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Freespacia would be founded as an independent city-state, and would endeavor to:


1. Completely Revamp or eliminate ~90% of copyright/patent laws.

2. Have a minimum of government. (No postal service, or anything that could be reasonably done private sector)

3. Outlaw fractional reserve banking.

4. Focus on libertarian ideals. (Almost anything would be allowed that didn't take another's life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness)

5. Rely on the Swiss model for military defense.

6. Keep taxes to a minimum. (So no subsidies, or "foreign aid" or crap)

7. Draft the politicians like Jury duty.

8. Keep Silver and gold as currency.


Statist! True libertarian would use world 'taxes' only while cursing. Interesting that even minarchists think of government as something that can be contained.

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In a perfect universe I agree there would be no taxes or government. (nor need for them.) We don't live in one, however, and so it is inevitable that such things are "needed". To call me a statist when I so very strongly believe in individualism is a fairly big insult. I am simply willing to compromise a little bit. People who cannot compromise at all usually wind up in bad positions, I'm afraid. The US founding fathers believed that government is at best a necessary evil and at worst an intolerable one. I tend to agree with that.


This really isn't the place for this discussion, but I will continue...


You can't really stop government from growing. I acknowledge this, but with proper safeguards it is possible to slow it down. Primarily the way to do this is to limit it's ability to raise income. Printing money, Income tax, social "security"... All of those things would be abolished forever if I had my way, and if you think about it, if JUST those were dissallowed, authoritarian "statist" governments as we see today would not be possible. They would go broke without the ability to tax through inflation alone.


Still, The only way to "contain" government is through force. Plain and simple. It's for that reason that Thomas Jefferson hoped that the US never went 20 years without a rebellion. I don't claim to have all the answers to all of these problems, but I do know one thing: The best solutions for just about any problem are usually ones which do not apply to everyone. For this reason above all else I would say to you, if I ever did (though I couldn't possibly) create such a place, I would welcome you to do better. You would be more than welcome to copy what you liked and canned that which you hated. I would do the same, because again, one size doesn't fit all. :)

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Your conclusion is wrong: the State isn't something inevitable. It's evil we're so used to that alternatives look appalling to a 'normal' person. And peaceful stateless societies did exist before, and still exist these days, albeit in rather poor regions where governments have nothing to gain.


And you're wrong when you describe yourself as a non-statist: in the post I've referred to you fantasized about rising land from sea and building ideal (in your opinion) society, and it had a state, albeit a small one. If your ideal includes a state, you can't be fully averse to it. I'm sorry to offend you but this is direct conclusion from your post. Correct definition of your believes would be 'minarchism'.

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Hai, would you two like me to kickstart a new thread about your utopia government so you all can talk over there?


Good, that would be $200,000 in cash. I also accept paypal. ;)

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haha! Yeah, enough hijacking the thread! :)


I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. One small thing before I refuse to comment anymore on this, though. According to Webster's dictionary:


statist = an advocate of statism


statism = concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government (ie, not just any government) often extending to government ownership of industry


Which is the opposite of the ideal I would like to see, hence I see it as an insult.


But ENOUGH! :) We don't need to start a flame war over fantasy.


Ohh, CATS!

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Turnbased Strategie that plays in a limited part of our History is not my thing but I know some people like such settings.


At The Gates from Jon Shafer (CIV V) plays at the end of the Roman Empier where the player is a Barbarian Clan.

Technologies will be discovered from the Roman instead of Researched, your citys (Camps there) can be moved and Resources get depleted are theyr selling points.

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Turnbased Strategie that plays in a limited part of our History is not my thing but I know some people like such settings.


At The Gates from Jon Shafer (CIV V) plays at the end of the Roman Empier where the player is a Barbarian Clan.

Technologies will be discovered from the Roman instead of Researched, your citys (Camps there) can be moved and Resources get depleted are theyr selling points.

Can someone tell me when they hit the $50k for Mod support? As then this game might become interesting to me even with not liking the timeperiod of the base game.

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Did the art designer from 'At the Gates' count among these half-naked women? Cause she seems to have more clothes on than I do! (if the weather or indoor climate allows for T-shirts :P (I usually don't wear a hat you see)



A kickstart for the promotion of dressing up scantly clad persons of the female gender with the purpose of alleviating geeks of the male gender's inability to think without the disturbance of hormones.

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Sounds like somebody's thinking for other people. While I have no vested interest in the subject at hand, I say let them do as they wish. They're not hurting anyone. :)


I'm reminded of what happened to Penny arcade. It's a perfect example of what happens when people start thinking for others.




(scroll down to the part where it says. "THE BOOBS")


(there are no actual boobs.)

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Hummm not really sure, how would you normally use 'redacted' in a sentence?


The closest I'd guess would be 'redigeret'. Though, if it is 'redacted by the editors' it would be 'redigeret af redaktionen' the last bit might seem familiar? :)


(Freespace, nu skal du bare melde dig til dansk-kurser så køre det for dig! - ikke at jeg ved hvad man skulle bruge det til, men hvad, det kan jo ikke skade. - og hvis du kan forstå alt det så tager jeg sku hatten af!)



(google translate of the above: Now you just sign up for Danish courses run it for you! - Not that I know what to use it for, but what it can do no harm. - And if you can understand everything so I'll fucking hat! )


(just to be clear, I'm not fucking hats, nor was it in any way close to what I wrote.)


LOL I tried letting it retranslate the english to danish... much fun was had.

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