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  • 2 months later...

Hello everyone!

My name is silenceisgold, or just Silence is fine. I am a student in the US, and my interests include reading, preparing for the future, and of course, playing video games, everything from Solstice and Cinders to Crusader Kings 2 to Stellaris to the Sims and Long Live the Queen. Games with a great deal of lore and text are very appealing to me however, which is why I am so interesting in Academagia.

I first learned about Academagia a few months ago, when I was looking for text-based games. It immediately piqued my interest and I tried to access the demo, but it had been removed. So I stayed and I lurked, read the forums, read a walkthrough online, and watched the introductory videos on Youtube. Then school started up and I got busy, but then I heard about the Steam Greenlight! Congratulations by the way. So I will definitely buy Academagia when it comes out on Steam, and in the meantime get more involved and entrenched in the community.

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Welcome Silence! Glad to see active lurkers.... no wait... that came out wrong, I think. :P


Eitherwho, if you got questions or anything feel free to ask. (If it is "When does it get active on steam" you'll have to wait in line, they are not telling -.-' ... that said feel free to pester anyway. Someone somewhere should love it. If not then I don't care to think of the amount of needless stress we have forced upon the world thoughout the years.)

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  • 1 month later...



As a long-time-lurker I finally decided to step forward and introduce myself. I've actually played Academagia for years, since a friend gave me his copy, after figuring "To much text, failing at everything...". But I was intrigued right away. I love to read, I love RPG and I tend to always end up playing the wizard... Just perfect. Since then, this copy has survived four computers, two movements and even (*gasp*) some away-time from any electronical device in my live.


Being a poor student, I nevertheless decided it was more than reasonable to actually buy the game, I had so much fun with, BEFORE registering, though - I owned a copy already, as I doubt my friend even remembers about the game, but I just wanted to support the community - And the developers. We can't have them thinking that I somehow not absolutely love Academagia, right ? ;) So, as of now, my order is underway and I am free of the bad conscience of never having paid for the game at all.^^


Also I could finally start to write some mods... If my english is good enough, that is. As a german player, this is still a foreign language to me... But I like to actually think the game improved my speech.


All in all, nice to meet you all - I hope we'll get along. *innocently hides "Wand of certain doom!" behind the back*

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Thanks to both of you ! - And, well, I hope thei'll actually be worth something. The first chracter I came up with is about to be discarded, because... Well, she had to many secrets. It looked just a little to Mary-sueish... :D But I am getting better with the tools. Thats the upside.


About the money, well... There is always the option to look at mum with puppy eyes, even when I am really getting to old for that...^^°

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Thank you very much. I have played the game for years, had a few playthroughs, but there are still topics I have never even touched so far, as Duels, Artificion (well, what little there is) or INTENSE Bullying... Or playing a male student, for all thats worth. :D


I am always open for help - And would like to return the offer.

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I did craft a few things, the biggest difference is that the crafted items tend to be higher quality than the bought or awarded items. They also tend to be worth more due to their quality.


I also tried afew different duels, hopefully duels and combat will be slightly more intuitive or with a few spell books available, while Imight have a handwritten lsit or might remember a few spells you should have access to all spells your character has learned during the year, they are after all the people who are supposed to know their magic(the characters).


I also got to play around with a few different battle-familiar configurations, doing melee and spell attacks. Having a familiar that's at least capable of performing attacks and other things when you're in trouble is a deffinate advantage. Don't neglect your familiar entierly.

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I had a single duel many years back where I used some form of magic bulling before the duel but I also did no crafting outside of adventure.

The reason I didn't use crafting is the problems in gaining the needed materials and lack of useful recipe. Why should I craft an item that I already have or a useless food?

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Welcome Feytala! I am a bit late, but better late than never... and I never did any crafting either - I did do some duels though (which was needed at the time to stop a bully)...


I wish I still had my /puppyeyes but I fear it doesn't work anymore... *le sigh* still I got a lot of other things working for me, so I guess it is an ok tradeoff. Making mods, or just writing adventures or silly little events is always good. We have had some really good ones throughout the years, and more are always welcome!



Either way, hope you'll have fun on the board

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  • 1 month later...

Hello all! I've been about the forums the last week or so since finding out about the game and decided I might as well make an account and join the community. Amongst other genres I'm a fan of RPG's, Visual Novels, and Fantasy; as such finding a game that covered all three of those was a surprise and a delight. As a consummate Steam user I'll be waiting for the games release over there (concurrent with DLC 17 I suppose), but what I've seen so far has me excited to try it out.


Besides Academagia if there's an off-topic sub forum somewhere you'll likely find me posting there from time to time on fantasy & sci-fi media, law, and tech. In any event, nice to make your acquaintance!

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