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  • 1 month later...

Greetings to the most honored Legate of Mineta (from the purring cat in my lap as I type this); hello, everyone! I have, obviously, just now joined the forums, and while I will probably be busy improving my Infiltration, Hide, and Move Silently (as well as some Negation ...), I may pop in from time to time. My first introduction to Academagia was actually about a year ago, when Bobbin Threadbare's LP showed up in the Archives. Since then I've played the game a bit with a friend's computer and composed some truly terrible fanfiction that will never see the light of day because I haven't written any of it down! Anyway, after going to the wiki and noticing that Year 2 is going to be released soon, I've gone ahead and bought the game for myself. You learn so much more when you can take your own time through the beauty that is this game.


Good fortune to all, may the weather ever be on your side, and to the team: take your time!

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  • 1 month later...



I just finished my first playthrough. I like games with RPG elements (the more the better) and I just love how much thought has gone into the world and the characters. It's so immersive and so addictive. Since I'm gonna be around for a while, scouring this forum for information on how to be at least moderately good at the game, I might as well say hello and join the discussions. So... hi! :)

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Welcome Arpho

@Leoshi as if someone who just played the game once would care if there are some more adventures in it or not as long he don't know most of the other adventures. At last I doubt he would wait for the next game for the next DLC like I do. (After all the Legate announced it should be release by end of this month and I realy hope my trust in the Legate is not wrong on this)

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Hi I just game across this game today. I like games that involve character development and I came across this when trying to find games in a magic school setting.


My username is a combination of my two zodiac signs, I also like playing don't starve and have mixed tastes when it comes to music.

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I don't think I've ever tried Don't starve, seen a bit of footage though,.. and you can't argue that it isn't sound advice... You shouldn't not argue that it is not unsound advice... <- That sentence looks better than it is said.


... and it is sound advice. There. No dual or quardruple negatives and easier to read to boot.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Hello! I finally started playing the game about a week ago.

Aggressive lurking the past week, but I've absorbed about 70%? of the useful information in the forum so I should come out and say hi.


Love the game, the idea behind it, the sandbox-iness, the 1000s of skills, the hint at something bigger in certain adventures.


Hardcore Vernin but sad that crafting and consumables are so incomplete/poorly thought out.


I still feel dirty after completing Rikildis's adventure...


Poor Rieulle, nobody deserves this!

I will take Music for my next character as penance.

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Hello! I finally started playing the game about a week ago.

Aggressive lurking the past week, but I've absorbed about 70%? of the useful information in the forum so I should come out and say hi.


Love the game, the idea behind it, the sandbox-iness, the 1000s of skills, the hint at something bigger in certain adventures.


Hardcore Vernin but sad that crafting and consumables are so incomplete/poorly thought out.


I still feel dirty after completing Rikildis's adventure...


Poor Rieulle, nobody deserves this!

I will take Music for my next character as penance.


Hello there !


Always good to see new members in the forums.


You did the right choice by choosing Vernin for your scolarship at the Academagia. I am sure you will enjoy your stay among the elites of the magic community. :)

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I still feel dirty after completing Rikildis's adventure...

Welcome to College Aranaz, please proceed to Regent von Rupprecht's office for a detailed lecture on ends, means, justifications, the methodology behind evil plots how to be a perfectly nice person and Orthography. Not necessarily in that order.


Just a curiosity, but why College Vernin?

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So I can be rivals with joana and philippe in future;

There are only 2 compulsory classes and they just happen to fit my char RP wise (I will branch out into other character archetypes after i feel like I have made a near-perfect Y2 save for my main);

I like Louise;

The Keystone adventure is so cool.


That should be it, but I intend to give the other colleges a try each after I get my super Y2 save.

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So I can be rivals with joana and philippe in future;

There are only 2 compulsory classes and they just happen to fit my char RP wise (I will branch out into other character archetypes after i feel like I have made a near-perfect Y2 save for my main);

I like Louise;

The Keystone adventure is so cool.


That should be it, but I intend to give the other colleges a try each after I get my super Y2 save.

That reminds me, there was this event where Louise beat up both Joana and philippe in the same instance. I think She beat up Philippe first, then Joana came running being very upset about Louise beating up her favrite bully and ended up getting floored aswell(While I was cheering on Louise).


Think you have to be damn good at cheering, whatever skill that was, which kind of made her think my character was weird but she still appreciated the support.


Louise knows how to fend for herself(Athlete with wrestling skills) and she has a "HAWK"(I think her hawk is less diplomatic than my hawk however) which happens to be my favrite type of familiar ;) She hasn't made it into my clique in any of my games yet though.

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Also, my own wrestling skill was even marked as a green option, but I didn't think it was my place to actually interfere in their personal issues just for the sake of selfglorification. Instead I showed my support to the character whom I thought was in the right, Louise was defending herself, good on her!

Also, we were both Vernin so it made double sense to support her against those Morvidus "loosers".


If there would ever be some dueling competitions or martial challenges I would expect Lousie and Vincent Eins to be on the top. Louise might not be interested in partisipating unless she's persuaded or goaded into it though. Or unless the teachers put her up to partisipating, then she would sit there between matches frowning at this waste of time and effort, or something like that.

Then when the professor in charge hands her the trophy she would ask, "Can I go now?".

Her hawk on the otherhand seems to enjoy picking fights and terrorising people. Maybe her hawk would encourage her to partisipate.

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So I can be rivals with joana and philippe in future;

There are only 2 compulsory classes and they just happen to fit my char RP wise (I will branch out into other character archetypes after i feel like I have made a near-perfect Y2 save for my main);

I like Louise;

The Keystone adventure is so cool.


That should be it, but I intend to give the other colleges a try each after I get my super Y2 save.

Joana and Philippe are the last people that need a College tradition to tell them who they can be rivals with. Well, no, actually the last person would be Aveline. That girl is just plain crazy, college loyalty be damned.

Know the feeling. My first character was also in Vernin, but that was back in DLC 15 and I've yet to play a DLC 16 game with a Vernin kid.

Louise is one of those kids I suspect I'll end up seeing after the year we're in passes graduation and my training is complete. And I will rue the day I see her again, no doubt.

There's many an awesome adventure in this game. Seriously, there's a ton of them. The Keystone is one of those that are, indeed, awesome, but I'd rather not have happen to my PC. I've got enough to worry about as is.


Have fun with that. Oh, and fun fact, Louise Kandinsky is enrolled in both of College Morvidus' mandatory classes, so she sees the Morvidus kids a whole lot.

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Being rivals with those is indeed something so glorious that it is even open to students of their own college -possibly on day one if you choose the bitter hatreds background and get a bad roll.


I'm a big adventure fan myself, there are over 200 up on the wiki now (be warned, stated DC's are often estimated) and if you are going for a "killer2 character for Yr 2 adventures would be a good way to get one.

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  • 6 months later...

Okay, this thread looks to have died right long ago, but I reckon it's still the place to do this so here goes.


I am Wild, I just downloaded this game now, but I think it looks pretty good. I'm looking forward to figuring out how to play it and meeting all of you!

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