghost said:


And given the amount of evidence that there's more than a little bit of sailor's story to the legend, is Unsinkable Sam a single cat?

Ask Ark Royal how many cats she had

2 hours ago, Panay's Ghost said:

.Or even a cat at all?





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18 minutes ago, von_Lipstig said:


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To summarize *source censored*, which is probably maybe even true

-B&V schiffyard

-Start as Oskar, rescued with German sailors and adapted as Oscar, rescued alone and named Sam , only in base recognized and gained Unsinkable part

Ask Ark Royal how many cats she had





Yes, but


If B&V schifffyard, then Arc Royal doesn't get to have Sam until late 1941-ish?

When I ask if there was more than one cat, I wonder if Bismark' "Oskar", Cossack's Oscar, and Arc Royal's Sam are three separate entities.

Not as sexy as the legend, but probably closer to the truth.


...That's if we're talking about a cat, and not something more sinister (cue spooky music):

cat got nickname for surviving sinking ships  =>  cat(?) doomed the ships to sink in the first place




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12 minutes ago, Panay's Ghost said:


When I ask if there was more than one cat, I wonder if Bismark' "Oskar", Cossack's Oscar, and Arc Royal's Sam are three separate entities.

Depends on which DD rescued him from Ark


13 minutes ago, Panay's Ghost said:


cat got nickname for surviving sinking ships  =>  cat(?) doomed the ships to sink in the first place

Probability 101: In all kriegsmarine there will be at least one entity doing it's job right. Why it is a cat is another Q.

On the other hand, we have a precedent of ship's cat exterminating entire species...



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11 minutes ago, von_Lipstig said:


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Depends on which DD rescued him from Ark


Probability 101: In all kriegsmarine there will be at least one entity doing it's job right. Why it is a cat is another Q.

On the other hand, we have a precedent of ship's cat exterminating entire species...



So Bismark was just a 50 thousand t delivery device. :rolleyes:

I have no skin in either game, so I consider Bismark just as doomed as Cossack and Ark Royal.

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Which military rank do the Belles hold in the various navies?

Are they even recognised as persons or just things? How do the officials react?

And on further notice do the sailors react initially?


Especially if a white US or UK sailor or captain served on a ship whose Belle is non-white. Does the US navy expand segregation to a Belle level, where black people are only allowed to serve on black Belles? *popcorn*

It was already said it's a great honour to harbour a Belle, but my latter questions aim at the "first impressions".

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3 hours ago, Käpt'n Korky said:

Which military rank do the Belles hold in the various navies?

Are they even recognised as persons or just things? How do the officials react?

And on further notice do the sailors react initially?

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Especially if a white US or UK sailor or captain served on a ship whose Belle is non-white. Does the US navy expand segregation to a Belle level, where black people are only allowed to serve on black Belles? *popcorn*

It was already said it's a great honour to harbour a Belle, but my latter questions aim at the "first impressions".

Black sailors could serve aboard white ships (though, only as cooks and valets). Ultimately, I believe the sailors would be caught up more in the supernatural aspect of Belles than race.

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13 hours ago, Käpt'n Korky said:


Which military rank do the Belles hold in the various navies?

Commonwealth : WREN, all of 'em (mostly)<_<


6 hours ago, Ninjapacman said:

I think if a belle chose a black guy as her captain, segregation is no longer a factor. She will get that captain, whether she has to leave the US navy or not. Kriegsmarine

fixd FTGJ





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  • 4 weeks later...

How often does the emotional connection that drives a Belle to select her Captain lead to romantic entanglement? Is jealousy an issue when a Captain has multiple Belles in his service? Be interesting to hear about this one from a Belle I'd think. La Motte-Picquet perhaps? Been enjoying more Belles turning up besides some of the fan favorites in the various updates. 

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8 minutes ago, TwoHeavens said:

How often does the emotional connection that drives a Belle to select her Captain lead to romantic entanglement? Is jealousy an issue when a Captain has multiple Belles in his service? Be interesting to hear about this one from a Belle I'd think. La Motte-Picquet perhaps? Been enjoying more Belles turning up besides some of the fan favorites in the various updates. 

I support this as well. It would be interesting how belles in general feel about the connections they form with their Captains and it would be good to get a blast from the past in Le Motte Picquet.

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6 minutes ago, TwoHeavens said:

How often does the emotional connection that drives a Belle to select her Captain lead to romantic entanglement? Is jealousy an issue when a Captain has multiple Belles in his service? Be interesting to hear about this one from a Belle I'd think. La Motte-Picquet perhaps? Been enjoying more Belles turning up besides some of the fan favorites in the various updates. 

This sounds like fun.  Let's hear about battleship love triangles from a battleship.  Nagato, perhaps?  Maybe someone who might show a different side of themselves.

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1 hour ago, TwoHeavens said:

How often does the emotional connection that drives a Belle to select her Captain lead to romantic entanglement? Is jealousy an issue when a Captain has multiple Belles in his service? Be interesting to hear about this one from a Belle I'd think. La Motte-Picquet perhaps? Been enjoying more Belles turning up besides some of the fan favorites in the various updates. 

I'd like to know about this too. It wouldn't do to walk in blind and walk out with several 16" rifles to your back.

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2 hours ago, Fifrein said:

I'd like to know about this too. It wouldn't do to walk in blind and walk out with several 16" rifles to your back.

And a torpedo from the nearest jetty, and circling aircraft... under the US UCMJ adultery is a crime so there's a possibility for prosecution even if the slighted Belles take it far enough, plus the catch all "Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and a Gentleman" just in case your lawyer's savvy enough to point out you weren't married. But then the Belles could always string you up for philandering on their own. 

Mechanically speaking if you can only romance a single Belle I'd want that discussion/decision/flag outside of her friendship track. You might need to complete her personal missions to unlock said romantic option, but it wouldn't be terribly fun to lock off Belle story content at risk of a volley of high velocity shells targeted at your office. Nor would it be fun to jilt the belle you originally selected, but that's all mechanics and somewhat outside the scope of the question.


1 hour ago, Wellington99 said:

I'm interested, though I'd be more towards Nawlins explaining romance outside of "I was on display for all to see"

Nawlins strikes me as being a bit shy when you get her one on one. If they go NO, might as well stick Kirov in with her and make a raid on the INPF booze stash and see where this ride takes us.

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4 hours ago, TwoHeavens said:

How often does the emotional connection that drives a Belle to select her Captain lead to romantic entanglement? Is jealousy an issue when a Captain has multiple Belles in his service? Be interesting to hear about this one from a Belle I'd think. La Motte-Picquet perhaps? Been enjoying more Belles turning up besides some of the fan favorites in the various updates. 

Definitely an interesting question lore-wise.

Gameplay-wise, I think we can have multiple relationships a la Kantai Collection without any sort of real problems.

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1 hour ago, TwoHeavens said:

Nawlins strikes me as being a bit shy when you get her one on one. If they go NO, might as well stick Kirov in with her and make a raid on the INPF booze stash and see where this ride takes us.

I approve the party of epic proportions, but I fear we won't actually get any information from them, as we'll be too busy partying like it's 1939 and the world's about to end.

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